Sutton St Edmund Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 28th September 2009 at Sutton St Edmund Village hall commencing at 7.15pm.

Cllr Morris in the Chair.

In Attendance: Cllr Matthewman, Cllr Watts, Cllr Rogers, Cllr Howe and Mrs J Ripley, Parish Clerk.

Also present:

The Chairman greeted all present.

56.09 Apologies: Cllr Marthews & Cllr Harold gave their apologies and council RESOLVED to accept their reasons. County Cllr W Webb District Cllr M Seymour, PCSO I Cripps & PCSO Ben Harrington also gave apologies.

57.09 Declarations of interest in accordance with 2000 LGA:


58.09 The Notes from the last meeting: Held on 27th July 2009 were read,

approved and signed by the chairman.

59.09 Police Matters:

The clerk informed council of the return to the parish of PCSO Ben Harrington replacing PCSO Ian Cripps.

60.09 Clerks report on outstanding matters:

All requested correspondence from the July meeting has been sent.

Came & Co has increased the council’s insurance policy to cover the War Memorial for £10,000 as RESOLED at the last meeting.

Clement Keys have returned the Annual audit and this is now advertised on the council notice board in the village.

All Allotment rent invoices for October half year have been sent out.

Land Registry has completed the registration of council land.

The clerk has contacted Liz Mayle, SHDC conservation officer and has been informed that Yarwood Hall is a Grade II listed building. Liz Mayle has requested that council give her more information on the condition of the property. Cllr Watts to investigate and report back to the clerk.

61.09 Finance:

a) Payments for approval

Date / Payee / Ref / Item / Chq No / Net / VAT / Gross
11/8/09 / Came & Co / Insurance / 100631 / £38.84 / £38.84
28/9/09 / T A Blackamore / Playing field maint / 100632 / £170.00 / £25.50 / £195.50
28/9/09 / Mrs J Ripley / Expenses / 100633 / £69.70 / £69.70
28/9/09 / Clement Keys / Audit / 100334 / £120.00 / £18.00 / £138.00
28/9/09 / Digley Ass / Play Area Inspection / 100635 / £45.00 / £6.75 / £51.75

S/O since last meeting:

28/7/09 Mrs J Ripley Wages £136.00

28/8/09 Mrs J Ripley Wages £136.00

28/9/09 Mrs J Ripley Wages £136.00

Money In: Nil

62.09 Correspondence:

The following correspondence had been received:

  1. SHDC – Copies of meeting agendas and minutes
  2. LCC – Voluntary car scheme
  3. LALC – News Magazine
  4. Barclays Bank – New regulations to account
  5. Digley Ass - Date of Play Area Inspection
  6. LCC – Reply from Highways re water outside 231 Broadgate
  7. Came & Co – Amended Insurance Policy
  8. LALC – Annual Report and Conference details

Cllr Marthews request for cost of lunch to be covered by council as he is representing them at this meeting was RESOLVED that council would meet this cost.

  1. Malc Firth – request to tender for Grass cutting
  2. LCC – Highways – Road closure
  3. Land Registry – completion of registration
  4. John Castley & Co – Land tenancies information
  5. Wash estuary strategy group- invite to workshop
  6. LCC – Parish Council information evening
  7. BT – Adopt red phone box

Clerk to look into this, Council RESOLVED to adopt the kiosk should it be available

63.09 To Discuss Village Bus Shelter

Council discussed the topic of the bus shelter, items raised:

Bus shelter painted in May to remove graffiti

  • Graffiti now back and worse
  • Looks an eyesore
  • Children congregate there at all hours
  • An accident will happen with traffic
  • It is not used for its purpose
  • Should be removed
  • Should stay for future use

Council RESOLVED to ask the parish its views and will put a flyer round inviting members of the parish to a meeting on November 23rd to discuss this issue.

64.09 To Discuss Playing Field

  1. Council RESOLVED to go to tender every three years for grass maintenance.
  2. Vandalism at the playing field was discussed and council RESOLVED to add this subject to the public meeting in November.

Cllr Mathewman told council of the bad state of the trees due to branches being ripped off etc, council RESOLVED to have these all trimmed back during winter in a hope to save them.

  1. New swings for the older children of the parish was to have been discussed but council RESOLVED that until such a time as the youth of the village can look after existing amenities no new ones will be provided.
  2. Playground inspection report, following discussion on Digley Associates report, Cllr Morris offered to do all necessary remedial work over the winter.

The Clerk suggested an amount be put into future budgets to cover playground maintenance, Council agreed this and it was RESOLVED

65.09 Planning:

(a) The Clerk read out a brief report on applications and appeals received.


H19/0521/09 Mrs S Eades-Willis, Long Acre House 289 Broadgate

Three galvanised poles (6m high) with CCTV cameras on top (retrospective)

The councils main concern with this application is the invasion of privacy to neighbours and therefore the effect on their amenity. However as council do not know the views of the consulted parties it is unable to comment.

Would it be possible for council to know their views?

H19/0611/09 Mr G Padmore, Clarendon House 72 Luttongate

Reposition railings, gate and plant a hawthorn hedge (circulated)

H19/0590 Mr R Oddy, Orchard View Caravan & Camping Park, Broadgate

Use land for siting of 12 static caravans (revision of H19/1207/05) (circulated)

H19/0664/09 Mr Condell, 43 Guanockgate

Two- storey & single-storey extension

Council supported this aplication

H19/0633/09 Mr & Mrs Miller 28 Broadgate

Retention of dwelling without complying with agricultural habitation clause

Council supported this application

Approval :

H19/0521/09 Mrs S Eades-Willis, Long Acre House 289 Broadgate

Three galvanised poles (6m high) with CCTV cameras on top (retrospective)

Refusal: None

Condition Compliance :

H19/0082/09 (H19/0621/08) Mr P Clerk 307 Broadgate

Details of surface water disposal

Enforcement Notices : None

Appeals ;

66.09Highway matters:

  1. Update on outstanding matters

Highways have replied to enquiries about water retention on Broadgate opposite 231. They have informed council that the verge will be graded to allow drainage; the clerk informed council that this has been done and made no difference. Clerk to re-contact highways and report to next meeting.

Cllr Harold had requested the clerk ask council to request Lincolnshire Police provide council with its contingency plan for diversion of traffic should the A47 be shut. Council RESOLVED this would be impossibility for the police and to take the matter no further

There has been no reply from Highways on the matter of footpath complaints, clerk to follow up and report to next meeting.

  1. New matters for report

Complaints have been received about the overgrown hedge at 237 Broadgate, Clerk has reported to Highways and will report to next meeting

67.09 Report from Cllr Marthews on LALC County Committee

Cllr Marthews not at meeting

68.09 Date of next meeting:

Set for Monday 23rd November 2009

There being no further business the meeting was declared closed at 8.10pm.


Chairman Dated: