Write And Read Here for event on the 3rd of October 2014
Workshop Notes - Maureen Sangster and Helen Lamb
Notes on Morning Workshop with MaureenSangster
Under her typed handout- heading in the components and concerns I consider: the group discussed the following:
What kind of group?(Are you delivering to)
Where; what; who? Is it the general public? Do they have literacy needs? Or concentration needs?
Consider the Effects of the writing/ reading activity on the people who come.
Underheading: ‘sourcing reading material’:
Consider: depth, resonance, emotional charge
Think about your language is not too challenging for them? Some people have bad memories from school about learning about poetry.
Some Examples from practice: the
1.Stroke Survivor group
-used pictures and quotes from old famous poems;
2. postcards are good to hand round
3. The State Hospital-(a forensic hospital)- with this kind of group, one should avoid psychological triggers.
“The seasons” is a good prompt;
repeating poems for the group;
- it is difficult to select resources: ”to address the emotions you to tap into feelings and allow discussion to take place-“
Tip- Desiderata
Question on using humorous texts- this is hard as people’s sense of humour varies.
Good contrast with the depth and resonance
if you ask people to bring in texts - it can be difficult.
Discussion on : “We need groundrules in every group”: around this topic our views diverged, as it was felt that some groups, for example, dementia groups, would not be able to develop and agree to the rules.(Christine Cather)
Also, the problem of perhaps asking the group what they like to read,as they often say :’ true life stories’, and this makes a challenge of closing-off some people who may have had very difficult childhoods; when do we want to open up the emotional language? (Alyssa Lee)
Others: non-fiction should not be dismissed
Rather than ground rules, a sense of group ownership is useful, (Wendy Woolfson)
This means: allowing people in the group to have a say. Agreement with th more and more thanis last statement.
In the toolkit- saywhat kind of process is needed; how do you set up an atmosphere;
then go on to specifics of, e.g.ground rules for some groups. (Alyssa Lee)
Notes from Helen Lamb’s afternoon ‘Tried and True’ workshop:
Theme- identity-what's in a name? Helen used Philip Larkin's poem, Maiden name,
We read and discussed.
Then an extract : Sharon Olds, Cobb.
Then, My Name by Kevin Hart.
Then From Orpheus, A version of Rilke’s Die Sonette an Orpheus by Don Paterson.
This was a very rich theme. The discussion covered:
Helen’s group is women who had suffered child sexual abuse, and some change their names.
Explored the sense of self;
Mention of Clarissa Pinkola Estes, ‘Women who run with the wolves.’Good source for stories/psychological aspects.
One’s true name- work by Ursula Leguin, the Earthsea Trilogy, also Robin Hobb fantasy writer.
Final Question
Ending a group- do you want a happy ending?
Or solidarity with group members? Suggestion- Affirmation.