Friends of Georgia Libraries

Meeting Minutes

October 30


The regular meeting of the Friends of Georgia Libraries was called to order at 12:00 PM on October 30, 2015


Kathy Ash, Beth Ratliff, Keith Schuermann, Rita Spisak, Belinda Outwater, Jessica L. Everingham-GPLS Liasion, George Tuttle and Lorene Flanders

Call to Order & Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting were unanimously approved as distributed.

Treasurers Report

Keith reported a balance of 2521.54 in the checking account as of 10/28/2015. Checks were ordered and a few memberships were paid.

Old Business

The blog is up and running and in need of articles or events. Please send any information you would like posted to

Grant and Award applications have been received since the email by Keith was sent out.

Jessica is continuing to research the library support license plate.

More good things coming from the startup of Teen Advisory boards and Bel emailed the bylaws and how to start documents to the board members.

New Business

Membership ideas were discussed to answer the question as to why join FOGL: To keep it local, Pay it Forward, Gives you a better library, Awards and Grants, Network of ideas and knowledge, a support group to draw from like Pines. Renewal letters sent. Also discussed changes in the membership options structure, ie Lifetime Membership.

The idea was proposed to again split the state geographically to recruit new FOGL members.

A new unified message was devised:

·  Friends helping Friends

·  Organizational Support

·  Grants and Awards

·  Love you Library

An infographic will be made showing this new message.

A tentative date of April 22, 2016 was discusses as being a date for the Annual Meeting. Athens Library was presented as a possible venue. Possible speakers were suggested: Joshilyn Jackson and Valerie Bell. Session topics should include one on starting a Teen Advisory Board at local library.

The slate of officers for the next election was drafted: Dan Aldridge- President, Belinda Outwater-Vice President, Keith Schuermann- treasurer, Beth Ratliff-secretary

Wendy Cornelison will be representing GPLS at FOGL meeting in the future.

Upcoming events: ALA will be in Atlanta in 2017, Legislative Day at the Georgia capital will be held the last week of January and National Legislative Day will be held in May. Fogl will need volunteers to help represent at these events.

Suggestion made about partnering with GPLS or a corporation to look for funding for a speaker for meeting. Companies suggested for partnering were USG Foundation and EBSCO. Also possible partnering with Elizabeth McKenney concerning maker spaces. for FOGL.

Belinda presented a fundraising program being implemented at the Auburn Library named Own a Day, enabling patrons to sponsor a day at their library. Details were emailed and are on the FOGL blog.


Meeting was adjourned by FOGL President Kathy Ash. The next general meeting will be at 12:00 PM on January 15, 2016, at GPLS offices.

Minutes submitted by: Beth Ratliff