Welcome to Day Star Ministries!
Day Star Ministries is a place where everyone can experience the life changing power of God! Our mission is very simple... Connecting, Growing, Serving for His Glory! It is our vision that we may be the instrument God uses to Connect people to himself so that His love flows through us to others. We will then Grow in His grace together to Serve the world for His glory!
This week @ Day StarSunday, February 26, 2017
10:30am Morning Worship Service
6:30pm Evening Worship Service
Wednesday, March 1, 2017
7:00pm Bible Study
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daystarva.com facebook.com/daystarvadaystarva.com/give
Day Star is working with Grace Network to help provide food and needed items to families in our community. This quarter, we are collecting “Bread mixes-Bisquick, etc.”. Please leave your donations in the lobby.
Scripture of the Month“LOVE suffers long and is kind; LOVE does not envy; LOVE does not parade itself, is not puffed up.” I Cor. 13:4 NKJV
Abby Porter
Alicia Mays
Allison Richardson
Angela Cassell
Barbara Earles
Bernard Rakes
Beth King Hurley
Betty Hollandsworth
Bobby Rakes
Boonie Hancock
Bradley Oliver
Brenden Newman
Brian Hale
Brook King Flanders
Carl & Mary Rea
Christine Setliff
Christy Reece
Cory Barger
Curtis Setliff
Debbie Byrd
Dewey Lloyd
Dominique Bailey
Doris Blackard
Doris Starks
Dorothy Hill
Eric Trent
Euel Nick Shelton / Frankie Campbell
Gail Riley
Glenn & Evadell Clark
Glenna Hollandsworth
Harris Family
J.T. Richardson
Jackie Dalton
Janice Bittenger
Jeff Mills
Jessica Foisy
Karen Griffin
Leon Ratliff
Linda Walker
Lisa Scott
Lois Cassell
Lolene Robertson
Lou Scott
Margaret Murphy
Martha Bottoms
Mary Ann Dean
Megan Newman
Michael Richardson
Miriam Kendig
Nancy Frazier
Naomi Gresham
Patrick Wright
Paxton Matherly
Randolph Gallimore
Randy Woodall
RetaShulur / Rhonda Murray
Rizardo Starks
Ronnie Clifton
Ronnie Rakes
Ruby Ward
Sandra Cassell
Sandy Turney
Scott Reece
Shirley Stuart
Shoron O’Neil
Stephanie Young
Stephen Reece
Sunsenson Benson
Terry Hale
Terry Lyon
Tiffany Wilson
Tony Caldwell
Tyler Fisher
William Blackard
Zenith Lawrence
Alice Scott
Doug Cassell
Jimmy Clark
Lucy Rakes
Mildred Hubbard
Ruby King
Tony Scott
Upcoming Events
SPECIAL EVENT: Daystar Ministries youth /children
TODAY, February 26th--A pizza lunch will be served following
the morning service. We will then go to the “Roll-About”
skating rink in Collinsville. The church will provide the pizza
and the skating cost. We hope you will join us for this exciting event! It’s going to be a BLAST!
SPECIAL PRAYER: Tuesday, February 28th—
Tony’s surgery at the Baptist Hospital