commentator’s script Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
It is important for the Cantor/Commentator to have (and refer to) the PEW CARD so that s/he may recite the proper responses throughout the entire liturgy. Such responses should be declared clearly and with appropriate cadence so that the rest of the Faithful may join together in declarations/responses.
2 minutes prior to the Introductory Rites, the Commentator begins:
Welcome to the Church of St. Maryon this Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. As you are here to worship God, you can do so by switching off any personal electronic devices, and to participate fully by singing out and praying aloud. Help us praise God well.
Announcements to be made by the Commentator are inserted here:
...see separate sheet if provided. If not provided, move on…
At the Vigil Mass:
Glorious things are spoken of you, O Mary, who today were exalted above the choirs of Angels into eternal triumph with Christ.
At the Mass During the Day:
A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon beneath her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars.
Immediately, the Commentator continues:
Let us call to mind our personal intentions and prepare to worship God in this liturgy.
Additional special Instructions by the Commentator to the Faithful throughout the Liturgy, only if needed:
Immediately after washing hands/lavabo:Please stand.
Immediately after the sanctus:Please kneel.
Immediately after the Great Amen:Please stand.
Prayerof the Faithful (or Universal Prayer) ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY
Introduction to the Prayer by the Priest Celebrant
†Blessings abound
for those who place their trust in God.
Let us pray now for all who seek
the blessings of healing, peace,
and reconciliation.
[Petitions of prayer are proclaimed by the Lector]
Concluding Prayer by the Priest Celebrant
†O God,
in the Virgin Mary
you bless all peoples.
Grant that we
who pray for your continued blessing
may experience your mighty deeds
from age to age.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Prayerof the Faithful (or Universal Prayer) ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY
For Francis our Popeand Edward our Bishop, that they will be inspired by the example of the Blessed Virgin Mary, as the Church strives to help the suffering… We pray to the Lord.
That those who hold public office will come to the aid of those in need by creating policies that address ignorance, prejudice, disease, poverty, terrorism, famine, and violence… We pray to the Lord.
That people in all stages of life, especially the unborn and the elderly, will be blessed in the love of Mary and Elizabeth… We pray to the Lord.
That those who work the land and the sea will be blessed abundantly by Mary, Our Lady of the Harvest… We pray to the Lord.
That men will answer the call to the priesthood that God has for them… We pray to the Lord.
That people will respond, as Mary did, to God’s call to be servants and to be compassionate to those who are less fortunate… We pray to the Lord.
For the suffering, (especially ______), may they know healing and wholeness… We pray to the Lord.
Finally, for those who have died, Olga Wilson, and especially for:
8amThose whom we remember in silence
May they rest forever in the loving embrace of God, in company with the Blessed Virgin Mary…We pray to the Lord.