Grace United
Methodist Church
11222 Leopard Street, Corpus Christi, TX 78410 (361) 242-3333
April 29, 2010
Monday thru Thursday: 9:00a – 5:00p
Fridays: 9:00a – 12:00p
John Wright205
Home 992-1566 / Cell 244-6450
Mark Montgomery204
Home 288-2007 / Cell 726-9332
Director of Youth Ministry:
Kathy Rios203
Director of Children’s Ministry:
Kandi Tumlinson206
Church Administrator/Finance:
Pat Pike221
Administrative Assistant:
Sandy Callis200
Administrative Assistant:
Cathy Roznovsky202
Director of Music Ministries
Janelle Decker208
Praise Band Director:
Kirk Tumlinson
Director of ECDC:
Sara Vansickle241-5232
May: It’s made for memories!
May 2nd Honoring Our High School Graduates
Our graduating high school seniors will be recognized during worship and honored at a luncheon immediately following the 11:10 a.m. service. Join us in congratulating the accomplishments of
Otto Alexander / Robert & Theresa AlexanderLindsey Coffey / Leo & Lisa Coffey
Gerad Floyd / Eddie & Amy Floyd
Sam & Gaye Powell (grandparents)
Beth Grant / Eddie Grant
John & Myra Stansill (grandparents)
Kirby Heaton / Sonny Heaton (and the late Beverly Heaton)
Bennie & Joyce Houghton (grandparents)
Mackenzie Hughes / Debby Hughes, Gary Hughes
Hannah Kaplan / Kevin & Carol Kaplan
Weldon Kemp / Darrel & Julie Kemp
Dwayne & Patsy Kemp (grandparents)
Russell Koellman / Jeff & Amy Koellman
Morgan Lowke / Mark & Melodie Lowke
Mike & Martha Lowke (grandparents)
Taylor Macek / Steven & Judy Macek
Steven Mahany / Kevin Mahany (and the late Martha Mahany)
Gus Mengers / Scott & Roberta Mengers
Jake Moore / Brett & Angie Moore
Amanda Pridgen / William & Lori Pridgen
Miranda Reinhard / Jon & Robin Reinhard
Scott Stracener / Jeff & Rita Stracener
Emmalee Winters / Greg & Barbara Winters
May 2nd Honoring Our Children
The SonShine Singers Children's Choir will perform their spring musical "Go, Go Jonah!"at 6:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary. An offering will be taken to support our Grace church missionary Randy Webster, serving in Honduras, and the Imagine No Malaria campaign. Refreshments will be served afterwards in the Fellowship Hall.
May 10th Honoring Our Mothers
This is a day to worship with your mother in body or in spirit. If possible, attend worship with your mother, the mother of your children, or a special person who has offered a mother’s kind of attentiveness and compassion in your life. If your mother is no longer living, join us in giving thanks for the legacy of her life that remains with you.
May 16th Honoring Our Confirmands
Join us in the sanctuary at 11:10 to receive into the family of Grace United Methodist Church our eighteen newest Confirmands. At the recent District Confirmation Rally Alexandra Taylor offered her personal testimonies about what Confirmation has meant to her. All our Confirmands have just returned from their annual retreat at Zephyr camp and are excited about becoming a part of this family of faith.
Plus: Our sermon series “Stories of New Life”continues through May 9th!
Pastor’s Column: Apostles = Posted
Rev. John Wright
As I think all of you know by now, I have been appointed by the bishop and cabinet to serve jointly with my wife, the Rev. Barbara J. Ruth, as pastors of First United Methodist Church in Austin, starting on June 10. First organized in 1840 and then re-established in 1846, this historic congregation is located across the street from the state capitol. It has a membership of around 2,000 members and an average attendance of over 700.
Both Barbara and I began our ministries at First Church. In 1970, Barbara transferred from North Texas State University to The University of Texas in Austin to begin her junior year of college. Although Barbara had grown up in a Baptist church, one day, she and a friend walked in off the street to attend a Bible study at FUMC. Before long, she was hired to be their youth director. Her boss, Kathleen Jones, who at that time was Director of Christian Education and is now an ordained deacon on staff there, saw gifts of ministry in Barbara and encouraged her to consider going to seminary. In the fall of 1973, sponsored by First Church, she entered Perkins School of Theology at SMU in Dallas.
It was that same year, 1973, that I entered Perkins. In 1975, I was assigned by the Perkins Field Education Office to serve my internship at First UMC under the mentorship of Dr. Jack Heacock. Barbara asked for a placement in a multi-racial setting and was assigned to Wesley United Methodist Church, the largest predominantly African-American UM church in Austin. During that year, we fell in love and were married on July 24, 1976. It was also during that year of internship at First Church that Barbara’s friends in the faith there became my friends in the faith. And we have been blessed by friendships there for 35 years. So, in many ways, being sent to First Church is like coming full circle in our paths of ministry.
However, I am going to First Church in Austin, not because of its special place in my life. I am going because I am an apostle. I have been “sent” there. The word “apostle” comes from the Greek: apo + stellein = “to send to a place away.” An apostle is “one who is sent,” sent on a mission, sent with a message. Think of an apostle as one who is posted. As an ordained United Methodist minister, I am “under orders,” subject to being posted wherever the bishop believes I am needed and can best serve. It has been this way ever since the days of John Wesley, who gathered a cadre of preachers around him and then appointed them to their posts, their stations, and their places of service.
Moreover, I am sent with a “post,” i.e., with mail, a message (the origin of our words post office and postman). In my case, the message is the good news of grace, God’s unconditional love revealed in Jesus Christ. You can be assured that I will deliver this message to the people of First UMC with all the vigor, strength, ingenuity that I can muster, just as I have with you.
When I was a little boy, there was a TV western called Paladin, starring Richard Boone, in which the character had a calling card with these words on it: “Have Gun, Will Travel.” When I was ordained, it was as though I was issued a set of calling cards imprinted with these words: “Have Gospel, Will Travel.” Upon my ordination, I was admitted to what the old Methodists called the “traveling,” or itinerant, ministry. As an apostle in the Methodist tradition, then, I go where I am sent, for I am under orders.
The truth is that, as a Christian, so are you! You, too, are “under orders.” You, too, are apostles, having been commissioned with a message. You, too, are sent! Oh, you may not be sent away to different geographical places over the course of your lifetime as I am. But you are constantly being sent into situations and to persons, wherever you live, with a message of grace, to tell them: “You count! You matter! You are precious in God’s eyes. God loves you, loved you enough to die for you! You’re going to makeit! God and I are going to see you through!”
So live the “sent” life to which you have been called! Remember, from now until June 10th, I’m still your company sergeant, and on every Sunday until then, I’ll have “orders” to give you from our Commanding Officer!
New Ministry Opportunity: Ramp It Up!
Remember when we use to rotate teams to serve at the Loaves & Fishes community kitchen? In much the same way, Grace Church will be teaming with Coastal Bend Council for Independent Living to construct wheelchair ramps for persons with disabilities. The Council for Independent Living maintains a list of people who are in need of ramps to give themselves or family members access to their homes. There are currently 150+ people who need ramps in the Corpus Christi Area. Without these ramps often these individuals are “prisoners” in their own homes.
Our plan is to participate in building ramps in the Annaville/Calallen area. We will promote each project a few weeks in advance and hope that everyone will come out to participate in this ministry.
This is an easy way to get involved in the life of the church and you do not need any specific skills to participate. There is something that everyone can do.
If you want to participate in constructing ramps, please call Mike Boggs at 688-3644 or Lisa Boggs at 765-3400. If you are in need of a ramp please contact Rod Vaughn at the Coastal Bend Center for Independent Living at 883-8461.
MAY Flood Bucket
Supplies & Goals:
Scouring Pads 1000
Disinfectant Dish Soap
(16-28oz bottle) 200
The size requested by UMCOR is specific and they will remove any items from our buckets that do not meet the specifications.Drop your items off in the glassway. Contact Lisa Boggs at 765-3400.
District Conference: May 16, First UMC, Beeville
3:00-5:00 p.m.
You are invited to attend the yearly session of the Corpus Christi District Conference in the newly renovated facilities of the Methodist church in Beeville, located at 106 E. Cleveland. The business of the conference will be to elect officers and members of the District committees on the superintendency, ordained ministry, disaster relief team, strategic planning team, board of church location and building, etc.; to adopt a budget for the district; and to receive a briefing about the agenda coming before the Southwest Texas Annual Conference in June.
The Conference will include a special “farewell” recognition of Rev. Barbara Ruth for her six years of service as our district superintendent. This session is open to all. It is the responsibility of our annual conference delegates to attend and to vote.
Did You Know?
Communion is Served…
Our Homebound Communion Ministry program is available for both long-term and temporary situations of confinement that prevents members from attending worship services. If you find yourself temporarily homebound, unable to make it to church for a while, and would like to receive communion during that time, the Homebound Communion Ministry is here for you!
This ministry also serves those who are permanently homebound. We have teams in place waiting to serve you. The elements used to serve are blessed each Sunday.
Contact the church office or call Judy Shurley at 241-9750.
Can You Help with the Parsonage?
The Trustees and other volunteers are busy, sprucing up the church parsonage in preparation for the arrival of our new senior pastor’s family in early June. They are giving the interior a fresh coat of paint. The men are working hard on replacing the dilapidated wooden fence and re-sodding the back yard. Ed Robbins has worked hard at planting new flowers and shrubs in the yard. It has been about five years since major work was done on the parsonage.
However, a crack in the master bathroom bath/shower wall has been discovered. It has allowed water to leak into and saturate the surrounding walls. It is estimated that the repair will cost between $2,000 and $3,000. The budget is already tight and cannot cover this unexpected expense. Please, if you can, make a contribution, over and above your regular giving, to cover this cost. Mark it “for parsonage repairs.”
Pastor John says, “This congregation has always responded so generously and faithfully when an air conditioner breaks down or the building needs repair. I am confident that our people will want the parsonage to be in tip-top condition for their new senior pastor.”
The church is giving Pastor Mark and his new bride Melissa a housing allowance that will enable them to move to a house they have chosen to rent.
Knit 1, Give 2: K1G2
Needlework Ministry
Sunday, May 23rdat 2:00 p.m., Room 143
Printed directions are available. Gale Bridgeman 726-6595.
Kids Korner
For information on these or other children’s events, contact Kandi Tumlinson 242-3333 x206 or
Children's Summer Camp Dates
"Be a Hero: Living Like Jesus"
3rd-4th grade: June 13-16 or July 11-14
5th-6th grade: June 20-24 or August 8-12
4th-6th grade M.A.D. (music, art, drama): July 28-31
(All camps are based on the grade the child will be entering in the fall.)
2 Great CelebrationsKick off the New School Year
July 16TM Back to School Bash
August 20Calallen Back to School Bash
All children entering Kindergarten-5th grade are invited to both events, 6-9pm in the Fellowship Hall. Come celebratethe new school yearwith food, music, games and fun! Friends are welcome!
Remember the Children’s Musical!
The SonShine Singers Children's Choir will perform their Spring musical "Go, Go Jonah!"at 6:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary. An offering will be taken to support our Grace church missionary Randy Webster, serving in Honduras, and the Imagine No Malaria campaign. Refreshments will be served afterwards in the Fellowship Hall.
Kids' Wednesday Away June 9, 23 and July 7
Join us for a fun field trip on these dates: June 9, 23 and July 7. Where will we go? Details coming!
ECDC Now Enrolling for Summer & Fall
Contact Sara Vansickle at 241-5232.
Youth News for 2k10!
Kathy Rios, 242-3333 x203 or
Please read the calendar we mail you every month. All the details for everything are on that calendar.
We can't text, email, My Space and Facebook each of you so you don't forget something.
Get it on the calendar!
May 12th: Last “Wednesday Night Live”
May 16th: Last Sunday Afternoon Youth Group Pool party / Hart's home, 4534 River Park Dr. in the Wood Riversubdivision. Bring swim suit, towel and sun screen and that's all! Food and drinks provided! Transportation back provided from the church vans if needed.
May 23rd:Sea CityWork Camp Orientation
1:00 p.m. in the gym; All campers, parents, and adult volunteers please attend.Adult volunteers have an important meetingfollowing Orientation.
Mt. Wesley Summer Camps for Youth:
Jam camp for Jr. High: June 27 - July 1, 2010
Quest / Sr. High: July 18-22, 2010
Registration forms in Youth hall or go to
The Chrysalis Journey
Boy'sChrysalis - June 17 - 20, 2010
(if you are not going to SCWC - this is for you!! Ages 15 - 18)
Girl's Chrysalis - June 24-27, 2010
check out for info or ask Kathy!
“San Antonio Invasion”
July 6 - 9, 2010
This mini-mission trip has become a tradition.
Jr. High & Sr. High may attend. Final plans being
Lodging: Laurel Heights UMC
Service: Haven for Hope / San Antonio Food Bank
Cost: $100 (approx.)
Remember No Youth Group May 2nd or May 9th.
11222 Leopard Street, Corpus Christi, Texas 78410
Address Service Requested
Inside this Issue:
VBS Registration Form!
The Reverend and Mrs. Mark Montgomery
Mark and Melissa were married Saturday, April 24th at the Historic Berkeley Plantation at Harrison’s Landing on the James River between Williamsburg and Richmond, Virginia. Pastor John had the joy of offering Holy Communion to the bride and groom who then served their guests. After a honeymoon in the Caribbean, the couple will return in early May.