MSN, PhD, or DNP
The Wisconsin Organization of Nurse Executives has education funds available for Wisconsin nurses seeking an advanced degree related to nursing leadership. One $1,000 one-time scholarship will be awarded for a MSN, PhD or DNP degree in the fall of 2017. Education scholarship applications and supporting documents must be submitted via email no later than August 25, 2017.Membership in WONE/AONE is preferred, however not required.
- The program of study must be:
- An advanced degree substantially related to nursing leadership
- Accredited by a recognized accrediting body
- The applicant must be a current Wisconsin resident
The applicant must submit the following four (4) documents as attachments to the email:
- Application Form, including: (See Application Document)
- Name
- Home Mailing Address
- Preferred telephone number(s)
- Preferred e-mail(s)
- Place of employment (if applicable)
- WisconsinRN licensecertificate of registration number
- Name of school and program of study applicant is enrolled in
- Other funding sourcesreceived such as tuition reimbursement, scholarships, and grants
- Resume or Curriculum Vitae (Remove all identifying information.Include WI RN license number in footer of each page)
- An essay from the applicant describing:(Remove all identifying information. Include WI RN license number in footer of each page)
a. Your professional goals and how you plan to achieve these goals
b. How you currently impact nursing and patient care in your present role
c. What you perceive your role as a future nursing leader to be
d.Topic of planned focus area for research, scholarly, or capstone project
e.Areas of interest, memberships in professional and community organizations,
as well as your contributions
- Completed Enrollment Verification Form from an official representative of the school for the academic year 2017– 2018 (see Enrollment Verification form)
Note to applicant: When saving each document, include your Wisconsin RN license registration number and identification of the document’s contentas part of the file name.
All documents must be submitted electronically. Microsoft applications and PDF files are acceptable.
Submit application to:
Due date is August 25, 2017.
If you have any questions, please contact:
Verna Seitz, MS, RN, NEA-BC, Chair Professional Development Committee
The applicant chosen for the scholarship will be notified by mid-October 2017. The scholarship will be awarded to the individual upon receipt of satisfactory completion of course work with at least a B grade(s) earned.