Dear future Springbrook High School APUSHistory students,
Welcome to High School and welcome to AP US History! My name is Ms. D’Orazio and I will be your instructor this school year. Advanced Placement (AP) United States History is designed to offer you the equivalent of an introductory college level course in U.S. History.
One major distinction between this course and other 9th grade U.S. History courses (either honors or on-grade) is the amount of time covered. On-level and honors classes begin their study of US History with the Industrial Period that took place after the Civil War (1870s) We will begin with discovery of the Americas---this is the late 1400s! That means we will study about 400 more years of history. However, the most significant distinction between our course and the others is that we will do more depth. In addition to this comprehensive amount of material, we will work on critical reading, writing, and research skills.
Due the time constraints of the course, you are required to complete a two part summer assignment.
You may complete these in any order but here is a brief description of both:
- Read chapter one of your textbook (scanned pages are on the Springbrook High School website) AND complete the graphic organizer about Native Americans. (Due Monday, August 31st, 2015)
Our Textbook:
John Faragher, Mari Jo Buhle, Daniel Czitrom and Susan H. Armitage, Out of Many: A History of the American People. (Upper Saddle River, New Jersey; Prentice Hall, 2003)
- Historical Site Visit (Due Tuesday, September 1st, 2015)
Both of these assignments will be graded and the full directions are attached as separate documents on the Springbrook High School website. Please be sure to read the directions carefully and email me if you have any questions.
It is necessary for us to begin right away so that we can maximize our time. You will be expected to read approximately one chapter of your textbook each week of the school year. Reading calendars will be distributed and it is my expectation that you follow the calendar and keep up with the reading assignments. You will fall behind and not be successful in this course if you fail to do so.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me over the summer.
My email address: Adrienne_M_D’
Thank you and I am looking forward to meeting you all in August!
--Ms. D’Orazio