Role play--Supporting the bully Role play—Supporting the victim


Lesson Length: 45 min.

Age/Grade Level: Grades K-5

Subject: Classroom Guidance

Topic: Bullying (Bully Beans)

Seven Habits of Happy Kids—Habit 2, Begin with the end in mind


  1. To educate students about the harm that is caused by bullying.
  2. To show students that they can choose positive ways to handle difficult situations

I Can—

1. Encourage others by using positive statements.

2. Believe in myself and stand up to bullies.


Academic Expectations
2.29 Students demonstrate skills that promote individual well being and healthy family relationships. / KCAS Standards
HE-P-6 Students will become aware of conflict resolution and communication strategies.


In previous lessons, students have learned various strategies for handling conflict. Through this lesson, students will learn positive ways to handle bullies. They will understand the terms “bully, victim, and bystander” and practice strategies to deal with each one.


  1. Book—Bully Beans by Julia Cook.
  2. Bully Beans teachers’ activity and idea book
  3. Jelly beans.
  4. For K-2, page24—coloringsheet
  5. For 3-5, sheet with space to list five mean or hurtful things they have said, and five mean and hurtful things that others have said to them, with page 4—coloring sheet—on the back.
  6. Styrofoam cup
  7. Ball point pen
  8. Clear pitcher filled with colored water
  9. Cake pan, or something to catch the water in “Cup of Self-Esteem” activity.


  1. Read the I Can statements and discuss. Discuss Habit 2, Begin with the end in mind. Emphasize that we need to think of the consequences of our words before we speak.
  2. For gr. 3-5, have students write 5 mean and hurtful things that someone has said to them, and 5 mean and hurtful things that they have said to others. For K-2, brainstorm mean remarks and kind remarks and record on the white board.
  3. From p. 15, do the “Cup of Self-Esteem” activity and discuss. Use students’ ideas for positive statements to fill the pitcher, and negative statements that puncture and drain the cup.
  4. Read the book.
  5. Role play bystanders who stand beside the bully, and bystanders who stand with the victim.
  6. Allow students to color the picture of the students standing with the victim for support.
  7. Give each student 4 or 5 “Bully Beans”—jelly beans.


Student assessment will be accomplished through class discussion, completion of the worksheet, and role-playing.