1.)YOUR ASSIGNMENTSare on thisSYLLABUS. READ IT ALL BEFORE YOU BEGIN YOUR WORK. Links for assignments are on this document.Download link is below to access class readings.
- FIRST, complete your assignments for “WEEK ONE” below (on paper or computer). Essays MUST be double spaced and size 12 Times New Roman black font. Always save your work.
- NEXT, click “WEEK ONE” below and complete the classwork SUBMISSION form. Type or copy & paste responses that you have prepared, in the spaces provided on the form. Some assignments may require you to upload a response, a photo or scan. PROOFREAD and double check your work.
- Then, submit your form with the full week completed and MOVE TO YOUR NEXT WEEK.
3.)GRADES: I will evaluate, issue a weekly score and return your submission in about 5 business days.
Scores: 0 = F, 1 = D, 2 = C, 3 = B, 4 = A.
Your 5 weekly grades must average to a 2 (“C”) to receive your credit.
You will NOT be given an opportunity to improve your weekly grade so submit your best.
4.)MESSAGE me directly from this site. Emergencies only, call Dr. Stroud MON-FRI 9AM TO 5PM at 773-499-2668
WELCOME TO WORLD STUDIES and HISTORYCourse HIS132: World History: This multimedia course emphasizes events and developments in the past that greatly affected large numbers of people across broad areas and that significantly influenced peoples and places in subsequent eras. Key events related to people and places as well as trans-cultural interaction and exchanges are examined in this course. Students are expected to compare and contrast events and developments involving diverse peoples and civilizations in different regions of the world. Students are also expected to practice skills and process of historical thinking and research and apply content knowledge to the practice of thinking and inquiry skills and processes. Includes investigations into: Basic History and Geography Concepts, Prehistory: Origins of Earth and Humans, Ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt, Ancient India and China, Ancient Greece and Rome, The Early Middle Ages, The Late Middle Ages World War I, BIO: Adolf Hitler, World War II, Korean and Cold War, Vietnam War, Civil Rights Movement: Eyes on the Prize Video Series.
Video Support:Create an account at Khan Academy for unlimited use of video support. Once you create your account, click on LEARN from the top left menu, and explore the site based on subject. You do not have to create an account to use the site.
Week 1
World History Text: Download
Overview: Waves of History
Basic History and Geography Concepts
Unit 1 Prehistory: Origins of Earth and Humans
Unit 2 Ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt
Unit 3 Ancient India and China
Unit 4 Ancient Greece and Rome
Brief Timeline of World Events PDF
Major Events Breakdown PDF
Respond to
1.)What is meant by AD and BC?
2.)Describe the earths division into hemispheres.
3.)Explain and give your opinion of the Big Bang Theory?
4.)According to the theory of plate tectonics describe Earth’s shape and why it is so.
5.)Describe Homo erectus and Homo sapiens.
6.)Describe the three eras of the Stone Age.
7.)What area is known as the Middle East?
8.) Define, “polytheism”.
9.)How did religion influence Egyptian life?
10.)How does India benefit financially from its location?
11.)Explain the Caste System.
12.)Compare and contrast Hinduism and Buddhism.
13.)What is the purpose of the Great Wall of China?
14.)What was the strength of the Roman Empire?
15.)What caused the fall of Rome?
* Complete the following for each civilization: Ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt, Ancient India, China, Ancient Greece, Rome
A.) List significant societal contributions
B.) Practicing religions/spiritual beliefs
C.) Land Resource/s/
D.) Government, major leaders, their roles and accomplishments
E.) Major accomplishments/downfalls and events
F.) Lasting impact – practices still evident today
World History Text:
Unit 5 The Early Middle Ages
Unit 6 The Late Middle Ages
Respond to
1.)What is known as the Dark Ages?
2.)How did Christianity influence government?
3.)Explain “feudalism”.
4.)Why do you think the Byzantine Empire was considered, “great”?
5.)In what way did Korea and Japan contribute to the development of civilization?
6.)What impress you most about the Mayan civilization?
7.)Summarize the religion of Islam: founder, principles, practices, growth.
8.)Why is having a trade network crucial to the success of a country?
9.)What was, “The Black Death”?
10.)Explain the Hundred Years War.
NEW WORLD) VIEW VIDEO: Christopher Columbus and read his “Profile”.
Write a brief essay discussing the voyage and “discovery” of Christopher Columbus. What was the goal of Christopher Columbus when he set sail? What did he accomplish? What did he alter – his lasting impact on the natives. (1 full page minimum)
Week2A - Slavery – The Making of America
Slavery – The Making of America
How to use the website.
1.)Take notes and respond to the following below
- View the full film, provide the following…
- Summarize the SPECIFIC actions and injustice/s/ taking place or being discussed.
- Your analysis, judgment, thoughts, “wonderings” and feelings.
- 3 pages required
Chronology on the History of Slavery and Racism: Text Online
READ: Chronology On The History Of Slavery And Racism 1830 – The End
1.)Discuss the Nat Turner Rebellion
2.)As rebellions against slavery rose, what methods did the American Government use to curtail insurrections? How successful were they?
3.)1838: Discuss the “Underground Railway” (aka Railroad) in detail.
4.)1841: “A court at Washington, D.C., rules March 9 that Cinque and his fellow mutineers aboard the Spanish slave ship Amistad last year are not guilty and orders their release.” – Why was this a monumental victory?
5.)Discuss the Compromise of 1850.
6.)1857: Discuss IN DETAIL the Dred Scott decision by U.S. Supreme Court – and it’s enormous impact on society at that time
7.) 1862 – 1865: Discuss the process by which American Government abolished slavery.
8.)During “Reconstruction” several laws were written and overturned with the intent of regulating racism. Discuss, 1887 Plessy V. Ferguson.
Discuss is detail the tactics of “Keeping Blacks in their place” – segregated. How was film (movies), media, laws, Klan, lynching used to enforce these intimidation practices. Give examples.
VIDEOS: World War I - Resources
Online text:
Assignment 1:WORLD WAR I: Based on the reading AND videos, what were 2 major causes of World War I; when and why did the U.S. get involved, and what lasting impact has the war had on society as a whole?
Take notes and respond to the following below
- View EACH episode, provide the following…
- Identify the series and episode number - Summarize the SPECIFIC injustice/s/ taking place or being discussed in EACH episode.
WEEK 3: VIDEOS WWII: Resource Links
1.)WORLD WAR II SNAPSHOT ORGANIZER: Based on research, summarize in 1 paragraph, the primary factors contributing to World War II.
2.)WORLD WAR II ACTIVITY: Complete the World War II – Rationing Activity Sheet. Choose ONE prompt from each heading and respond (6 total)
3.)WORLD WAR II STORIES: Read World War II Stories – select 3 stories (testimonies): From the story you have read, what is your impression of the World War II? Is the veteran proud to have been in the war? Why/why not?
Korean and Cold War (Power Point attachment)
4.)KOREAN AND COLD WAR: What provoked the war, who were enemies and allies, who were the leaders/heads, what military strikes took place, what was the outcome, and what was the lasting impact.
VIETNAM WAR Read the attachment, “Vietnam War: The Strategic Importance”:
Lasting Impact:
5.)Discuss the “aftermath” – how people in Vietnam were impacted.INCLUDE Independent Research: Agent Orange is a chemical warfare agent that was used during the Vietnam War. Complete independent research and share information on how it was manufactured, how it was used, the effects on land and people, and the suffering of veterans and the Vietnamese due to its use (2 page minimum requirement).
HEARTS AND MINDS – Vietnam War Footage
How to use the website.
Click the link. Select Film Size. Watch Movie. Take notes and respond to the following below
- Summarize your analysis, judgment, thoughts, “wonderings” and feelings.
WAR IN IRAQ – From an economic perspective
How to use the website.
Click the link. Select Film Size. Watch Movie. Take notes and respond to the following below
- Summarize your analysis, judgment, thoughts, “wonderings” and feelings.
Survey of World Religions
Hinduism and Buddhism
- Read your chapter for the week focusing on this featured religion and take notes.
- View related video links and take notes
- Write a 1 page essay discussing the: Origins/roots, tenets/beliefs, faith-text studied, moral-value system, demographics of its members, and impact of the religion worldwide.
- Read your chapter for the week focusing on this featured religion and take notes.
- View related video links and take notes
- Write a 2 page essay discussing the: Origins/roots, tenets/beliefs, faith-text studied, moral-value system, demographics of its members, and impact of the religion worldwide.
Confucianism and Taoism
- Read your chapter for the week focusing on this featured religion and take notes.
- View related video links and take notes
- Write a 1 page essay discussing the: Origins/roots, tenets/beliefs, faith-text studied, moral-value system, demographics of its members, and impact of the religion worldwide.
- Read your chapter for the week focusing on this featured religion and take notes.
- View related video links and take notes
- Write a 1 page essay discussing the: Origins/roots, tenets/beliefs, faith-text studied, moral-value system, demographics of its members, and impact of the religion worldwide.
- Read your chapter for the week focusing on this featured religion and take notes.
- View related video links and take notes
- Write a 2 page essay discussing the: Origins/roots, tenets/beliefs, faith-text studied, moral-value system, demographics of its members, and impact of the religion worldwide.
- “Religion” plays a major part in many wars. What war/s/ affecting Americans correlate with the religion of Islam and why do you think religious faith provokes some to commit crimes against society?
- Read your chapter for the week focusing on this featured religion and take notes.
- View related video links and take notes
- Write a 2 page essay discussing the: Origins/roots, tenets/beliefs, faith-text studied, moral-value system, demographics of its members, and impact of the religion worldwide.
- Read your chapter for the week focusing on this featured religion and take notes.
- View related video links and take notes
- Write a 2 page essay discussing the: Origins/roots, tenets/beliefs, faith-text studied, moral-value system, demographics of its members, and impact of the religion worldwide.
- What is the primary difference between Judaism and Christianity?
- Why do you suppose “Christianity” has so many different denominations? How does this help or hinder the religion?
RESPOND TO: What role has “Religion” played in: slavery, world wars, and the development of laws in our society? (1 page)
Add Responses Here