Lassiter High School

Spanish 3H


2nd Semester

Courses: Spanish 3H

Instructor: Sra. Rainey


School Website:


COURSE GOALS: Spanish 3 is a continuation of the language and culture of the Spanish-speaking world. It continues to build on the foundation established in Spanish 2 language studies. The content of this course includes thematically-organized units in which students learn to communicate about their own lives and learn about Spanish-speaking cultures. In addition, this course will help the student acquire knowledge of the Spanish language by integrating the four language skills of reading, listening, writing and speaking. Emphasis on oral proficiency is placed through the use of the interpretive, interpersonal and presentational modes of communication. Development of these skills occurs in a curriculum that emphasizes the foreign language standards of communication, cultures*, connections, comparisons and communities.

OBJECTIVES: At the end of the semester students will be able to…

·  Demonstrate the ability to comprehend the language in both aural (listening) and written forms

·  Communicate competently and proficiently in both oral (speaking) and written forms using advanced vocabulary and grammatical structures

·  Reach “Novice-High/Intermediate-Low” proficiency according to the ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Language) Guidelines.

·  Understand the various components of the Spanish language and its cultures while making connections between these and the US culture

TEXTBOOK: Descubre 2/3


25% Summative Assessments: Tests/Projects/Performance Tasks

20%Formative Assessments: Quizzes including speaking assessments

DAILY GRADES (Homework/Classwork):

30% Classwork/Homework Will include but not limited to communicative activities, textbook activities,

handouts, short stories, interviews, articles, and other texts. (Interpretive and presentational skills)

10% Participation Will include but not limited to songs, audio activities, presentations, videos, quizzes, spontaneous conversation, interviews, podcasts, and everyday use of Spanish in class which will be quantified every 6 weeks. (Interpretive and Interpersonal skills)

15%Final Exam

TESTS AND PROJECTS: Tests and projects will be assigned after completing a unit of study. Late projects will lose 10 points for each day it is late after the due date. If the project has not been turned in after a week from the due date, a zero will be given. Students will be well-informed of details as well as all dates regarding these assessment items.

ABSENCES / MAKE-UP POLICY: For class work and homework missed, students have one day per absence to complete and turn in the work assigned. Homework will generally be assigned 1-2 times a week. In the case of an emergency which would affect completion of homework, please notify me by e-mail. It is the student’s responsibility to get the missed work from the teacher.

Information for make-up work can be found on the blog. Additionally, there is a bin with folders in the classroom where all make-up work can be found. No make-up work is provided for students who have skipped classes (pg. 10, 3.8)


Descubre textbook and workbook as well as authentic realia such as books, magazines, broadcasts, videos, and music, etc.

The class may watch G, PG, or PG-13 films throughout the year that are related to the curriculum.

1.  Please visit the teacher’s blog for additional resources such as online tutorials and more.

2.  Dictionary: It is important to own a Spanish/English-English/Spanish dictionary to use at school and home as building and understanding vocabulary is a critical component of learning a language. The dictionary is to be used primarily when reading and listening in Spanish. In reading and listening to language, the dictionary is your best friend. If you want to use an online dictionary, I recommend wordreference. There’s also an app.

ORGANIZATION & SUPPLIES: Organization is the key to success.

I recommend that each student have:

1 three-ring binder

4 dividers labeled: 1) Classwork, 2) Homework, 3) Grammar notes, 4) Tests/quizzes

Loose-leaf notebook paper

Pencils/ Erasers


1-2 Dry Erase markers for white board activities

ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: Cheating is considered a serious matter. The parents of a student who has been involved in cheating will be notified and the student will receive a grade of zero for the test and a grade of U in conduct. Both the person cheating and the person who gives permission to another student to copy their work will earn a zero grade.

For this course, cheating is defined as, but is not limited to, the following acts:

§  The following requirement applies to ALL work submitted by the student to the teacher. Students MAY NOT use the help of a peer, an online translator, the help of a family member, a native or heritage speaker or student in an upper level Spanish course for work created by the student. The work is not the student’s original work and therefore is considered cheating.

§  Taking any information verbatim from any source, including the Internet, without giving proper credit to the author, or rearranging the order of words and/or changing some words as written by the author and claiming the work as his or her own, i.e., plagiarism.

§  Looking onto another student’s paper during a test or quiz.

§  Having available any study notes or other test aids during a test or quiz without the teacher's permission.

§  Collaborating on assignments when independent work is expected.

EXAM: The final exam is cumulative, covering work from the entire semester.


Work turned in late will automatically be deducted 50%. Most of the time, there is class time to work on written/homework assignments and this time should be utilized. Accepting late work creates the attitude that assignments can be turned in whenever is convenient to the student and also increases the chances of assignments being misplaced when it is not turned in with the similar assignments.


There is no extra credit for this course. You are expected to complete your assignments each and every day and take responsibility for doing so. You should not wait until the end of the semester to ask for “a project” or “extra credit” to make up for missing assignments that you chose not to do throughout the course of the semester. If there are extenuating circumstances that make it difficult for you to complete assignments, please talk to me so that I may accommodate your situation if possible.


Graded work will not be handed back. If a student is interested in retrieving their graded work, there is a bin on the front table with all graded work, divided by class period.


Each student will receive 3 bathroom passes to use throughout the semester. Students must sign the bathroom pass and give it to the teacher upon leaving for the restroom. At the end of the semester, any unused bathroom passes can be turned in for 5 points each added to the lowest test grade. Keeping up with your bathroom passes is your responsibility.

HELP SESSIONS/TEACHER AVAILABILITY: Extra help sessions are available upon request, either before or after school. If parents or students desire tutoring services, a list of tutors in the local area is available through the guidance office. Please note that teachers are not allowed to tutor their own students.

*Students are encouraged to seek opportunities to practice their Spanish outside of the classroom.