Booking Conditions

Thank you for using Ibstock Day Nursery for the care of your child. Please take a few moments to read the following booking conditions for your information, then sign and return the slip below.

  • We require 1 months’ notice in writing for any alteration or cancellation to a booking.
  • We require 1 months’ payment in advance or if your child starts part way through the month, full payment for the sessions booked.
  • Please telephone to let us know if your child will be absent from any of the sessions, especially important if your child attends Pre School and After School Club.
  • Please do not bring your child earlier than the agreed session time so we can ensure correct staffing ratios are maintained.
  • Late pick-ups will be charged at £5 per every 15 minutes after 12pm, 3pm or 5pm and £5 per every 10 minutes after 6pm. We reserve the right to amend booking forms where children are persistently dropped off early or collected late.
  • Payment of fees is required for periods of absence whether through holidays or illness.
  • Invoices are calculated per calendar month and are issued for payment at the beginning of each month, invoices must be paid in full by the end of that month or in the case of Holiday Club, by the due by date on the invoice.
  • Ibstock Day Nursery reserve the right to cancel a child’s place if fees are not paid within the timescale. Please see our Non Payment of Fees Policy in the Parents Handbook.
  • Our preferred method of payment is by online payment transfer, bank standing order or by childcare voucher. We will accept payment by cheque and we will accept cash payments by exception.
  • It is your responsibility to ensure that whilst your child is attending the Nursery, you the parent/carer can be contacted in the case of an emergency. Please remember to notify us of any change to the child’s registration details (address, contact telephone numbers, changes to emergency contacts, child’s doctors) or any new health conditions.
  • Ibstock Day Nursery reserve the right to refuse admittance to any child we feel is not well enough to attend or who may pose a risk of infection to other children.
  • If your child is prescribed antibiotics, the first 24 hours of these should be spent at home to prevent the spread of infection.Where possible, the child’s parents should administer medicine. If this is not possible then medication must be kept in its original container and clearly labelled with the child’s name, and the parents must complete a Medication Form. Only medicine prescribed by a GP will be administered by Nursery staff. Non prescription medicine such as Calpol will only be given to babies and under 2s who are teething. This will only be administered with prior written consent on the Nursery Medication Forms
  • If your child contracts sickness, diarrhoea or both, they should not return to Nursery for 48 hours after the last attack, according to Local Authority Guidelines.
  • All Nursery Policies are available in the Nursery office for parents to read.

 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…….


I have read the Booking Conditions and agree to abide by them.

Signed: ……………………………………………………….……………….……….. Date: ……..……………….………………

Parent of: ……………………………………………….…………………………………………………………….……..………………………..

Please sign and return this slip to the Nursery.

Jan 2017

P:\Community-Extended School\Nursery\Admin\Forms\Booking & Registration\Booking Conditions- Sept 2014.doc