SPTA 2008/31

Tenth Meeting of the CPM Informal Working Group on Strategic Planning and Technical Assistance

07-10 October 2008 – FAO, Rome, Italy

ISPM No. 15 Symbol – Status of Registration

Agenda item: 7.1

I.  Status of registration at the CPM-3

1.  At the time of the third session of Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM-3) in April 2008, the ISPM No. 15 symbol had been registered nationally in 12 countries and regionally in the 27 countries of the European Community. The symbol had also been registered in 57 countries under the Madrid system of the World Intellectual Property Organization[1]. The IPPC Secretariat informed the CPM-3 that it would continue this registration in the countries that had recently joined the Madrid system and in two regional organizations and later proceed with the remaining national registrations.

II.  Development of registration since the CPM-3

2.  Efforts have been made by FAO to continue to register the symbol. The process for registration of the symbol has begun in several counties as outlined below, however there remain 83 countries in which the registration process has not begun (Annex 1).

3.  The status of registration of the symbol, as of 26 September 2008, is as follows:

International Registration

4.  A private company based in Italy, Società Italiana Brevetti (SIB), filed an application on behalf of FAO on 2 July 2008 to cover 7 countries in the Table 1 below, which have joined the Madrid system since the last registration.

Table 1:

Bahrain / Iran (Islamic Republic of) / Namibia / Syrian Arab Republic
Botswana / Madagascar / Oman

Regional Registration

5.  The IPPC Secretariat instructed the FAO Legal Office on 26 June 2008 to begin registration under the Organisation Africaine de la Propriété Intellectuelle (OAPI) to cover 16 Francophone African countries in the Table 2 below. The FAO Legal Office will inform the IPPC Secretariat once this application has been filed.

Table 2:

Benin / Chad / Gabon / Mauritania
Burkina Faso / Congo, Republic of / Guinea / Niger
Cameroon / Côte d'Ivoire / Guinea-Bissau / Senegal
Central African Republic / Equatorial Guinea / Mali / Togo

6.  The IPPC Secretariat is awaiting advice from the FAO Legal Office concerning registration under the African Regional Industrial Property Organization (ARIPO) to cover 4 Anglophone African countries in the Table 3 below.

Table 3:

Malawi / Tanzania / Uganda / Zimbabwe

National Registration

7.  In February 2008, the IPPC Secretariat sent out letters to request countries in which the symbol had not yet been registered to consider waiving national registration costs or to provide cost figures, and to consider providing the legal services for national registration. The 14 countries listed in Table 4 responded to the Secretariat’s request, , but only a small number of countries waived registration fees or offered legal services. The IPPC Secretariat is awaiting estimates on the costs for national registration of the symbol in these countries.

Table 4:

Afghanistan / Myanmar / Guatemala / Suriname
Cook Islands / Pakistan / Nigeria / Trinidad and Tobago
Costa Rica / Peru / South Africa
Maldives / Ghana / Sri Lanka

8.  Criteria for prioritizing the registration of the symbol in the remaining countries are currently being developed.
Annex 1

The list of countries where the process for registration of the symbol has not begun


SPTA 2008/31

Country / Proposed Registration Procedure /
1.  Afghanistan / National
2.  Andorra / National
3.  Angola / National
4.  Bahamas / National
5.  Bangladesh / National
6.  Barbados / National
7.  Belize / National
8.  Bolivia / National
9.  Brunei Darussalam / National
10.  Burundi / National
11.  Cambodia / National
12.  Cape Verde / National
13.  Chile / National
14.  Colombia / National
15.  Comoros / National
16.  Congo, Democratic Republic of / National
17.  Cook Islands / National
18.  Costa Rica / National
19.  Djibouti / National
20.  Dominica / National
21.  Dominican Republic / National
22.  Ecuador / National
23.  El Salvador / National
24.  Eritrea / National
25.  Ethiopia / National
26.  Fiji / National
27.  Gambia / National
28.  Ghana / National
29.  Grenada / National
30.  Guatemala / National
31.  Guyana / National
32.  Haiti / National
33.  Honduras / National
34.  India / National
35.  Iraq / National
36.  Israel / National
37.  Jamaica / National
38.  Jordan / National
39.  Kiribati / National
40.  Kuwait / National
41.  Lao People's Democratic Republic / National
42.  Lebanon / National
43.  Libyan Arab Jamahiriya / National
44.  Maldives / National
45.  Marshall Islands / National
46.  Mauritius / National
47.  Micronesia (Federated States of) / National
48.  Myanmar / National
49.  Nauru / National
50.  Nepal / National
51.  Nicaragua / National
52.  Nigeria / National
53.  Niue / National
54.  Pakistan / National
55.  Palau / National
56.  Panama / National
57.  Papua New Guinea / National
58.  Paraguay / National
59.  Peru / National
60.  Philippines / National
61.  Qatar / National
62.  Rwanda / National
63.  Saint Kitts and Nevis / National
64.  Saint Lucia / National
65.  Saint Vincent and the Grenadines / National
66.  Samoa / National
67.  Sao Tome and Principe / National
68.  Saudi Arabia / National
69.  Seychelles / National
70.  Solomon Islands / National
71.  Somalia / National
72.  South Africa / National
73.  Sri Lanka / National
74.  Suriname / National
75.  Timor-Leste / National
76.  Tonga / National
77.  Trinidad and Tobago / National
78.  Tunisia / National
79.  Tuvalu / National
80.  United Arab Emirates / National
81.  Uruguay / National
82.  Vanuatu / National
83.  Yemen / National


SPTA 2008/31


[1] An application for registration in Montenegro under the Madrid system was submitted in October 2007.