Birds & Butterflies of Aiken - 2015 Nature Series Schedule
“The purpose of Birds & Butterflies seminars and field trips are to foster the love and appreciation of the natural things God has created for our enjoyment.”
Tuesday, January 13 Identifying Backyard Birds
Tips to help you identify more than 60 species of birds that you could encounter in our area. See the best field guides available. This is a good introduction for those who are new to the Aiken area, or just want to improve their bird ID skills. This continues to be a very popular seminar.
Saturday, January 31 (NEW) Phinizy Swamp Nature Park Waterfowl & Waders Field Trip
The extensive, man-made wetlands at Phinizy are great for birds and birders. We’ll walk about two miles through forests, past ponds, and along marshes in search of ducks, herons, egrets and birds of prey. We should tally a great diversity of species (50+). Peter Stangel, with the U.S. Endowment for Forestry and Communities will be our trip leader. Trip details available at Birds & Butterflies. Limited to 15 people.
Tuesday, February 3 How to Attract & Enjoy Eastern Bluebirds & Other Cavity Nesters
Discussion of bluebird biology, what makes a good nest box, installation and placement of boxes for best results, feeding bluebirds and monitoring nests. Information table will be available from the South Carolina Bluebird Society.
Saturday, February 21 Build a Bluebird Nest Box
Kids 12 and under can learn about bluebirds and build a bluebird nest box to take home. The South Carolina Bluebird Society will be a partner in this project. Parents welcome and encouraged. Limited to 20 kids.
Monday, February 23 Owl Prowl at Silver Bluff Audubon Center (Field Trip)
Learn about our native owls and hear (and possibly see) owls in the wild. Led by Paul Koehler, Director of the Silver Bluff Audubon Center. Meet at Silver Bluff Visitors Center at 6:30PM. Maps available at Birds & Butterflies. Limited to 25 participants. Rain date February 26.
Tuesday, March 10 (NEW) Barn Owls In South Carolina
The Barn Owl (Tyto alba) is described as found in pastures, agricultural areas and grasslands, but what about saltwater and brackish marshes and old rice field impoundments managed for ducks? This presentation will explore the owl’s habits, its habitat in coastal SC and the SCDNR nest box program. Presented by Mary-Catherine Martin, Wildlife Biologist, SCDNR.
Saturday, March 14 (NEW) Field Trip to Heggie’s Rock
Heggie’s Rock is a 100-acre flat-rock granite outcrop in Columbia County Georgia, and is preserved by The Nature Conservancy. The rock has a number of vernal pools, which are home to several rare species of plants. Our visit will be led by Nature Conservancy volunteer Dr. Walt Kubilius, and will consist of a 2-3 hour, 2-mile walk through the preserve, studying the granite and the plants. Trip details available at Birds & Butterflies.
Tuesday, April 7 (NEW) Ecology and Conservation of the Gopher Tortoise in
South Carolina
Presented by Tracey Tuberville, Asst. Research Scientist, Savannah River Ecology Lab. An interesting and informative presentation about this uncommon, large, terrestrial tortoise in our area.
Saturday, April 11 (NEW) Bird Walk in Hitchcock Woods
Join us for a bird watching walk led by local birder and Aiken-Augusta Audubon Society member Calvin Zippler. Meet at Stable-On-The-Woods entrance at 8:00AM. Bring binoculars and be prepared to do some walking. Limited to 14 people. Rain date April 18.
Tuesday, May 5 Hummingbirds – Nature’s Jewels
Learn interesting facts about this incredible bird. See slides of nests and young, and many species that occur across the U.S. Discussion of feeders, food, feeder maintenance and plants that attract hummingbirds.
Tuesday, May 19 Critters of the Night (Field Trip)
Join us at Silver Bluff Audubon Center where Director, Paul Koehler will lead us as we listen
for the calls of the Whip-poor-will, Chuck-will’s-widow, owls, frogs and other night dwellers. Meet
at the Silver Bluff Visitors Center at 7:30PM. Limited to 25 participants This will be an exciting
and interesting evening. Bring a flashlight. Rain date Thursday, May 21. Maps available at Birds &
Tuesday, June 2 Owls of South Carolina, Including Live Owls
Presented by biologists, Carol & Larry Eldridge, who have been wildlife rehabilitators for more than 30 years, focusing on raptors for the past 20 years. They will be bringing live owls to the seminar (depending on availability of birds at that time). One of our most popular programs.
Tuesday, July 7 Butterflies of South Carolina and Georgia, and Butterfly
Identification tips for more than 30 species of butterflies found in our area. Learn what
plants the adults and caterpillars feed on and how to attract them to your garden. Butterfly plants
will be available for purchase at the seminar.
Saturday, July 25 (NEW) Field Trip to the Allendale Kite Fields
Join us as Peter Stangel, with the U.S. Endowment for Forestry and Communities, leads us
on a ½ day field trip looking for Swallow-tailed and Mississippi Kites near Allendale, SC. If we are
fortunate, we will have the opportunity to see several to a dozen of more of each species at fairly
close range as they feed on dragonflies and other insects. Limited to 15 people. Trip details
available at Birds & Butterflies.
Tuesday, August 11 (NEW) A Brief History of Hitchcock Woods and Its Trail Names
Hitchcock Woods Foundation was officially established in 1939 with a gift of almost 1,200 acres. Today the Woods are over 2,100 acres and an integral part of Aiken’s colorful history. Over the years many people have asked how a place or trail got its name. Dr. Harry E. Shealy, Jr., Distinguished Professor of Biology, Emeritus, USCA will present a history of the Woods and the origin of some of the names.
Tuesday, September 8 Snakes of the Southeast: How Do You Know Who is Who?
Dr. Whit Gibbons, Professor Emeritus, Univ. of Georgia’s SREL will present a lecture using live snakes of the region, both venomous and harmless, to discuss tips on identification, snake safety, and the ecology and behavior of regional species. You won’t want to miss this presentation.
Saturday, September 19 (NEW) Boyd Pond County Park Fall Migrants Field Trip
More than 100 bird species have been reported at this Aiken County Park that includes a large pond, a boardwalk across a woodland swamp, and forests that are good for warbler, finches, and many other fall migrants. We will hike about 1.5 miles and spend some quiet time on the boardwalk just watching as the birds go by. Meet at 8:00AM at Boyd Pond Park. Directions available at Birds & Butterflies. Limited to 15 people.
Tuesday, October 6 Wild Bird Feeding Basics/Dealing With Squirrels
And Other Critters
Learn the basics of feeding wild birds, including types of food and feeders, feeder placement and maintenance and providing water for birds. What really works and what doesn’t to keep squirrels from your feeders. The truth!
Saturday, October 10 Hitchcock Woods Field Trip
Dr. Harry Shealy, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Hitchcock Woods
Foundation and Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Biology at USCA and Dr. Walt Kubilius,
Environmental Geologist at Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, will lead a tour of Hitchcock Woods.
Learn about the history and geology of Hitchcock Woods and become familiar with this Aiken gem.
Great for those new to the Aiken area and those who have lived here for a while. Meet at the Tea
Cottage Gate off of Dibble Road at 9:00AM. Wear comfortable walking clothes. Relatively easy
walking. Limited to 25 participants. Rain date Saturday, October 17.
- Space is limited, so reservations are required by calling 649-7999.
- There is a $5.00 non-refundable charge for each seminar or field trip when the reservation is made. Children 16 and under are free.
- Seminars begin at 7:00PM at Birds & Butterflies, 117 Laurens St. NW in downtown Aiken unless otherwise noted. Most seminars last 45-60 minutes.
- If a particular seminar is full, additional sessions may be scheduled.
- Unless otherwise noted, seminars are presented by Ron Brenneman, Certified Wildlife Biologist and owner of Birds & Butterflies.
- Shop discounts & special door prizes and refreshments at each seminar at Birds & Butterflies.