Leadership Team Meeting

November 11, 2-4 PM

UCD North Classroom Room 5018


·  Understanding roles and responsibilities and upcoming tasks

·  Jump starting the implementation phase of this grant

·  Organizing a long term meeting schedule including dates, times, and places for the Leadership Team and its Sub-Groups


I.  Greetings and Introductions

Attending (24 people):


Brighton: Kelly Corbett

Lea Johnson

Elizabeth: Kathryn Smukler

Adams 14: Tracy Haschker

JeffCo: Marsha Barber

Linda Morris

Mapleton: Jackie Kapushion

Katie Schutt

Englewood: Scott Wallace

Gilpin: Lisa Schell

Victoria Autrey

UCD: Doris Kimbrough

Barbara Bath

Alicia Andersen

Michael Jacobson

UCD SOE: Lynn Rhodes

Karen Clark

Mike Marlow

Carole Basile

BOCES: Susan Sparks

CSU: Tricia Wright

DU: Jim Platt

Phil Danielson

MSCD: Richard Krantz


Norms on how we agree to work together in this Leadership Team:

·  Focused Meetings

·  Listen First, Respond Second

·  Purposeful

·  Good Treats!

·  Careful not to Repeat

·  Great Directions

·  Positive Attitude!

·  Positive Pre-suppositions

·  Go Go GO! Mind over Matter! Power of Positive Thinking

·  Equal Voice – balance of K12 & IHE

·  Putting all Ideas on the table

Additional Expectations that we have as a Leadership Team:

·  Continue to Learn

·  Set Dates

·  DO!!

·  Discover Opportunities and blend with existing efforts

·  Know people

·  Overview – connections

·  Use Existing Expertise

·  Clarify “Best” member (to be on this team)

·  Get sound sleep at night

·  Clear Timelines


II.  Roles and Responsibilities

Roles and Responsibilities of the Leadership Team:

·  Provide input on courses (sub-teams)

·  Recommendation of key players

·  Recruiting and encouraging teachers and students

·  Be a key communicator and ambassador to your district or IHE

·  Attend scheduled meetings

·  Forecasting (predicting implementation issues)

·  Getting the word out

·  Make room on your plates to be a member

·  Facilitating the evaluation of the project (collection of data and administrating)

·  Sharing resources with the project and each other

·  Collect stories and dissemination of successful best practices

·  Take a role in leadership

·  Communicate through email and/or Blackboard

·  Market the project in a timely manner

·  Understand your District, IHE, your policy, your issues and have a general sense of curriculum and content standards

III. Establish a long term meeting schedule and contact information

The next Leadership Team Meetings will be held January 10th from 1-3pm and April 19th from 10am-12pm, locations TBA (if you have suggestions please be sure to contact Alicia or Barbara) Susan suggested Volunteers of America or CASB.

IV. Courses, Academies, and Pilots

·  A list of Prototype Courses and their timelines of implementation was looked at and discussed.

·  There will be 7 Math courses and 8 Science courses offered in total.

·  The Summer Course dates have been announced:

June 6th-17th, June 20th-July 1st, & July 10th-22nd

One district (Adams 14) may need to adjust a teacher workday

It is normally 45 hours of class time that is required for 3 University credit hours; however, the PD Courses offered with this Project will consist of 60 hours of class/lab time in order to meet the requirements for a student to receive a stipend from NSF.

Sometimes teacher think that certificate=endorsement, please promote the idea that this project will give teachers math and science credits on a transcript with which to apply towards being highly qualified. This project is not developing a licensure track however the PD courses themselves could be applied towards a Masters Degree or Undergraduate Degree at the pre-service level.

Leadership Team Sub-Teams are an essential part of Course Development and Structured Follow-Up. Sub-Teams in Chemistry, Math (perhaps more than one), Biology, Physics, and Earth Science will each consist of one member from IHE, one member from IHE SOE, and perhaps three members from the District level (one middle school teacher, one high school teacher and one curriculum/professional development personnel).

Some Roles and Responsibilities of Sub-Team Members:


·  Design of PD Courses including development of standards, assessment, & curriculum

·  Tie to Teacher Content Inventory

·  Clarity of Project

·  Structured Follow-up

·  Meet Grant Requirements

·  Communication

·  Connection to Curricula in each District


It was suggested that an initial meeting involving all potential Sub-Team members be held ASAP to inform and start the planning process of developing coursework within these five Sub-Teams. Alicia will be sending out an email shortly with information on the application/recommendation process and timeline of staffing these Sub-Team member positions. Remember this is a huge opportunity for new Leadership in Middle School Math and Science at the State Level!

There will be a Pilot Math Course offered this Spring starting Jan. 24th (look for an emailed attachment titled “Introductory Math Concepts Pilot Course”). There will be some kind of application process involved in getting students to take this Pilot Course even if it is 1st come 1st serve within the district allotments.

V. Teacher Content Inventory

·  TCI will start with Random Sampling done at the District level before progressing to its final form.

·  The project is in good shape for developing the Math TCI, the Science TCI will have to be built from the ground up.

·  Be sure to be positive about this with your teachers, let them know that it will be anonymous and it is a tool simply to track pre/post course knowledge.

·  Please give us your feedback about TCI!

·  TCI will be developed to insure that the focus is on both pedagogy and content.

·  It is a hope that teacher’s themselves (in conjunction with districts if working toward highly qualified status) will analyze their transcripts and that this will be outside the scope of what the TCI is being utilized for.

VI. UCD’s Blackboard and the use of a Forum as a tool for communication

The URL for the UCD Blackboard is: https://blackboard.cudenver.edu/

·  Please use this as a tool for communication, it is very useful and will help us avoid unnecessary meetings!

·  It is possible to send email through Blackboard

·  In “Course Documents” you can find the bulk of the information, such as the Proposal, Presentations given, and other various literature (with more categories and information soon to come)

·  We hope to have different categories for the Forums such as AIM, PD Courses, TCI, etc. (any suggestions are welcome)

·  If you have any suggestions of different Titles, Uses, or Documents that you feel the Blackboard needs please contact Doris (for example we could add a Marketing title and store various publicity/recruitment documents here)

VII.  Publicity and Recruiting -what would be most useful?

Everything that was presented (Cards to go in teacher’s mailboxes, Flyers, Posters, the one page handout and any kind of Press Release) was deemed appropriate and useful. It was a general consensus that sending an electronic version of any publicity items would be very useful. There will be a press release in the paper sometime soon. Look for an emailed attachment titled “RM-MSMSP Press Release” to be sent too key contacts to include in district and school newsletters, etc.

VIII. Discussion Items

Linda Morris gave a brief overview of AIM and Barbara Bath informed us that the budget is being rewritten. There will also be a letter of announcement sent to the Superintendents of each District from the UCD Chancellor sometime soon. The letter of announcement being sent to superintendents will also be sent to IHE's Presidents.

IX. Adjourn

List of Activities for another time:

·  Discussion around the process of establishing a certificate and transforming that into a statewide endorsement

·  Who will develop TCI’s?

·  Stipends and evaluation for out-of-partner districts

·  Discussion around how to use these courses towards a Masters Degree

·  Discussion around pre-service and how to use this project to enter into the profession of teaching


What did you Like about today’s meeting?:

·  Everything!

·  It was Focused and On Time

·  Feeling Clearer about the Project and Roles/Responsibilities

·  Doing Something!

·  The Books and Treats

·  Input

What could have been better?:

·  Name Tags

·  Pens, Writing Utensils, and Supplies

·  Dates! The sooner the better.


A BIG Thank You to Susan for her facilitation that allowed us to get through so much information and to Doris for putting the proposal together in its final form!!