You will need: Y6 Science Strand Electricity

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/ You will need to collect… /

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/ Range of simple electric circuit components - bulbs, bulb holders, cells, battery holders, different types of switches, crocodile clips, wires, etc. Items for switch making:paper clips, drawing pins, silver foil, crocodile clips, cardboard, corriflute, balsa wood. Access to internet

/ Checking Circuits cards
Key vocabulary
Discussion Drawing
B / Range of simple electric circuit components - range of bulbs, bulb holders, cells, battery holders, different types of switches, crocodile clips, wires, etc. Post it notes™, black pen. Digital camera. Access to internet

/ Circuit diagram symbols, definitions & pictures
Alternative bulb symbol
Using circuit diagrams
Circuit symbol dominoes
Discussion Drawing
C / Range of simple electric circuit components - range of bulbs, bulb holders, cells, battery holders, different types of switches, crocodile clips, wires, etc. Large space, bucket of balls, coloured sports bibs.Access to internet

/ Circuit Symbol Bingo
Will it Work?
Circuit diagram for a CD Player
Discussion Drawing
D / Range of simple electric circuit components - bulbs, bulb holders, cells, battery holders, switches, crocodile clips, wires of different thicknesses & types including fuse wire &/or resistance wire, etc. Tissue paper, light meter &/or ammeter (if available), steel wool scouring pad. Access to internet

/ Discussion Drawing
E / Range of simple electric circuit components – range of bulbs with different voltages, bulb holders, variety of cells of different voltages, battery holders, switches, motors, buzzers, crocodile clips, wires, etc. Access to internet

/ None
F / Range of simple electric circuit components – bulbs, bulb holders, cells, battery holders, switches, crocodile clips, wires, bulbs, motors & buzzers. Access to internet

/ Christmas Lights
Short Circuits
Bright Idea Challenges
Discussion Drawing
G / Long iron nails, wires, paper clips. Range of simple electric circuit components. Led lights. Objects to use as conductors or insulators. Thicker wire for steady hand game, plastic tubing to cover handle, Plasticine, masking or electrical tape. Lemons & other citrus fruits, potatoes, zinc & copper nails. Split pins, aluminium foil. Access to internet

/ An electromagnet
A steady hand tester
Use food as a cell
H / Components for simple circuits, other useful materials such as split pins, aluminium foil, etc. Whiteboards & pens. Control technology software and a control box, e.g. CoCo, Robolab, Logicator or Flowol. Input and output devices. Access to internet

/ Control technology in daily use
Flowol examples
Control and Monitoring introduction

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Y6 Sc – Electricity