ICA 2014 - 2015 Executive Committee Meeting

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Meeting Minutes

Attendance: Quorum met with the following attendees: Ronna Heinig, Bob Walsh, Joyce Marter, Lynn Turovetz, Anna Themanson and Kim Duris.

Meeting to order: 4:40 pm

MINUTES from Meeting on June 7, 2015

Motion to Approve, Joyce Marter

Seconded, Kim Duris

Approved Unanimously


TREASURER’S Report--Lynn Turovetz

See Income Statement for Three Months Ending September 30, 2015

$339K in accounts--record high


•See Written Report Dated October 13, 2015

•Membership at an all-time high

•Call for proposals for the Southern Conference 10/31/15

•Ronna will be out of the country 5/10/16-6/9/16 but will have access to the internet and will work with office staff and executive committee to make sure all ICA business is handled.


•The annual conference program book will have specs about CE’s since some workshops won’t quality as they are not clinical. There will be stickers for the ones that do.

•ICA doesn’t qualify for PDs, so will partner with ISCA to provide PDs for school counselors.

PRESIDENT ELECT Report--Joyce Marter

Coalition of Illinois Counseling Organization

•Representing ICA on the CICO Board Meetings.

Social Media to Increase Membership & Member Engagement:

•Continuing to post to social media including YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter & Facebook (now over 500 likes)


•Attended business meetings for Midwest Region

•Lobbied for medicare, school counselors and vets with two senators and three congresspeople and did follow up.

•Submitting article for the contact on ILT

Representing ICA in Midwest Region of ACA

•Helping reinstate Iowa Branch

•Participant in monthly Midwest Region calls

•Will submit articles to Midwest Region newsletter

•Giving workshop for Midwest Region LDA in 2016

•Submitting nominations for ICA for ACA Awards for Best Innovative Practice (Insurance task force) and Best Leadership Development

Insurance Task Force

•Active participant in phone meetings and discussions


•Public speaking for therapists and business leaders, representing ICA

•Attending Medical Research summit as guest of Congressman Danny Davis

Conference Planning

•Serving on the conference planning committee for 2015

•Researching keynote speaker for Annual Conference 2016 (11/3-11/5/2016, Springfield). Conference theme is Conscious & Compassionate Counseling

ACA Montreal 2016

•Will attend business meetings

•It was decided ICA will submit a free conference registration and some Cubs paraphernalia under $50 to the Midwest region for the ACA raffle basket.

•We discussed idea of ICA t-shirts or other products and decided not to pursue as these efforts have lost money in the past.

•We discussed an e-blast to remind members to vote for Midwest Region Governing Council Rep for ACA in Nov.

•Ronna agreed to share the Executive Director’s evaluation form and other forms with the Midwest Region to assist with branch development for other states.


No report

PAST-PRESIDENT CHAPTER Report (Lynn Turovetz on Behalf of Kris Wheatley)

No Report


No report

CHAPTER Report --Anna Themanson

Lake Country and Governor's State chapters are inactive.

Reports were given for Chicago Counseling Association, NEIU, NIUCA, NLUCA, Northwest Suburban, WCIPCA, WIU-QC, Lewis & Clark, and DOCSSSC.

Bob asked Anna to let the chapters know they are doing a fantastic job and encourage them to submit for presentations at ICA.


No report

PRESIDENT’S Report--Bob Walsh

•Insurance Task Force continues to discuss changes resulting from the Affordable Care Act including BCBS offering the Blue Choice product instead of PPO to the self-insured. Task force continues to advocate for members and keep them informed of changes.

Old Business


•The budget has been approved for initial office work and supplies.

•We can amend the budget next year at Governing Council if needed.

•Using acid-free folders with regular file boxes.


2015 Conference is set to go. 120 volunteers. NIUCA is coordinating decorations with NLUCA and NEIUCA. The --theme is 10th anniversary of the Foundation. We are ahead with pre-conference sign-ups and have 30 exhibitors.


These were reviewed and will be presented at the GC meeting.


Articles due 11/30 for the CONTACT.

New Business


•Bob Walsh and Joyce Marter have been invited to attend a portion of the ICAF board meeting on Nov 11 during pre-conference and plan to attend.


The committee discussed at length IAADA’s request to cover the costs associated with the purchasing of a CD. The following points were addressed:

•The Patriot Act was reviewed

•The by-laws were reviewed

•There is no precedent for this type of financial support to a Chapter or Division

•The financial boundaries between ICA and Chapters and Divisions was discussed in order to maintain optimal balance between collaboration and independence.

Joyce Marter made a motion to deny IAADA’s request. Kim Duris seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

It was discussed that ICA could provide the notarized paperworkfor IAADA to pursue the DBA or Fictitious Name filing, but ICA would not be responsible for any of the costs associated with the aforementioned filing. Joyce Marter made the motion and Anna Themanson seconded. Motion passes unanimously. Ronna Heinig had been in contact with IAADA’s bank manager and the bank is looking for an alternative to the more expensive DBA filing.

Meeting Adjourned: 6:50 pm