How do you rate yourself in each of the following six categories? Try to be as objective as possible!
Responsibility / Organization / Independent Work / Collaboration / Initiative / Self-regulationE
Excellent / Always fulfils responsibilities and commitments within the learning environment. Always takes responsibility for and manages own behaviour. / Always manages time to complete tasks and achieve goals. / Always uses class time appropriately to complete tasks. Consistently follows instructions with minimal supervision. / Always accepts various roles and an equitable share of the work in a group. Always works with others to achieve group goals. / Always approaches new tasks with a positive attitude and always demonstrates curiosity and interest in learning. / Always seeks clarification or assistance when needed. Always perseveres and makes an effort when responding to changes.
Good / Usually fulfils responsibilities and commitments within the learning environment. Usually takes responsibility for and manages own behaviour. / Usually manages time to complete tasks and achieve goals. / Usually uses class time appropriately to complete tasks. Usually follows instructions with minimal supervision. / Usually accepts various roles and an equitable share of the work in a group. Usually works with others to achieve group goals. / Usually approaches new tasks with a positive attitude and usually demonstrates curiosity and interest in learning. / Usually seeks clarification or assistance when needed. Usually perseveres and makes an effort when responding to changes.
Satis-factory / Sometimes fulfils responsibilities and commitments within the learning environment. Occasionally takes responsibility for and manages own behaviour. / Sometimes manages time to complete tasks and achieve goals. / Sometimes uses class time appropriately to complete tasks. Occasionally follows instructions with minimal supervision. / Occasionally accepts various roles and an equitable share of the work in a group. Occasionally works with others to achieve group goals. / Sometimes approaches new tasks with a positive attitude and occasionally demonstrates curiosity and interest in learning. / Occasionally seeks clarification or assistance when needed. Occasionally perseveres and makes an effort when responding to changes.
improve-ment / Rarely fulfils responsibilities and commitments within the learning environment. Rarely takes responsibility for and manages own behaviour. / Rarely manages time to complete tasks and achieve goals. / Rarely uses class time appropriately to complete tasks. Rarely follows instructions with minimal supervision. / Rarely accepts various roles and an equitable share of the work in a group. Rarely works with others to achieve group goals. / Rarely approaches new tasks with a positive attitude and rarely demonstrates curiosity and interest in learning. / Rarely seeks clarification or assistance when needed. Rarely perseveres and makes an effort when responding to changes.
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