Ohio Department of Education GED® Voucher Program
Career and Educational Guidance

GED Test Voucher

There are $80 GED® test vouchers available to first-time test takers.

In order to qualify for the $80 GED® voucher, we need to ask a few standard questions and provide you with the opportunity for career and educational guidance.

Once this process is completed, you will receive an assigned voucher number by e-mail.

This process takes 1 to 3 business days.

*Student name:

*E-mail Address:

*Phone Number:

*Date of Birth:


The voucher will be e-mailed to you. Please verify that your email address is correct.

Reason(s) for taking the GED® test (mark all that apply):

Ohio Department of Education GED® Voucher Program
Career and Educational Guidance

Seeking new employment

Required by current employer

Personal development/growth

___ Planning to enroll in post-secondary education

___ Other

Ohio Department of Education GED® Voucher Program
Career and Educational Guidance

Are you interested in an on-site visit to learn more about career counseling and

educational program opportunities? (check one): Yes No

You are on your way to taking a very positive step forward by earning your GED. With this one accomplishment, your average earning power will increase by 38 percent! If you continue your education, you will increase your earning power even more. (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics)

To see the latest Adult Education courses: TollesTech.com/AdultEd

Here are some other helpful links:

OhioMeansJobs / http://ohiomeansjobs.com/omj/
O*Net Career Pathways / http://www.mynextmove.org/explore/ip
Ohio Department of Education / http://education.ohio.gov/
Ohio Board of Regents / https://www.ohiohighered.org/

This form can be completed and returned as an attachment to:

OR faxed to: 614.873.6909.