Name: ______Period: ______

Short Story Unit: Major AssessmentELA 7R

Characterization Compare/Contrast Essay

Throughout our studies in this unit, we have interacted with various characters and their personalities. Most specifically, we have focused on the authors/protagonists/narrators Julia Alvarez and Ernesto Galarza.

By examining how each of these two characters are characterized, you will be able to write an essay in which you assert whether the two characters have more similarities or differences.

Essay Prompt:


Compare = find similarities vsContrast = find differences

Therefore, you need to make the claim that Alvarez & Galarza are either more similar or different to one another.

As a review, let’s examine the many facets of characterization and how they apply to each of the two characters:

Characterization: the way an author reveals a character and their personality

Types of characterization:

  • DIRECT: audience is TOLD what a character is like
  • INDIRECT: audience is SHOWN what a character is like through…
  • Actions
  • Dialogue said by character
  • Dialogue said about character
  • Thoughts


Let’s take a close look at how Alvarez and Galarza are characterized:

Characterization: Julia Alvarez

Type of Characterization / Example(s) from story / What it reveals about the character & personality
(ex: physical appearance)
  • Actions

  • Dialogue said by character

  • Dialogue said about the character

  • Thoughts

Characterization: Ernesto Galarza

Type of Characterization / Example(s) from story / What it reveals about the character & personality
(ex: physical appearance)
  • Actions

  • Dialogue said by character

  • Dialogue said about the character

  • Thoughts


Compare/Contrast Characterization

Alvarez Galarza


Rough Draft


  • Introduce your reader to the stories and any background you know.
  • Find the balance between too vague and too specific.
  • Claim (Thesis statement/Topic Sentence):
  • It should address the prompt and present the main idea & argument of the essay.
  • It should NEVER be a question or a fact.
  • It should be something you can support with examples from the text.
  • Sample paragraph:

“Names/Nombres” is an autobiographical short story by Julia Alvarez in which the author shares her experience growing up multicultural. Alvarez recounts how she was able to overcome the obstacles of being both Dominican and American, and learn to take pride in both of her cultures. Similarly, Ernesto Galarza shares his experience growing up a multicultural boy in America in the excerpt of his memoir “Barrio Boy.” Galarza also learns how to overcome the hardships involved in being Mexican American at a young age. Julia Alvarez, the author of “Names/Nombres,” is characterized as similar to Ernesto Galarza, the author of “Barrio Boy,” in order for the reader to recognize how comparable their experiences are.


- formal language

-transitions used

-authors, titles, & genres mentioned

-claim is made at end of paragraph and easily transitions into Paragraph #2


  • Topic sentence provides overview of paragraph (intention to characterize Alvarez)
  • Accurately and thoroughly describes HOW character is characterized
  • Include specific examples of both direct AND indirect characterization
  • Uses direct quotes and paraphrases
  • incorporate least 2 direct quotes
  • includeauthor’s last name and page numbers in parenthesis after quote but before end punctuation (NO commas or additional wording necessary!)
  • Last sentence should transition to next paragraph
  • Sample Paragraph:

The author describes herself both directly and indirectly as young woman growing up with confusion about her multicultural identity. Though the story is set in the United States where Alvarez was actually born (Alvarez 9), much of her internal conflict stems from her Dominican roots and how they figure into American society. In terms of direct characterization, Alvarez states, “By the time I was in high school, I was a popular kid, and it showed in my name” (Alvarez 9). Yet, this popularity did not equate to her having an easy time identifying multiculturally. On the same page, Alvarez is indirectly characterized through dialogue said by her classmates and teachers when they call her “Juliet,” “Alcatraz,” and “Hey Jude” (Alvarez 9). This helps the reader understand Alvarez’s dilemma, because despite her popularity and being well-liked by her teachers and classmates, she still struggles with maintaining her Dominican culture. The author gives us these details so that the reader can appreciate the hardships she faced attempting to identify as both American and Dominican. This confusion about identifying as multicultural is a major theme in “Names/Nombres,” as well as in “Barrio Boy.”


-both direct & indirect characterization included

-two direct quotes in quotation marks, page number after quotes but

before period

-quotes support the thesis

-paragraph analyzes (explains using details) what the author was

trying to do through characterization

-last sentence sets up the next paragraph (transitional sentence)


  • Topic sentence provides overview of paragraph (intention to characterize Galarza)
  • Accurately and thoroughly describes HOW character is characterized
  • Include specific examples of both direct AND indirect characterization
  • Uses direct quotes and paraphrases
  • incorporate least 2 direct quotes
  • include page numbers in parenthesis after quote but before end punctuation
  • Last sentence should transition to next paragraph
  • Sample paragraph should be similar to example from paragraph 2, except focusing on Galarza instead of Alvarez.


  • Topic sentence provides overview to paragraph (tells reader whether the two characters are more easily compared or contrasted)
  • Use at least three specific examples to show the qualities and personality traits that support your claim.
  • These should already be established in your characterization paragraphs.
  • Uses direct quotes and/or paraphrasing prove your examples.
  • include page numbers in parenthesis after quote but before end punctuation
  • Sample Paragraph:

Though Alvarez and Galarza experience strikingly different childhoods, their stories reveal that they have more in common than not. First, both Alvarez and Galarza are characterized being misunderstood by their teachers. Alvarez feels misunderstood by her teachers when they mispronounce her name (Alvarez 9), while Galarza fears his teachers at Lincoln because he does not trust they will understand him and his language (Galarza 5). In addition, Alvarez and Galazra are both children who struggle with identity. At first in “Names/Nombres,” Alvarez is angry when her Dominican heritage is not respected or acknowledged, but later she is ashamed of her Dominican culture and wishes she could simply be American and blend in (Alvarez 9-10). Similarly, Galarza also has difficulty determining his identity at his new school. He is shy and unsure of who to trust at Lincoln, because everything seems so different from his old school (Galarza 5). He does not find himself comfortable with his Mexican heritage until late into the school year when he sees that he is not the only “different” student attending Lincoln (Galarza 7). Finally, both characters are revealed to have found a balance and pride in their multiculturalism. Alvarez is characterized as proud of her multiculturalism by the end of the story when she decides to use her Dominican name as an American writer (Alvarez 11). Along the same lines, Galarza is able to respect himself and his classmates and their multiple cultural heritages through his experience at Lincoln (Galarza 7-8).


-topic sentence either addresses the characters being comparable or


-transitions used

-examples and page numbers cited to show compare/contrast

between characterizations

Paragraph 5: CONCLUSION

  • Close your paragraph by reminding your audience of your claim(main idea/thesis).
  • Did you claim that Alvarez and Galarza are more easily compared or contrasted?
  • Highlight your support for your arguments without being too specific.
  • Use a transitional word to begin paragraph
  • (Ex: Therefore, Thus, In conclusion, Finally, In closing)
  • Sample Paragraph:

Therefore, the characterization of both Alvarez and Galarza prove that the two

authors are quite comparable. Both protagonists are revealed to be multicultural young people overcoming obstacles in America. Each character has difficulty in school, and fear being misunderstood by teachers and classmates. The brunt of their conflict, however, occurs because Alvarez and Galarza both face identity crises in which they must learn to be proud of both of their heritages. In the end, Alvarez and Galarza are characterized as young people who overcome issues with multicultural identities and learn to appreciate both of their cultures, making them more alike than different.


-transitions used

-elements of characterization that compare/contrast characters are


-clincher sentence at the end ties up “loose ends” and brings essay to

natural end

Great job! You are now prepared to type your draft. Remember to bring your flash drive

to the computer lab. When typing this assignment, please set up your paper as follows:

  • Use this heading
  • 12 point font
  • Times New Roman font
  • Double-spaced


-Did you use direct quotes and paraphrasing that are cited in parentheses

with author’s last name and page #?

-Did you indent each new paragraph?

-Did you remove any instances in which you used first person (NO “I think”

or “My opinion”)?

-Did you use transitions between ideas/paragraphs?

Peer revise, make corrections, and print off your final draft…

DUE ______