Warnings Regarding the Christopher Dorner and the Los Angeles Police Saga
From an elder, Dr. Rosie Milligan
Let's keep Christopher Dorner's mother, Nancy Dorner, in prayer. My heart hurts for her. Her son was not born a killer. Chris may have pulled the trigger, but who is the real murderer in this case? Just put your thinking cap on. Who is really responsible for the precious lives that were lost? Who triggered the rage? I am sure that there will be a lot of sleepless nights for those whose actions of hatred and racism triggered this saga. There is a God, and He sees, hears, and knows all. I pray that a lesson was learned from this saga so that the lives lost will not be in vain. I pray that a thing such as this will never occur again. However, if we do not learn the lesson of the impact of hatred, prejudice, racism, and standing by saying nothing when injustice is being done to others—then history can repeat itself.
It's important to the citizens of Los Angeles to witness a pure, transparent investigation of the allegations alleged by Chris Dorner because far too many citizens and their families have experienced maltreatment at the hands of the Los Angeles Police and the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department from the streets and from the jail cells. If we are to survive the insanity of this nation, the madness in the streets, the chaos induced by those in power, throwing a rock and hiding their hands, if we are to feel safe, we must see law enforcement as our friend and not a friend to some and an enemy to others.
Let me bring to your mind a good example: When the media demonizes Black men, non-Blacks will cross to the other side of the street and clutch their purses when approaching a Black man for fear of the unknown. When citizens, including women, have this same fear of those who are supposed to serve and protect them—the police and the sheriff—this is a bad situation. There are times that the law enforcement will need help from the citizens. In fact, recently, a policeman was in a struggle with a man who had overpowered him, and a Black man looking on, jumped in and saved the policeman.Now that's how it ought to be. Our law enforcement is not to be public enemy #1 but our rescuers, instead.
It's time for a real cultural sensitivity training program for the Los Angeles Police Department and the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. We are not an island unto oneself; we all need each other. We must begin a healing process. It's hard for a wound to heal when every time you think it's healing, someone comes along and digs into the scab, thus, reopening the wound that's trying to heal.That's what happens when law enforcement continues to mess up.
The good should not have to continue to suffer for the bad guys/gals. That's exactly what happened in therecent Chris Dorner and the Los Angelespolice saga. That young couple and the other police officer killed had nothing to do with the pain suffered by Dorner at the hands of the police department.My case and point is this: this is a situation where the good had to suffer for the bad. A note from me, the elder: let us not remain silent when injustice is being done. May we always be reminded of this SAGA!
Dr. Rosie Milligan, Minister, Counselor, Author, Talk-Show Host, Estate Planner, and Owner of Professional Business Management/Consulting Services, 1425 W. Manchester Ave. Ste. B, Los Angeles, Calif. 323-750-3592; e-mail: ;
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