Hello! Are you ready for summer? The more organized you are, the more time you will have for fun.

Having a successful and happy summer does require some advance planning. There is vacation planning, signing up for summer camps,ormaybe you need to create a plan for kids that will be home for the summer.Don't worry, with a little work before the last school bell rings, you can have fun all summer long! Contact me if you want to take advantage of my two hour consultation service - we can create a plan for a fun and stress-free summer. Enjoy these tips!

Productivity Article Series - #6

Become an expert time estimator.
Most unpleasant tasks don’t take as long as you think they will. And most pleasant things tend to drag out a bit longer than you'd expect. Use a timer to get an accurate gauge of the real time it takes to accomplish a variety of routine responsibilities. Then, use this information to help schedule future tasks. If checking and returning phone messages takes an hour each day (who knew?), then block off that amount of time for phone calls. Clearing off your desk by filing papers may seem like an unending job, but in reality, it may take only ten minutes. Now it seems more manageable! Master your time and you’ll be in control!
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Organizing Tips

Get those outdoor activity supplies organized so you can grab them on the gofor a fun day at the park or for the evening ball game. You don't want to waste any time trying to find the sunscreen or thebug spray! Try having a bag reserved for every type of activity, and buy duplicates of the basic supplies to keep each bag complete. It really helps to remember everything you need for each activity!

Give your purse or bag a makeover. Dump everything out, and toss expired coupons, old receipts, paper scraps, and wadded tissues. Then, use a small, see-through pouch to hold personal items (lip balm, comb, bandages) and an envelope for current coupons and receipts. Store your wallet, checkbook, and keys in a handy, easy-to-reach spot.

Wondering how long your favorite food will stay tasty and healthy? Check it at You can search by specific food item or food category. Toss what is expired, it most likely won't taste right. (Apparently, a chocolate bar is good for 10 - 12 months, but really, whose candy bars hang around that long?)

Laundry day AGAIN? Designate a day (or 2) each week rather than running small loads every day (or avoiding the task until hampers overflow.) Try color-coded laundry baskets for each member of the household so everybody can put away their own clothes. And if you hate running to the dry cleaners, make a change and buy only washer-friendly clothes.You will save yourself time and money!

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Frequent Filer Class at Southeast Community CollegeJuly30 6-8 PM
Learn a system for processing every piece of paperwork in your house! Sign up on theSCC website.

Light of Day Support Group: FREE Support group for anyone affected by clutter.Every 4th Monday at 6:30 PM. Please call Traci at 402-326-9358 for location information.
