
Broadcasting 3 (Voice & Diction For Radio & Television Broadcasting) UC; CSU

Section # 7123

Fall 2016
Office: Online Monday morning 8-10AM PST. and/or e-mail anytime.

(Please allow up to 72 hours for a return answer)

E-mail: (Please use the contact through Canvas)

Phone number: (818) 947-2799
E-mail: Use the “Discussion and Private Messages” section in our virtual class

This is a full online class logging in using the Canvas learning management system.

Additional information may be obtained at

Your homework each week is to log in and participate. There are no class meetings.

Course Description

Training in the presentation of broadcast material. Fundamentals of good speech are combined with techniques for handling the problems unique to broadcasting, such as microphone techniques, reading for the camera, interviewing techniques, preparing continuity and transitions for commercial copy, promotional and public service announcements, news copy, weather and sports announcing. An opportunity may be provided to create programming for the campus radio station, KVCM.

Course Outline

Announcing for the Electronic Media (CH. 1)

The Announcer as Communicator (CH. 2)

Voice Analysis and Improvement (CH. 3)

Pronunciation and Articulation (CH. 4)

Audio Performance (CH. 5)

Video Performance (CH. 6)

Commercials and Public-Service Announcements (CH. 7)

Interview and Talk Programs (CH. 8)

Radio News (CH. 9)

Television News (CH. 10)

Music Announcing (CH. 11)

Sports Announcing (CH. 12)

Starting Your Announcing Career (CH. 13)

Course Objectives

Demonstrate proper vocal techniques for radio, TV, cable and voice over announcing. Demonstrate proper voice and diction for radio and television. Demonstrate effective ad-libbing skills. Demonstrate effective breathing techniques on open microphone. Demonstrate pitch control, rate control for effective voice and diction. Demonstrate the ability to read commercial

copy effectively. Demonstrate the ability to read news copy effectively.

Student Learning Outcome

Students will write basic examples of radio and television copy and then voice them. This will include a Public Service Announcement, commercials for Radio/TV, news spots and editorials, and an old time radio show.

Required Text

Please read modules in Canvas each week.

Recommended Text

Television and Radio Announcing by Stuart Hyde 11th Edition

ISBN # 978-0-205-56304-3


PC or Mac computer with Powerpoint.


As an online class I expect you to log in at least twice a week and participate in the discussions. Do not procrastinate or you will fall behind. Log in and complete the assignments early in the week.

Grading Policy

Grades based on the following:

13 Chapter Discussions (worth 30 points each)

01 Voice Demo (worth 10 points)

05 Audio Recordings (worth 50 points)

01 New Media PowerPoint Presentation (worth 50 points)

(For a total of 500 points)

450 - 500 Points = A

400 -449 Points = B

350-399 Points = C

300-349 Points = D

000 - 299 Points = F

For all of your chapter discussions explain in detail, make your first post to my question then comeback for your follow up posts to your classmates. Please do not post three in a row.

There is no extra credit given in this class and there are no make up or late assignments accepted. I do not issue incompletes.

It is the student's responsibility to drop this class, not the Professors.

Services For Students With Disabilities

If you are a student with a disability requiring classroom accommodations, and have not contacted SSD, do so in a timely manner. SSD is located in the Student Services Annex, Room 175 or call SSD at (818) 947-2681 or TTD (818) 947-2680 to meet with a SSD counselor. If SSD has already sent the memo to instructor confirming accommodations required by student for this class, please meet with me to discuss arrangements.

LAVC Campus Radio Station KVCM

Your work throughout the semester may have a chance to appear on our campus radio station KVCM. You can listen to the radio while on campus at 95.1 FM and at home and around the world through the internet at

Ground Rules & Tips For Success

·Each week officially begins on Monday at 12:00 am. The work for that week will be due on the

following Sunday by 11:59 pm. There is no make up or late work allowed in this class as I give

you seven days to complete your work each week.

·Pay close attention to your due dates at the start of each content week. Mark them somewhere on your own calendar or phone reminder so you don’t lose track of them…If you have an iPhone, you can always use Siri to remind you.

·Block out time in your schedule to do the work in this class.

·Consider yourself a member of a broadcasting community. We will all be here to help each


·Please treat contributions made by other members of the class with respect.

·Check in on class discussions regularly (at least 2 x a week), if not daily.

·If this is your first online learning experience, expect to invest extra time to orient yourself to

the course design and tools in Canvas.

·Have patience and a sense of humor with technology.

·Keep an open mind.

·Never hesitate to ask for clarification when needed. Send me an email through Canvas.
I am here to help you succeed.