Student Records:
Registration Course Put Up
Registration Course Put Up
This program is designed to allow users to register students for courses in the selected semester and academic year. If the student is already registered, or has courses in the selected semester the user is given the option to delete one or more of the existing courses or add more courses. This program cannot process students with a hold or who are completely withdrawn. The program will verify all course additions that will create a schedule conflict or cause the Dean’s Limit to be exceeded. Course duplication within the same semester will not be allowed.
There are two things that can be done using this program. The user can (1) delete existing courses, and/or (2) register students for new courses.
- To delete a course:
- Select a student to process.
- Select a course by checking the associated check box, even if the student is only registered for one course; however more than one course can be deleted at once by checking multiple boxes.
- Click the gray box marked Delete indicated course(s).
- This will automatically delete the course and adjust the Total Active Credits value.
- Registering students for new courses:
- The user must be in the correct Semester and Academic Year in order to register a student. For example: Fall registration begins during the Spring semester. In order to register a student for Fall semester classes, the user must select the Fall semester and the correct Academic Year.
- Select a student to process.
- Enter the entire course code of the new course(s) in the space provided.
- The student can be registered for more than one course at a time. Enter all course codes of the courses for which the student wishes to register separating each course by a comma, ampersand (&) or plus sign (+). For example: MAN 101-03, CHEM 105-01 & MATH 133-03
- Separating courses with an ampersand or a plus sign indicates that you want to register for all courses or none of them.
- By entering courses in this way, you will register for MAN 101-03, and either both CHEM 105-01 and MATH 133-03 or neither of them.
- If you register for courses that are co-requisites of each other, they must be entered together and separated by an ampersand (&).
- Please note that the entire course code; including the course type, number, and section, must be entered. If all of this information has not been provided, the user will receive an error message: Invalid Course Code to add or missing/invalid delimiter.
- Either a space or a dash must separate the course’s number and section or a comma, ampersand or plus sign must separate the courses must be entered.
- Other error messages are discussed below.
- Once the correct course number(s) has been entered, click the gray box marked Register for course code(s) to register the student.
- Possible Error Messages:
- Student is not eligible to register at this time – The student is not eligible to register at this time, please check the Registration Schedule to find out when the student will be able to register for classes.
- Course not available for current term and year – One of the courses entered for registration is not being offered during the selected semester and academic year. This could be due to a typographical error.
- Invalid Division for Course - cannot register for course – The course belongs to a different division and is not open to registration from outside the division. For example, a Day & Evening student cannot be registered for a Law School course.
- Prerequisites/Comments are: Laboratory fee $50 meets… Verify that student satisfies prerequisites/comments. - This message is posted in order for the Advisor to verify that the student has met all prerequisite requirements and make note of any course comments.
- Student is already registered for a class in this time period – The course being registered for is conflicting with a course that is already part of the student’s schedule.
- Dean's Limit will be exceeded – There are a specific number of seats allotted for each course. The user will receive this notification if by registering a student for a specific course the Dean’s Limit will be exceeded.
- Student will have over 17 credits. Cannot register for this class. – The student must have special permission in order take more than seventeen credits during a semester.
Hold(s) in effect – The student will not be allowed to register for classes if he/she has any holds on his/her record.
Written by: Robin L. Salomon
Revised: 3/10/04