Clerk to the Council : Annette Loveland

Highsett, Alchester Road, Chesterton, Bicester, Oxon, OX26 1UN

Tel : 01869 354135 e.mail :

website :


The next meeting of Berinsfield Parish Council will take place on

Monday 3rd April, 2017 at7.15 p.m.

in the Abbey Woods Academy School Hall, adjacent to Mount Farm Community Education Centre, Wimblestraw Road, Berinsfield, OX10 7LZ

28th March, 2017Annette Loveland

Clerk to the Council


1.Items raised by Members of the public

a)Berinsfield Community Investment Scheme. To receive an update from Officers

from South Oxfordshire District Council.

2.Apologies for absence

3.Declaration of Interests. To receive declarations of any personal or prejudicial interest under consideration on this agenda in accordance with the Parish Councils (Model Code of Conduct) Order 2001

4.To approve and sign the Minutesof the Parish Councilmeeting held on6thMarch 2017

5.Matters arising from the Minutes.

6.District Councillor’s Report.

7.County Councillor’s Report.

8.To consider planning applications and decisions received to date.

a)Planning Application No. P17/S0920/HH Side and rear extension. 13 Shadwell Road, Berinsfield OX10 7PN.

9.Correspondence and Items for Information.

a)South Oxfordshire District Council – Berinsfield Regeneration Project. Communities Secretary, Sajid Javid, has announced that South Oxfordshire District Council has been awarded £995,000 to boost the Berinsfield regeneration project and SOHA Housing, which owns many properties in Berinsfield has been awarded £98,380.

b)South Oxfordshire District Council Draft Local Plan. The latest draft of the Council’s new Local Plan will be available from 29th March for seven weeks to give residents and local organisations the opportunity to comment on the document as they have done throughout the development of the plan so far. The draft Local Plan should be available for inspection on the South Oxfordshire District Council website and public exhibition events will be held at the following venues :-

Wednesday 5th April1 – 7 p.m.Didcot Cornerstone

Friday 7th April 3 – 7 p.m.Wallingford Regal Centre

Saturday 8th April 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.Barns Centre, Thame.

Saturday 22nd April 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.The Christchurch Centre, Henley

c)South Oxfordshire District Council Summer Town and Parish Forum 2017. 5th July 6 – 9 p.m. at the Spread Eagle Hotel, Thame, Oxon. Berinsfield Parish Council has been invited to nominate two representatives to attend the Summer Town and Parish Forum. The Parish Council is asked if it wishes to nominate two representatives to attend the meeting.

d)Proposed Puffin Crossing on the A 4074. The Parish Council is asked to note that the works should start on 29th March, 2017. The works will operate under 2 way lights and there will be a road closure, possibly for two nights, from 24th April, 2017 between 19.00 – 6.00.

e)Dorchester-on-Thames Neighbourhood Development Plan pre-submission stage document. Berinsfield Parish Council, as a statutory consultee, has been advised that the Dorchester-on-Thames NDP is available on consultation purposes. The consultation period commenced on 27th March and runs until 8th May, 2017. The Parish Council is asked if it wishes to make any comments on the Dorchester-on-Thames Neighbourhood Development Plan in its pre-submission stage.

f)Request for Grant Aid. A late application for grant aid has been received. Details will be available at the Parish Council.

g)Thames Valley Police. To note that Wallingford Police Station will close at the end of March. Staff will now be based at Didcot Police Station.

h)Berinsfield Community Business. To note that Berinsfield Community Business will now be based at Unit 3, Queenford Farm, Dorchester on Thames, OX10 7PH. The telephone number and email will remain the same, 01865 343715 and .

10.Statement of Accounts for payment in April 2017to be circulated at the meeting.

11.Items for report to Chairman

12.Date of next Parish Council Meeting 8th May, 2017

13.Annual Open Council Meeting will be held on 24th April, 2017 at 7 p.m. in the School Hall Abbey Woods Academy, Wimblestraw Road, Berinsfield. All residents are invited to attend.