HighCliffe Medical Practice
Practice Manager Kevin Creasey
GP Partners Dr Chris Markwick, Dr Katie Stone & Dr Sharif Hossain
GP Dr Jon Bell GP Registrars Drs Asha Nayak, Huda Wahla, Monica Asongu
Practice Nurse Caron Waters, Karen Peaurt
1. Introduction
1.1 Highcliffe Medical Practice has established a group of willing volunteers and formed Patient Participation Group. To form this group the practice sent out letters to patients, placed posters in surgery waiting rooms and, where possible, at the end of consultations our doctors and nurses discussed the group and its function with patients. The practice also set up a meeting in January 2013 for patients to visit the surgery and listen to presentation describing the function of a PPG and then took the opportunity to answer questions and accept volunteers.
2. Membership
2.1 Our current membership consists of 14 patients who are registered with the practice. The group consist of male and female patients from Higham and Cliffe of varying ages to ensure the group fully represents the population the practice supports. The group is looking to recruit young members but historically this is a demographic group that are difficult to engage. The practice would welcome support from its patients in recruiting members from this particular group.
3. Work Undertaken So Far
· Visions and Values
Highcliffe Medical Practice is very proud of the services it provides and how it provides them. The PPG were asked to provide a set of core values from a patient’s point of view to be used by the practice when it is considering future developments. Below is a summary of what the PPG felt our patients valued and wish to continue:
o Continuity of care
§ Providing appointments with the same doctor or nurse where possible
o The personal touch
§ Calling patients forward for appointments in person by the doctor or nurse
§ Greeted politely at reception by a familiar face
§ Using names rather than numbers
o Keeping patients informed at all times
§ Informing patients when running late
§ Informing patients of changes to services
§ Using multiple means of communication
o Maintaining availability of appointments
§ Keeping the current level of availability of appointments
· Patient Satisfaction Survey
The PPG has reviewed the practice Satisfaction Survey and offered small amendments to ensure it is simple but effective in identifying areas of the practice that require improvement. The group agreed that the practice should implement a trickle survey throughout the year rather than a single annual survey. This will enable the group to review the survey periodically to monitor concerns or the effectiveness of any changes made by the practice. The satisfaction survey will be amended quarterly to ensure it is capturing general overall satisfaction of patients and also measuring specific targeted areas.
The results of the survey undertaken in March 2014 are published in both surgeries and recommendations will be taken to the PPG for further consultation.
· Appointment Triage
The group have endorsed the use of a doctor triaging calls into the practice for appointments on Mondays. The group agreed the benefits to patients and that it provided greater access to clinical staff and more flexibility in terms of not having to attend an appointment unnecessarily.
The practice is currently exploring using a triage system on other days but this will be communicated to patients through the group and posters/letters before implementation.
· Online Appointments/Online Repeat Prescriptions
The group have reviewed and agreed the plans of the practice to promote its online appointment scheme through “Vision Online”. It has also reviewed and agreed plans of the practice to extend online facilities for patients to submit repeat prescriptions. The practice will continue to offer telephone appointments and paper based repeat prescriptions as normal for those who prefer this method of communication.
4. Communicating the work of the PPG
4.1 The practice has published copies of the latest minutes of the PPG that containing a summary of all of the discussion points and actions arising from decisions. Copies of the minutes are also published in surgery waiting rooms for casual interested readers.
5. General Information
5.1 Highcliffe Medical Practice is proud of its appointment system. Feedback from the PPG has suggested that in addition to the very good access to routine and emergency appointments, patients are also pleased with the opportunity to access a doctor or nurse during a weekly early and late session.
5.2 Telephone lines at both surgeries open up to take appointment calls at 08:15 daily and at 15:00hrs during opening hours. Calls for routine advice/blood test results should be made after 11:00 and after 16:00 to avoid excessive calls at peak times of the day.
5.3 The following is a breakdown of both surgery opening times:
Opening Times
Higham Surgery, Hermitage Road, Higham, Rochester, Kent, ME3 7DB
Telephone :01474 823841 Fax:01474 824155
Monday 8 am — 1 pm 2.30 pm — 6 pm
Tuesday 8 am — 1 pm 2.30 pm — 6 pm
Wednesday 8 am — 1 pm 2.30 pm — 6 pm
Thursday 7 am — 1 pm closed pm
Friday 8 am — 1 pm 2.30 pm — 6 pm
Cliffe Surgery, Millcroft Road, Cliffe, Rochester, Kent ME3 7QN
Telephone 01634 220 203 Fax 01634 220 820
Monday 8 am — 1 pm 2.30 pm — 6 pm
Tuesday 8 am — 1 pm 2.30 pm — 7.30 pm
Wednesday 8 am — 1 pm closed pm
Thursday 8 am — 1 pm & 2.30 pm — 6 pm
Friday 8 am — 1 pm & 2.30 pm — 6 pm
Outside these times the 24-hour NHS 111 service can give you healthcare advice or direct you to the local service that can help you best. If you need an ambulance in an emergency dial 999.
5. Conclusion
5.1 2013 has been a busy year for the practice and the PPG. The initial meetings were dedicated to setting up the group, ensuring it represented population and agreeing the terms of reference/aims and objectives of the group. Later meetings have put forward core values to be taken into consideration when developing services or making changes. The group has supported the practice in the implementation of a program of more frequent satisfaction surveys and agreed plans to provide greater accessibility in terms of appointments and repeat prescriptions.
The focus for 2014 will be to:
· Learn more about the experiences of our patients.
· Ensure services are designed and adapted to respond better to the patients needs.
· Promote patient education.
· Improve the quality of care provided.
Highcliffe Medical Practice would like to thank all of PPG members for their commitment and dedication to the practice. We look forward to your continued support and welcome patients who would like to join us.