Condition / Pre-Screen[1] / Score for Full
Pre-Screen / Screen / Assessment / Referral / Intervention
Age Group[2] / Risk Level / Action
anxiety / GAD-2 / 3 / GAD-7 / TAY /
- Med (10)
- High (15)
- Yellow Flag: Psycho-education; Motivational Interviewing; Collaboration with MD; EMR
- Red Flag: Same as above + Referral/warm handoff
Adult /
- Med (10)
- High (15)
- Yellow Flag: Psycho-education; Motivational Interviewing; Collaboration with MD; EMR
- Red Flag: Same as above + Referral/warm handoff
Older Adult /
- Med (10)
- High (15)
- Yellow Flag: Psycho-education; Motivational Interviewing; Collaboration with MD; EMR; Refer to UCI IMPACT if functioning impaired and/or health affected by anxiety
- Red Flag: Same as above + Referral to UCI IMPACT
depression / PHQ-2 / 3 / PHQ-9 / TAY /
- Med (10)
- High (15)
- Yellow Flag: Psycho-education; Motivational Interviewing; Collaboration with MD; EMR
- Red Flag: Same as above + Referral/warm hand-off
Adult /
- Med (10)
- High (15)
- Yellow Flag: Psycho-education; Motivational Interviewing; Collaborationwith MD; EMR
- Red Flag: Same as above + Referral/warm handoff
Older Adult /
- Med (10)
- High (15)
- Yellow Flag: Psycho-education; Motivational Interviewing; Collaboration with MD; EMR; Refer to UCI IMPACT, if functioning impaired and/or health affected by depression
- Red Flag: Same as above + Referral to UCI IMPACT
Orange County SBIRT Collaborative Screening Overview
Condition / Pre-Screen / Score for Full
Pre-Screen / Screen / Assessment / Referral / Intervention
Age Group / Risk Level / Action
trauma / GAD-2 / 3 / PCL-C / TAY /
- Med/High (25)
- Psycho-education; Motivational Interviewing; Collaboration with MD; EMR; Referral/warm hand-off
Adult /
- Med/High(25)
- Psycho-education; Motivational Interviewing; Collaboration with MD; EMR; Referral/warm hand-off
Older Adult /
- Med/High (25)
- Psycho-education; Motivational Interviewing; Collaboration with MD; EMR; Refer to UCI IMPACT
alcohol / AUDIT-C (3) / Women- 3
Men- 4
(w/ 1+ pts from
Q’s #6 or 7) / AUDIT (10) / TAY /
- Med
- High
- Psycho-education; Motivational Interviewing; Collaboration with MD; EMR; Referral/warm hand-off
Adult /
- Med (8-19)
- High(20)
- Psycho-education; Motivational Interviewing; Collaboration with MD; EMR; Referral/warm hand-off
Older Adult /
- Med (8-19)
- High(20)
- Psycho-education; Motivational Interviewing; Collaboration with MD; EMR; Referral/warm hand-off
drugs / Dr. Saitz’s1-Q / YES / DAST (28) / TAY /
- Med/High(12)
- Psycho-education; Motivational Interviewing; Collaboration with MD; EMR; Referral/warm hand-off
Adult /
- Med/High(12)
- Psycho-education; Motivational Interviewing; Collaboration with MD; EMR; Referral/warm hand-off
Older Adult /
- Med/High(12)
- Psycho-education; Motivational Interviewing; Collaboration with MD; EMR; Referral/warm hand-off
intimate partner violence / FWV 1-Q / YES / PVS (3) / TAY /
- Med/High(1)
- Identify reporting requirements; Psycho-education; Motivational Interviewing; Collaboration with MD; EMR; Referral/warm hand-off
Adult /
- Med/High
- Identify reporting requirements; Psycho-education; Motivational Interviewing; Collaboration with MD; EMR; Referral/warm hand-off
Older Adult /
- Med/High
- Identify reporting requirements; Psycho-education; Motivational Interviewing; Collaboration with MD; EMR; Referral/warm hand-off
[1]Total number of items: 9DRAFT 4/26/12
[2] Age groups: Transitional Age Youth (16 –25y), Adults (26-64y), Older Adults (65y +)