October 2014
Version 1.0
Branch Agreement Origination Organizational Model (CTA)
Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 16
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Germany / Building Block Configuration Guide

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SAP Best Practices Branch Agreement Origination Organizational Model (CTA) Configuration Guide


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Icon / Meaning
/ Caution
/ Example
/ Note
/ Recommendation
/ Syntax
/ External Process
/ Business Process Alternative/Decision Choice

Typographic Conventions

Type Style / Description
Example text / Words or characters that appear on the screen. These include field names, screen titles, pushbuttons as well as menu names, paths and options.
Cross-references to other documentation.
Example text / Emphasized words or phrases in body text, titles of graphics and tables.
EXAMPLE TEXT / Names of elements in the system. These include report names, program names, transaction codes, table names, and individual key words of a programming language, when surrounded by body text, for example, SELECT and INCLUDE.
Example text / Screen output. This includes file and directory names and their paths, messages, source code, names of variables and parameters as well as names of installation, upgrade and database tools.
EXAMPLE TEXT / Keys on the keyboard, for example, function keys (such as F2) or the ENTER key.
Example text / Exact user entry. These are words or characters that you enter in the system exactly as they appear in the documentation.
<Example text> / Variable user entry. Pointed brackets indicate that you replace these words and characters with appropriate entries.


1 Purpose 5

2 Preparation 5

2.1 Prerequisites 5

3 Basic System Configuration 5

3.1 Set Country-Specific Checks 5

3.2 XIF Adapter Setup 6

3.2.1 Sites and Subscriptions 6

3.2.2 Assign Site and BDoc Type to Interface Type 7

4 Business Role Configuration 7

4.1 Copy Authorization Roles to Customer Namespace 7

4.2 Define Business Role 8

5 Set Up System Users 8

5.1 Set Up Authorizations 8

5.1.1 Generate Authorization Profiles 9

5.2 Create System Users 10

5.2.1 Create Users 10

5.3 Adapt System Users 12

6 Organizational Data Maintenance 12

6.1 Set Up Integration Business Partner – Organizational Management 13

6.1.1 Define Number Range for Organizational Business Partners 13

6.1.2 Define Grouping for Organizational Business Partners 14

6.1.3 Map Identification Numbers 15

6.1.4 Set Up Integration with Organizational Management 15

6.2 Organizational Units 16

6.2.1 Create and Assign Organizational Units 16

6.2.2 Deactivate Sales Organization Determination from C02 18

6.3 Holder for Positions 19

6.3.1 Create Employees 19

6.3.2 Create Positions and Assign Position to Org Units 21

6.3.3 Assign Employees to Positions 22

6.3.4 Assign Business Roles to Positions 24

6.4 Organizational Structure Check 26

6.4.1 Update List of Organizational Units 26

© SAP SE Page 8 of 26

SAP Best Practices Branch Agreement Origination Organizational Model (CTA) Configuration Guide

Branch Agreement Origination Organizational Model: Configuration Guide

1  Purpose

This configuration guide provides the information you need to set up the configuration of this building block manually.

2  Preparation

2.1  Prerequisites

Make sure that all building block configuration guides, as per the prerequisites matrix, are implemented before starting this configuration.

3  Basic System Configuration

3.1  Set Country-Specific Checks


Rules and regulations for bank and postal data are defined for each country.

These settings are defined in the ISO standard and need to be checked accordingly.


1.  Call the activity by choosing the following navigation path:

Transaction code / SPRO
IMG menu / SAP NetWeaver ® General Settings ® Set Countries ® Set Country-Specific Checks

2.  On the Change View “Country Field Checks”: Overview screen, double-click the following entry:

Field name / Entry Value /
Country (*) / DE

(*) Personalized field

3.  On the Change View “Country Field Checks”: Details screen, make the following setting:

Key Field / Value / Short Text /
Bank Key / 1 / Bank number

4.  On the same screen, make the following settings:

Key Field / Length / Checking Rule / Description
Postal Code Length (**) / 5 / 4 / Length to be kept to exactly, numerical, without gaps
Bank account number (**) / 14 / 2 / Maximum value length, numerical, without gaps
Bank number length (**) / 8 / 4 / Length to be kept to exactly, numerical, without gaps
Post bank acct no. (**) / 10 / 1 / Maximum value length, without gaps
VAT Registration no. (**) / 11 / 3 / Length to be kept to exactly, without gaps

(**) Personalized fields, must be appropriate for the actual situation in the specific country.

5.  Check further checks.

6.  Save your settings if the change is made.

3.2  XIF Adapter Setup

3.2.1  Sites and Subscriptions


In this step, you define sites and subscriptions for data exchange between CRM and PI.


1.  Call the activity by choosing the following navigation path:

Transaction code / SPRO
SAP CRM IMG menu / Customer Relationship Management ® CRM Middleware and Related Components ® Communication Setup ® Create Sites and Subscriptions

2.  Select the relevant object type Site and choose Create.

3.  Enter the name and description, for example XI_SITE.

4.  Select External Interface for XI as the type.

5.  Choose Site Attributes.

6.  Enter the business system (for example: Integration_Server_X73). The list of available business systems is read from the SLD.

7.  In the dialog box that appears, choose OK and save your data.

8.  If the All Business Transactions (MESG) subscription already exists: On the Dependent Information tab page, choose the Create pushbutton (sheet of paper icon) and search for the subscription and select it. Save your changes. If the All Business Transactions (MESG) subscription does not exist, proceed with Step 9.

9.  In the left-hand pane, change the object type to Subscriptions. Choose the Display <® Change pushbutton until the Create pushbutton (sheet of paper icon) is enabled.

10.  Choose the Create pushbutton.

11.  A Wizard opens. Enter the subscription name “All Business Transactions (MESG)” and select the publication “All Business Transactions (MESG)” using input help.

12.  On the next screen, choose the Create pushbutton above the list.

13.  In the input help dialog box, select XI_SITE.

14.  Choose Continue and then save your entries.

3.2.2  Assign Site and BDoc Type to Interface Type


Perform this step to assign sites and BDoc types to interface types .


1.  Call the activity by choosing the following navigation path:

Transaction code / SPRO
SAP CRM IMG menu / Customer Relationship Management ® CRM Middleware and Related Components ® Exchanging Data with External Components ® XIF Adapter Setup ® Outbound Direction ® Assign Site and BDoc Type to Interface Type

2.  Enter the following values:

Site / Site Type / BDOC Type / Interface Name / Complete / Return /

3.  Save your entries.

4  Business Role Configuration

4.1  Copy Authorization Roles to Customer Namespace


You use this activity to set up authorization roles.


The authorization roles are delivered in the SAP namespace because they are considered to be used as templates for a customer-specific authorization concept.

As a prerequisite for customer-specific modifications, the roles have to be copied to the customer namespace (Y_ or Z_*).


1.  Call the activity by choosing one of the following navigation options:

Transaction code / PFCG
SAP CRM IMG menu / Customer Relationship Management ® UI Framework ® Business Roles ® Define Authorization Role

2.  Enter the first SAP role ID (see list below) and choose Role ® Copy from the menu.

3.  Enter the new customer role ID (see list below) in the to role field and choose the Copy All pushbutton.

4.  Repeat these steps for the following roles:

SAP Role / Customer Role /

Transport these roles by choosing the truck icon or Role ® Transport from the menu.

Make sure that the customer roles are created with the exact same role IDs listed in the table above, since these role IDs will be assigned to business roles and users in the following steps.

4.2  Define Business Role


You use this activity to define business role.


1.  Call the activity by choosing the following navigation path:

Transaction code / SPRO
SAP CRM IMG menu / Customer Relationship Management ® UI Framework ® Business Roles® Define Business Role

2.  Select the business role FSAO_MANAGER.

3.  Copy the business role FSAO_MANAGER.

4.  Change the ID from FSAO_MANAGER to YTBRMFSAOMGR and enter YTBRM FS Sales Manager as the Description.

5.  Specify Y_CRM_UIU_FSAO_MANAGER as the PFCG Role ID.

6.  Save your entries.

5  Set Up System Users

5.1  Set Up Authorizations


The SAP authorization concept protects transactions, programs, and services in SAP systems from unauthorized access. On the basis of the authorization concept, the administrator assigns authorizations to the users that determine which actions a given user can execute in the SAP system after he or she has logged on to the system and authenticated him or herself.

To access business objects or execute SAP transactions, a user requires corresponding authorizations, since business objects and transactions are protected by authorization objects. The authorizations represent instances of generic authorization objects and are defined depending on the specific activity and responsibilities of the employee in question. The authorizations are combined in an authorization profile that is associated with a specific role. The user administrators then assign the corresponding roles using the user master record so that the user can use the appropriate transactions for his or her tasks.

SAP CRM uses the business role concept in the WebClient UI as a central object for controlling the navigation bar, logical links, and authorizations for users. The business role is assigned to an organizational unit in the organizational model. The user is also assigned to an organizational unit. The business role is assigned to an authorization profile via a PFCG role.


SAP Best Practices for CRM facilitates the definition of an authorization concept by providing preconfigured business roles with navigation bars and logical links adapted to the SAP Best Practices scenario scope. In addition, predefined PFCG roles tailored to the business role scope can be used to automatically create the corresponding authorization profiles.

All authorization profiles can be adapted according to the necessary requirements and the relevant authorization concept that needs to be realized.

5.1.1  Generate Authorization Profiles


The predefined SAP Best Practices PFCG roles (copied to roles Y_* in the Copy Roles to Customer Namespace section) already have authorization object assignments suited to the scope of the Best Practices business roles.

The authorization profiles provided by SAP Best Practices must not be used in a production system because completeness and correctness cannot be guaranteed.
These profiles are intended to be used only as a starting point for the definition of a customer-specific authorization concept.

If this authorization does not apply to your project, you should restrict the rights of the user according to your internal authorization guidelines. See SAP Note 0338537 for some guidelines.


1.  Call the following transaction:

Transaction code / PFCG

2.  In the Role field, enter a single role ID (see list of roles below) and choose the Change pushbutton.

3.  On the Authorizations tab page, choose the Expert mode for Profile Generation pushbutton.