I, WILLIAM GEORGE HAYDEN, Governor-General of the Commonwealthof Australia, on the recommendation of the Minister of Statefor Defence Science and Personnel, hereby:
(a)under regulation 3 of the Australian ServiceMedal Regulations set out in the Schedule toLetters Patent dated 13 September 1988, declarethe Royal Australian Navy activity in thePersian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman in the periodthat commenced on 17 November 1986 and ended on31 October 1988 and the activity comprisingcontinuing Mine Countermeasures Operationswithin the Persian Gulf in the period thatcommenced on 1 November 1988 and ended on 28February 1989 each to be a prescribed operationfor the purposes of those Regulations; and
(b)under subregulation 4 ( 2 ) of those Regulationsdetermine that the conditions for the award ofthe Australian Service Medal in respect ofthose prescribed operations are:
(i)the Medal may be awarded to a member ofthe Australian Defence Force who servedon exchange or secondment with ForeignDefence Forces and who rendered servicebetween 17 November 1986 and 31 October1988 within the area comprising thewaters of the Persian Gulf and of theGulf of Oman north and west of Ras A1Hadd for a period of, or for periodsamounting in the aggregate to, not lessthan 30 days;
(ii)the Medal may be awarded to a member ofthe Australian Defence Force who servedon exchange or secondment with ForeignDefence Forces and who rendered servicebetween 1 November 1988 and 28 February1989 within the area comprising thewaters of the Persian Gulf duringcontinuing Mine Countermeasuresoperations for a period of, or forperiods amounting in the aggregate to,not less than 30 days;
(iii)the qualifying period of service asdescribed in subparagraph (b)(i) or(ii) may be deemed by the Chief ofthe Defence Force or his delegate tohave been established notwithstandingthat the member served in thespecified areas of the Persian Gulfor the Gulf of Oman for a period of,or for periods that amount in theaggregate to, less than 30 days;
(iv)the Chief of the Defence Force inexercising his discretion to deemunder subparagraph (c)(iii) shalltake into account whether themember's service with the ForeignDefence Force:
(A)was terminated owing to death,evacuation owing to illness orinjury or other disability dueto service; or
(B)was terminated due to ForeignGovernment or Defence Forcereasons;
(v)the Medal shall be awarded to membersqualifying under subparagraphs (b)(i)or (ii) with the clasp ‘GULF’;
(vi)a period or periods of service asdescribed in subparagraph (b)(i)shall be deemed to include a periodor periods of service as described insubparagraph (b)(ii) for the purposeof qualifying for award of the Medal;and
(vii)eligibility for the award of theMedal shall not be affected by thegrant of any other award for servicein the prescribed operational area.
Dated 1991
By His Excellency’s Command
Minister of state for Defence Science and Personnel