Springfield Youth Club (SYC)
Practice will begin the week ofAug11 2014, 6:15-7:30 pm at Crowell Park (North Avenue Field). Practice will run Tuesday and/orThursday throughout August. After Labor Day, coaches will determine practice schedule for their teams, according to the needs of the team.
FLAG COMPETITION CHEERLEADERS: Flag Cheerleaders will be able to Exhibition at the Bert Bell Competition. Evaluations for those interested will be held in August. Practices are on Monday nights from 5:00 to 6:00 or 5:30 – 6:30 at Tri State Cheer.
Summer practices will run from August 11, 2014 thruSeptember 5,2014. Practice will consist of conditioning, stunting, jumps & learning cheers and a halftime routine. We will practice from 6:15-7:45, Tuesday, Wednesday and/or Thursday/Friday, at the Crowell Park (North Avenue Field). IT IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED THAT ALL CHEERLEADERS ATTEND PRACTICE. Please submit all vacation or conflicts by August 1st, so we can adjust the schedule – We will practice and learn the halftime routine when majority of girls can attend. After our Pep Rally, cheerleaders will practice one hour prior to their scheduled game time, according to the needs of the team.
COMPETITION CHEERLEADERS: Any cheerleader (age 7-15) interested in our Competition Teams, must attend Evaluations in June. SYC will not CUT any cheerleader. We only evaluate in order to make sure everyone is placed on the proper team, according to age & ability.If you missed the scheduled evaluations, you must inform Danielle Hannigan (via email) no later than Aug 11, 2014 in order to schedule a private evaluation.
It is imperativecheerleaders attend practice. Not only does it prevent your cheerleader from learning, it prevents the rest of the team from doing so also. SYC promotes teamwork and commitment throughout the season.
Competition team practices will begin the week of September 8th. Practices are scheduled for:
Flag – Monday from 5:00 – 6:00 or 5:30 – 6:30
Pee Wees and/or Midgets – Monday from 6:30 – 8:30 PM & Saturday 9:00 – 11:00 AM
Juniors – Wednesday – 7:00 – 9:00 & Saturday 9:00 – 11:00 AM
Seniors - Wednesday – 6:30 – 9:00 & Saturday 9:00 – 11:00 AM
Above schedules are subject to change based on available gym time, and conflicts. We will try to work with conflicts but they must be submitted prior to August 1st. Directors will determine practice schedule changes according to what the individual team needs are.
- Field Teams - Please wear cotton or nylon shorts or sweat pants and comfortable tennis or running sneakers during practice. No jeans, Capri’s, or skirts of any kind. To prevent injury, sneakers need to be a good, firm sneaker and should be made for running and not for casual wear. You will not be allowed to practice if not dressed appropriately.
- Competition Teams - will receive two practice outfits as part of your competition fee.You will be notified as to which outfit to wear to practices.
- Hair must be pulled back in a ponytail (1/2up if too short) or pigtails. No barrettes or clips, only cloth headbands or sport bands.
- No Gum chewing, eating or electronic devices (including phones) during practice. Any electronic device brought out during practice will be confiscated and given back to parent at end of practice.
- Only water is allowed for practices in TriState Cheer’s gym, NO GATORADE OR SODA
- Please make sure your cheerleader uses the bathroom before practice is due to begin. (coaches will arrange bathroom breaks, if needed, during practice)
- Please be dressed & ready for practice promptly at start time.
- Please do not “coach” your cheerleader from the sidelines. Please let the Cheer Coaches coach! The further away from your cheerleader, the better!! It is our experience that the cheerleaders are much more responsive to the coaches and more open to learning, if parents keep some distance. (ESPECIALLY with the FLAG CHEERLEADERS)
- Parents are not allowed to be in the gym at Tri State. Only advisors, coaches and Bert Bell Board members who have a valid Bert Bell ID are allowed at practice.
- Practices should take priority over all other activities. If you are sick, you must inform your coach you will not be attending practice as soon as possible.
- Full uniform (white athletic sneakers (can be purchased at payless), white socks, body liner crop top (once it gets cold out), bloomers, skirt, shell & hair bow) is required. ALWAYS wear full uniform unless you are told specifically by your coach otherwise.
- If the weather is cold – you may wear a SYC sweatshirt, SYC Cheer Jacket, SYC Warm up Suit or nude leggings with your uniform. If you do not own any SYCitems, you may wear a solid navy sweatshirt with your uniform. Please NO WINTER COATS.
- Please arrive dressed & ready to practice 1 hour before your scheduled game time. (FLAG CHEER is 30 minutes) This includes AWAY games also. Directions to ALL fields are listed on the Bert Bell website.
- All cheerleaders are required to attend ALL games. If you must miss a game, you must inform your coach 1 week in advance of scheduled game. If your child is sick, please inform your coach at least 2 hours before game time.
- All cheerleaders are allowed to miss ONLY 2 games per season. Please plan accordingly.
- In the event of bad weather – DO NOT ASSUME GAME WILL BE CANCELLED. Always check our website or email before leaving for a game. If anything changes, it will be put on the website.
- WE CHEER IN THE RAIN!!!!!!!! If the boys are playing, we are cheering!!!
- Please do not interrupt your cheerleader during any routines, dances, stunts or cheers. If it is URGENT you talk to your daughter, please have the Team Mom inform the coach & the coach will bring your daughter to you. Bert Bell does not allow ANY persons that have not gotten CLEARANCE to be on the field at anytime. (in otherwords, you must have a Bert Bell badge to be over the ropes. This includes taking pics)
- All cheerleaders age 7-15 are eligible, regardless of ability
- Must attend CAMP & Evaluations
- Must be prepared for extended season (through January, 2015)
- SYC Competition Teams must be your first priority with respect to other activities.
- Competition team practices will begin the week of September 8th.
- You may have ONLY 2 excused absences from competition practice – parties, other activities,or other social events, etc. are NOT excusable absences from competition practice. An excused absence is: PREP/CCD or religious holiday, sickness (as long as coach is notified). If you are unsure if an absence is excusable – please discuss with your coach!!
- Presence at games is required in order to be eligible to cheer at competition. Competition Cheerleaders are allowed 2excused absences from a Bert Bell game in order to be eligible to cheer at all competitions.
- Please wear practice outfit and competition sneakers to all indoor practices. Competition sneakers are NOT to be worn outside. No jeans, Capri’s, or skirts of any kind. You will not be allowed to practice if not dressed appropriately.
- Hair must be pulled back in a ponytail (1/2up if too short) or pigtails. No barrettes or clips, only cloth headbands or sport-bands.
- No Gum chewing, eating or electronic devices (including phones) during practice. Any electronic device brought out during practice will be confiscated and given back to parent at end of practice.
- Water only please
- Please make sure your cheerleader uses the bathroom before practice is due to begin.
- Please be dressed & ready for practice 10 minutes before scheduled time.
- Cheer Sneakers will be ordered at the start of the season.These should be worn ONLY at practice & Competitions
- Competition Cheerleaders must attend ALL Competitions (5 – 6 total)
Cheer Constitution
Your signature and your daughter’s signature below is stating that you and your daughter understand all of the above rules and will do your best to abide by them. You are also stating that you will take special care of your daughter’s uniform while they are in your care. You are also promising to support your daughter through this season by getting her to all games and practices on time. It is not the coach’s responsibility to get your daughter to practices and games. You will have to make arrangements to get her there if you are unable.
Cheerleader (s):
Cheer Constitution
Your signature and your daughter’s signature below is stating that you and your daughter understand all of the above rules and will do your best to abide by them. You are also stating that you will take special care of your daughter’s uniform while they are in your care. You are also promising to support your daughter through this season by getting her to all games and practices on time. It is not the coach’s responsibility to get your daughter to practices and games. You will have to make arrangements to get her there if you are unable.
Cheerleader (s):