Marden Medical Centre
Fees for Non-NHS ServicesFrom 1stApril 2017
V.A.T No 878533378
Name……………………………………...... Date……………Fee £ …………......
Various certificates, letters, reports and examinations are not part of our NHS commitment and so we charge the following fees according to the work entailed for Doctors and admin staff, and the degree of responsibility involved. These fees are reviewed annually.Following changes in legislation from 1stJanuary 2011 many of these fees now include 20% VAT
VAT Exempt examples / Examples with VATSignatures and diagnosis/identity only / Validation of simple private medical insurance form,
£13.00 / Fit notes for patients, Driving licence signature. Witness to LPA
Per Signature £15.60
Proforma/ notes requiring details from record or complex data entry / Private medical claim forms, income protection forms, holiday cancellations, Fit notes and forms for employers
£22.00 / Passport Forms ( at Dr’s discretion) and forms regarding pre-employment.
Brief standard letters or reports with opinione.g. “To Whom it May Concern” / Insurance related letter/reply and brief notes to employers.
£31.00 / Character reference, fitness to travel, exemption from court, incapacity for activities eg gym
Written reports from records. Add 50p (60p inc VAT) per attachment / Insurance and Post-employment factual reports or exam dependent on time spent
From £54.00 / Legal reports,pre-employment reports or exam
Detailed reports from records with opinion and reference to other agencies. Add 50p (60p inc VAT) per attachment / Insurance and Post-employment reports or exam and opinion dependent on time spent
From £104.00 / Pre-employment reports and references, detailed legal reports
From £124.80
Examinations, typically allowing 30 minutes / Health screening for insurance
£84.00 / HGV, full pre-employment, taxi, or childcare medicals
Non- NHS Consultations and brief examinations / Overseas patients
Per 10 Minutes £34.00 / Examination for Lasting power of Attorney, sports or employment
Per 10 minutes £40.80
Other non-NHS work / By prior agreement only
Receipt available on request.Mmc non nhs fees 2017
P.T.O for Private Vaccination Charges
Vaccination / MMC Current Fee2017Hepatitis B per dose / £40.00
Hepatitis B Adult course of 3 / £100.00
Hepatitis B (Under 16 years course of 3 / £60.00
Rabies( 1 dose booster) / £65.00
Rabies ( 3 DOSE INITAIL COURSE) / £190.00
Hepatitis B blood test / £43.00
Japanese Encephalitis / £180 ( 2 doses)
£90.00 ( booster)
Tick Borne Encephalitis ( adult to age 15 years) / £55 per dose
Tick Borne Encephalitis ( 1-15 years) / £50 per dose
Meningitis ACWY ( over 1yr one dose) / £50 per dose
Yellow Fever includingYellow Fever certificate / £65.00
Dukoral 2 dose / £36.00
Please note all vaccines must be paid for in full prior to them being ordered into the surgery.