Youth Poultry Show

Superintendents: Arthur Decker (270) 879-8634 & Shannon Morton (270) 945-0532

Check-in: Wednesday, July 12th- 8:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. (CT)

Judging: Wednesday, July 12th – 11 a.m. (CT)

Youth Premium Livestock Auction: Thursday, July 13th - 6:30 p.m. (CT)

Checkout: Saturday, July 15th - 8 a.m. - 12 Noon (CT)

Open to all youth (including Cloverbuds) who are residents of Breckinridge Co., and who are registered Breckinridge Co. 4-H Poultry Club members, and who have attended a Breckinridge Co. school during the year of showing, includes the fair following the member’s high school graduation.

Exhibitor must have completed the required 6 hours of educational meetings. Exhibitor must turn in an approved completed assignment.

The State Veterinarian will be present at check-in. All birds will be checked.

APA guidelines will be used for birds except for mixed breeds. Birds may be shown as rooster, hen, cockerel, or pullet. A pair or trio may be shown, but will be judged as a unit and not as singles. Cages will be furnished. Blue, Red and White awards will be given. Entries must be picked up during checkout or prize money will be forfeited.

Standard Breeds (large birds)

1. Mediterranean Class

2. American Class

3. English Class

4. Continental Class

5. Asiatic Class

6. Meat birds (Meat birds will be judged according to weight, body condition and age)


1.  Clean Legged (any breed)

2.  Feathered Legged (any breed)

3.  Game

Mixed Breed

1.  Best Rooster or Cockerel

2.  Best Hen or Pullet


1.  Best Pair (any combination of male and female)


1.  6 standard sized eggs

2.  6 bantam eggs

Bantam and standard eggs cannot be mixed in the same entry. Members may compete in both categories. All entries should be the same. For example, all brown, all white, or all tinted. Eggs such as green, blue or pink will be entered as brown eggs. Eggs will be displayed the same days as birds are displayed. All eggs become the property of the fair and will be disposed of at the end of the show.


Open Poultry Show

Superintendents: Arthur Decker (270) 879-8634 & Shannon Morton (270) 945-0532

Check-in: Wednesday, July 12th- 8:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. (CT)

Judging: Wednesday, July 12th- by 12 Noon (CT)

Checkout: Saturday, July 15th- 8 a.m.-12 Noon (CT)

Entries in the Open Poultry Show will be accepted from residents of Breckinridge County or any other county. Note: Breckinridge County 4-H members MAY NOT enter in the Open Poultry Show. Cages will be furnished. Blue, Red and White awards will be given. Entries must be picked up during checkout or prize money will be forfeited. All chickens must be checked by the State Veterinarian present at check-in. All birds will be checked.

Youth Class- 18 years old and under

Adult Class- over 18 years old

Standard Breeds (large birds)

1.  Plymouth Rock, any color

2.  Leghorn, any color

3.  Oprington-Buff, any color

4.  Any Other Breed


1.  Leghorn, any color

2.  Japs, any type

3.  Seabright, any color

4.  Barnyard Mix

Standard or Bantam

1.  Wyandotte, any type

2.  Rhode Island Red, any type

3.  Silkies, any type

4.  Cochin, any type

5.  New Hampshire Red, any type

6.  Jersey Giant, any color

7.  Old English Game, any type

8.  Any Other Breed


1.  Any Breed


1.  Any variety


1.  Any breed


1.  Any color


1.  Any color


4-H Rooster Crowing Contest
Superintendents: Arthur Decker (270) 879-8634 & Shannon Morton (270) 945-0532

Friday, July 14th– 3 p.m. (CT)

Poultry Barn

Only Breckinridge County 4-H Poultry Club Members (including Cloverbuds) may enter the 4-H Rooster Crowing Contest

Class 1 - Kids Crowing Contest - $1.00 entry fee - Prize money awarded

Class 2 - How many times will a rooster crow in 15 minutes?

Winners will receive a bag of chicken feed


Chicken Agility

Superintendents: Arthur Decker (270) 879-8634 & Shannon Morton (270) 945-0532

Friday, July 14th – 4 p.m. (CT)

Only Breckinridge County 4-H Poultry Club Members (included Cloverbuds) are eligible.

Any breed. Birds must have been entered in Youth Poultry Show and checked in on Wednesday, July 12th - 8:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. (CT).

Ribbons will be awarded.