Oregon Joint Use Association

Board of Directors

PGE – Kale Street, Salem

Thursday, December 17, 2009

President Mark Beaudry called the meeting was called to order at 10:04 a.m. A quorum was present:

OJUA Board of Directors

December 17, 2009

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Board Members Present

Mark Beaudry, President

Gary Lee, Vice President

Richard Gray, Treasurer

Craig Andrus, Emerald PUD

Bill Tierney, PGE

Diana Winchester, Qwest

Dave Wildman, Monmouth Power,

Immediate Past President

Board Members Absent/Excused

Stuart Sloan, Secretary

Dave Ramsey, Comcast

Jeff Kent, PacifiCorp

Kevin O’Connor, Time Warner

Doug Morten, City of St. Helens


Sharon Black

Genoa Ingram

Mary Tucker

OJUA Board of Directors

December 17, 2009

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Chairman’s President Beaudry provided a review of 2009 noting that three new Board

Comments members had been elected since January, including Brett Anderson, of Bend Broadband, who will represent the cable industry. Bend Broadband has not had a representative on the Board for a number of years. President Beaudry listed other “firsts”, the first annual OJUA all-industry picnic, a major modification to the website, a new OJUA logo, and a four year staffing contract which will hold costs down.

President-Elect Gary Lee thanked President Beaudry for his service and commitment to the OJUA, adding that it was his intent in 2010 to address issues pertaining to joint use and what is fair and reasonable. Noting that the OJUA policies cannot supersede contracts, he provided examples such as inspection/correction mandates which have triggered pole change-outs and the ensuing needs that should be addressed. He added that it was also his intent to increase committee membership and membership in general.

Minutes The minutes of the October 16, 2009 meeting were approved as amended to reflect the policy change from “Chairman” to “President” and a modification to the Treasurer’s report.

Treasurer’s Financial Update Treasurer Gray provided the Treasurer’s report, reviewing

Report assets on hand in checking and CDs. He noted that assets are currently down $2,000 from last year’s total income due to Spring Training registrations. However, end year’s checking forecast is up $6,000 from year end 2008.

2010 Budget Treasurer Gray presented the proposed budget for 2010 and, in response to questions, explained that the carry-over had increased from last year. He suggested a contingency line to reflect future carry-overs. The Board discussed the fact that OJUA dues had never been increased to keep up with inflation.

Motion: Moved by Gray and seconded by Lee to increase dues by fifteen percent. Motion passed.

Motion: Moved by Gray and seconded by Winchester to adopt the budget as modified to create a contingency line. Motion passed.

Committee Publicity and Education Sharon Black reported that the Spring Training

Updates event will once again be held at the Sheraton. One of the proposed giveaways was a safety orange or safety yellow tee shirt with the OJUA logo on the front and possible vendor names on the back. Gary Lee suggested that pocketed tees will get more wear.

Diana Winchester suggested including the OJUA website address. The Committee has received a bid from the Riverhouse in Bend for the Annual Meeting and is considering combining the Annual BBQ with the Annual meeting.

With regard to the Spring Training event, Gary Lee suggested moving beyond the NESC and offered to assist the Committee with creating a program. Sharon Black reported that the Committee had suggested a break-out for NESC for those who have not previously heard the material. Gary Lee and Craig Andrus requested notification for the next P&E meeting.

Conflict Resolution Chair Beaudry noted that Jeff Kent was not present but was working on revisions to Committee’s procedures.

Standards Committee Staff reported that the minutes of the December 11 meeting were attached.

Executive Committees Chair Lee reported that the Executive Committee had kept a close eye on budgeting throughout the year. He acknowledged the high cost of trainers and suggested the possibility of more internal training. President Beaudry commented that the reason trainers command such high fees is that training of any kind is very specialized and cost is a factor associated with any training event.

Legislative Committee Committee Chair Gray reported that the Committee had not met.

Regional Craig Andrus reported that a meeting had recently been held in Eugene and

Meetings there were issues to be worked out.

Industry Gary Lee reported on recent joint use issues in the Seaside/Gearhart area.

Updates Craig Andrus reported issues with wireless entities attaching to streetlights.

Bill Tierney reported that the WEI meeting for 2010 is scheduled for September 26-29 in Vancouver Washington/Portland Oregon, adding that he and Diana Winchester were on the planning Committee.

Old Business Gary Lee questioned Board members regarding their understanding of

reporting requirements and whether email notification indicating, for example, that 50% compliance had been achieved and a plan is in place to be at 100% compliance, is sufficient.. Following discussion, Gary Lee offered to write a letter the first of the year clarifying that email notification would meet the requirements referenced in the OARs. President Beaudry asked how that issue had arisen during rulemaking, to which Gary Lee replied that the ALJ had identified it. Board members expressed their understanding that email notification meets the requirements set out in the administrative rules.

New Craig Andrus reported on a conversation with OPUC staff regarding more

Business. permanent funding of the OJUA and the possibility of grant or sponsorship funds. Richard Gray commented that it would be within the OPUC’s purview to assist with sponsoring training. Gary Lee will pursue it further.

Next The next meeting of the OJUA Board of Directors is scheduled for

Meeting Thursday, March 18, 10:00 a.m. in the Portland area. Staff was asked to forward the meeting schedule for 2010.

Adjourn There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:48 a.m.

OJUA Board of Directors

December 17, 2009

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