Borough of Poole – Corporate Parenting Working Group – 8 July 2014
8 JULY 2014
The Meeting commenced at 4:35pm and concluded at 6:35pm
Councillors Brown, Mrs Evans, Le Poidevin and Mrs Walton
Also present:
Michelle Cutler – Democratic Support Officer, Legal and Democratic Services, Borough of Poole (BoP)
Steve Murray – Principal Manager, Children and Young People’s Social Care (CYPSC), BoP
Tammie Lewis – Head of Poole Virtual School for Children in Care, Children Young People and Learning (CYPL), BoP
Jan Thurgood – Strategic Director – People, BoP
Alison Vokins – Health Advisor, CYPSC, BoP (substituting for Sarah Fletcher – Interim Associate Director, Children and Families, pan Dorset, Dorset Healthcare University NHS Foundation Trust)
Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Mrs Moore and Wilkins.
Councillor Brown was elected as Chairman of the Corporate Parenting Working Group for the ensuing Municipal Year.
RESOLVED that Councillor Brown be elected as Chairman of the Corporate Parenting Working Group for the ensuing Municipal Year.
Councillor Le Poidevin was elected as Vice-Chairman of the Corporate Parenting Working Group for the ensuing Municipal Year.
RESOLVED that Councillor Le Poidevin be elected as Vice-Chairman of the Corporate Parenting Working Group for the ensuing Municipal Year.
There were no declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests.
RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Meeting held on 8 April 2014, as previously circulated, be confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman.
Matters Arising
Minute 4 - Annual Report – Virtual School Head
The Head of Poole Virtual School for Children in Care, Children Young People and Learning (CYPL), circulated a number of hand-outs to show the systems in place for tracking the attainment and progress of Looked After Children (LAC) in the Borough of Poole (BoP).
The Working Group was informed that there were many provisions in place for LAC that were not covered under statutory assessments and that the progress of all LAC was tracked by schools. LAC received individual support and programmes were in place which offered support. All schools spoke of the importance of LAC gaining life skills. The Chairman commented that it was valuable to have an insight into the non academic skills that were gained by LAC.
The Head of Poole Virtual School for Children in Care advised that schools were focussed on improving the success of LAC and as such, schools offered an individual approach to the development of each LAC.
The Head of Poole Virtual School for Children in Care advised that data was received regularly from schools and reviewed. LAC in out of Borough placements were also monitored and regular data collection meant that schools could be challenged and LAC supported where necessary.
The Chairman thanked the Head of Poole Virtual School for Children in Care for the update.
RESOLVED that the update be noted.
The Working Group considered and approved the Terms of Reference, as previously circulated
RESOLVED that the Terms of Reference be approved.
The Health Adviser, Children and Young People’s Social Care (CYPSC), Borough of Poole (BoP), presented the ‘Health of Children in Care in Poole Annual Report April 2013 – March 2014’.
The Health Adviser distributed information packs to all present to demonstrate the changes that had taken place over the last year in relation to the health of children in care (CiC).
The Working Group was informed that there had been 92 new admissions in to care in the BoP, which had created a huge amount of work for the Team.
The Health Visitor highlighted that there was a greater number of boys in care than girls and the overall responsibility for preschool children had been handed over to the Health Visitor Team. It was highlighted that children coming into care had very complex emotional and behavioural needs.
There had been an increase in the number of 16 to 18 year olds coming into care and it was noted that this was a very challenging group to deal with in terms of health (as the age range was vulnerable to substance misuse and sexual health issues).
The number of CiC placed outside the BoP was very low, however, meeting the health needs of children placed outside of the area presented a challenge, and most were placed in specialist provisions.
The Health Adviser then took Members through the Report on a page by page basis.
The following areas were discussed:-
· Numbers of Children Placed in Care in Poole
· Destination of Looked After Children (LAC) Leaving Care
· Initial Health Assessments
· Adoption
· Key Performance Indicators
· Supporting Children and Young People with Disabilities
· Diet and Obesity
· Sexual Health and Relationships
· Alcohol/Substance Misuse and Smoking
· Referrals
· Emotional Health and Well-being
· Strengths and Difficult Questionnaires (SDQs)
· Accessing Emotional Health Support
· Listening to Young people: Satisfaction Survey
· Summary of Key Areas of Development 2013/15
In response to questions raised by Members, the Health Visitor explained that:
· The KORU project was an outside body that provided emotional support to LAC in the form of home visits and days out. The KORU project also engaged with young people in schools and was a useful alternative to the Child and Adolescent Mental Heath Service (CAMHS).
A Member asked how the outcomes from the KORU project were monitored? The Health Visitor explained that Social Workers provided feedback as did the young people using the Service, however, it was necessary to monitor referrals to the KORU project along with how outcomes were measured.
· A Member questioned the role of ‘Theraplay’ and asked how it benefited young people? The Health Visitor explained that ‘Theraplay’ was used by children and young people who needed to build their relationships with carers. It involved the use of activities that were designed to improve child/carer attachments. The Principal Manager explained that currently, only two members of staff were trained in ‘Theraplay’, however, staff in the Adoption and Fostering Service would also undertake training.
The Health Visitor referred to the information packs that she had circulated. The packs contained:
· A leaflet for young people coming into care explaining the role of the CiC Health Term
· An immunisation list
· Health Matters Questionnaire
· Health Update Questionnaire
· Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire
· Health Passport
A discussion ensued with regard to the number of forms/questionnaires that young people were required to complete and the poor rate of return. A Member asked if there was an alternative method of collecting the information required? It was suggested that for a trial period forms be given out at the time of appointments and that online questionnaires be used wherever possible.
A Member commented that Foster Carers were also under a lot of pressure to complete various forms. The Principal Manager advised that CYPSC was considering developing an online Foster Carers Portal where various questionnaires could be assessed and submitted online. The Chairman suggested that some types of questionnaire could be completed by telephone.
· A Member referred to the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) for LACs dentistry and immunisation health care and asked how LAC were doing in this area in relation to non LAC? The Health Visitor explained that LAC were doing much better in this area than non LAC, however, this was not evidenced.
· The Strategic Director requested that where a population average was available, it should be used in reports to enable comparisons to be made. The Strategic Director also recommended that the Report be shared with the Director of Public Health, pan Dorset as all three Local Authorities had a responsibility for the health of LAC as Corporate Parents.
A discussion ensued regarding the health needs of Care Leavers as this cohort presented different needs and challenges. The Strategic Director advised that the Health Trust was undergoing a reorganisation and that it would be a good opportunity to involve the Health Trust with the Corporate Parenting Working Group.
The Chairman thanked the Health Visitor for an informative report.
RESOLVED that the Report be noted.
The Principal Manager, Children and Young People’s Social Care (CYPSC), introduced the ‘Corporate Parenting Strategy 2014 – 2017’, which described the Borough of Poole’s (BoPs) commitment to its Children in Care (CiC).
The Strategy would be presented to the Children’s Trust Governance Board (a multi agency partnership which developed the Children’s Services Strategic Plan and was made up of Elected Members, Heads of Service, Health Representatives and Head Teachers).
Reference was made to Appendix 2 of the Strategy, which listed 10 key questions on scrutinising services for CiC. The Working Group identified two themes from the list that it would like to pursue at a future meeting:-
1) How stable and secure are the lives of your CiC; and
2) How effective is your professional workforce of social workers and others responsible for running services for and working with LAC?
A Member asked whether a Foster Carer Representative had been identified to serve on the Working Group? The Principal Manager advised that he had two Foster Carers who had shown an interest and that he would chase this up.
The Principal Manager circulated a copy of the finalised version of the ‘Care Matters Pledge’ and advised that he would give additional copies to the Clerk to circulate to all members of the Working Group.
i. the Working Group endorse the ‘Corporate Parenting Strategy 2014 – 2017’ and that it be submitted to the Children’s Trust Governance Board to be signed off; and
ii. the Principal Manager, Children and Young People’s Social Care, forward copies of the ‘Care Matters Pledge’ to the Clerk for distribution to all Members of the Corporate Parenting Working Group.
Post Meeting Note:
The ‘Corporate Parenting Strategy ‘2014 - 2017’ would also need to be submitted to Cabinet and the Council for approval. The Clerk had notified the Head of Children and Young People’s Social Care of this.
The Strategic Director asked that the Sufficiency Strategy Report be added to the Forward Plan for the meeting taking place on 14 October 2014.
It was noted that the Agenda for 14 October 2014 was very heavy and that an additional meeting date may need to be arranged in order to consider every item. A discussion ensued and it was felt that if reports were received on time and presentations were delivered in a concise manner it might be possible to get through the Agenda in its entirety. It was also recommended that the Chairman and Vice-Chairman have a briefing meeting with the Head of Children and Young People’s Social Care prior to every meeting in order to discuss the Agenda and stress the importance of reports being sent out in a timely manner.
i. the Forward Plan be updated; and
ii. Briefing meetings be arranged for the Chairman and Vice-Chairman to take place prior to each meeting.
No items were raised.
23 July 2014 at 4.30pm in the Committee Suite, Civic Centre, Poole.