Terlingua CSD Campus/District Improvement Plan
Date of School Board Approval
ARDAdmission Review and Dismissal NCLB No Child Left Behind
AYPAdequate Yearly Progress PAPA Parenting and Paternity Awareness
CAPComprehensive Analysis Program/Corrective Action PlanPDMCPlanning and Decision Making Committee
CTECareer Technology Education PEIMS Public Education Information ManagementSystem
CBECredit by Exam PGP Personal Graduation Plan
CEHICompensatory Education Home Instruction PRS Pregnancy Related Services
CHSCoordinated School Health REAP Rural Education Achievement Program
CIPCampus Improvement Plan (Targeted – TCIP)RPTEReading Proficiency Test in English
ELLEnglish Language Learner SCE State Compensatory Education
EOCEnd of Course SDFS Safe and Drug Free Schools
ESCEducationServiceCenter SHAC School Health Advisory Council
IEPIndividualized Education PlanSTAARState of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness
ITBSIowa Test of Basic Skills TAKS Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills
LASLanguage Assessment Scales TAPR Texas Academic Performance Report
LATLinguistically Accommodated Testing TEKS Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills
LEALocal Education Agency TELPAS Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System
LEPLimited English Proficient TPRI Texas Primary Reading Inventory
LRELeast Restrictive Environment TSIA Texas Success Initiative Assessment
School Wide Components / Program Budget CodesCNA / Comp. Needs Assess. / PI / Parental Involvement / T-1 / Title 1 / SCE / State Compensatory Ed.
RS / Reform Strategies / T / Transition / T-2 / Title 2 / TDA / TX Dept. of Agriculture
HQ / Highly qualified staff / A / Teacher Inventory in Assessments / T-3 / Title 3
PD / Professional Development / M / Assist. for Mastery / SPED / Sp. Ed.
E/R / Employee/Recruitment / Coor. / Coordinator./Integration / Local / Local
Mission Statement
The mission of TerlinguaCommonSchool District is to foster respectful life-long learners and leaders who realize their potential through optimal educational opportunities offered in an environment of equality, respect, and competitiveness.
Nondiscrimination Notice
Terlingua CSD does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, sex, or disability in providing education services, activities, and programs, including vocational programs, in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights act of 1964, as amended; Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972; and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended.
Planning and Decision Making Committee
The Planning and Decision-Making Committee is composed of the following members:
Betina KearnsClassroom Teacher
Reagan ReedClassroom Teacher/Principal
Bernadette DevineClassroom Teacher
Jennifer PenaClassroom Teacher
Eunice PageParent/Community Representative
Noemi AvilesParent/Business Representative
Debbie WillifordCounselor
Bobbie JonesSuperintendent
Comprehensive Needs Assessment
A Comprehensive Needs assessment was conducted using the following data sources:
TAPR Data (including demographic information on LEP, gender, etc.)
TPRI Results
ITBS Results
TELPAS Results
ELL Reports
PEIMS Reports
Discipline Referrals
Teacher Surveys
Student Surveys
The Planning and Decision-Making Committee met on March 20, 2014to review the data prior to the development of the Campus/District Improvement Plan.
Summary of Findings
After reviewing the data listed above, the Planning and Decision-Making Committee determined that improvements needed to be made in the areas of math, writing, and reading. Specific steps need to be taken to improve these scores. It was suggested that we utilize Region 18 personnel, online courses, webinars, and other professional organizations to train the staff throughout the year.
Efforts will continue to be made to increase student performance in all areas. This will be done through continual staff development, disaggregation of test data, and focus on covering all TEKS in classroom instruction. Tutorials will occur for students who are below grade level or need additional assistance in core academic subject areas.
All staff members will continue to strive to meet the needs of our at-risk student population. Counseling will be provided to try to keep studentsin school and also to continue their education beyond high school.
State Compensatory Education
The comprehensive, intensive, and accelerated instruction program at Terlingua CSD consists of tutorials for students at-risk, individualized instruction for students below level in reading, writing, and math, computer aided instruction and additional paraprofessional assistance in grades K-8.The district expects to receive approximately $115,000 in state compensatory funds for the 2014-2015 school year.
Students are entered into the compensatory education program using established state criteria, as well as local criteria.
State of Texas Student Eligibility Criteria:
A student under 21 years of age and who:
- Is in pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, or grade 1, 2, or 3, and did not perform satisfactorily on a readiness test or assessment instrument administered during the current school year;
- Is in grade 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, or 12, and did not maintain an average equivalent of 70 on a scale of 100 in two or more subjects in the foundation curriculum during a semester in the preceding or current school year or is not maintaining such an average in two or more subjects in the foundation curriculum in the current semester;
- Was not advanced from one grade level to the next for one or more school years;
- Did not perform satisfactorily on an assessment instrument administered to the student under Subchapter B, Chapter 39, and who has not in the previous or current school year subsequently performed on that instrument or another appropriate instrument at a level equal to at least 110 percent of the level of satisfactory performance on that instrument;
- Is pregnant or is a parent;
- Has been placed in an alternative education program in accordance with Section 37.006 during the preceding or current school year;
- Has been expelled in accordance with Section 37.007 during the preceding or current school year;
- Is currently on parole, probation, deferred prosecution, or other conditional release;
- Was previously reported through the Public Education Information Management Systems (PEIMS) to have dropped out of school;
- Is a student of limited English proficiency, as defined by Section 29.052;
- Is in the custody or care of the Department of Protective and Regulatory Services or has, during the current school year, been referred to the department by a school official, officer of the juvenile court, or law enforcement official;
- Is homeless, as defined by 42 U.S.C. Section 11302, and its subsequent amendments; or
- Resided in the preceding school year or resides in the current school year in a residential placement facility in the district, including a detention facility, substance abuse treatment facility, emergency shelter, psychiatric hospital, halfway house, or foster group home.
Local Student Eligibility Criteria:
Inventory/TestGradesStudent Performance Standard
TPRIK-2Below Instructional Level
ITBSK-12Below Grade Level in Reading and Math
TAKS/STAAR/EOC3-11Below State Standard or ARD recommendation
TELPASK-12Below Intermediate Level 3 years in a row
Core Academic Subjects1-12Failing Two or More Subjects
Students are exited from the compensatory education program when their performance meets state standards, as well as local criteria.
Local Student Eligibility Criteria:
Inventory /TestGradesStudent Exit Criteria
TPRI K-2Scoring Instructional level or above
ITBSK-12Scoring 40% or better in Reading and Math
TAKS/STAAR/EOC3-11Scoring State Standards or Better or Meeting ARD Expectations
TELPASK-12Scoring Advanced High
Core Academic Subjects1-12Passing Scores on All Subjects
Federal, State, and Local Funding Services
All federal funds will be integrated and coordinated with State and Local funds to meet the needs of the students in the district. Federal funds included are: Title 1, REAP, Title 3, and IDEA- B. The district has two Title 1 campuses; Terlingua Elementary and Big Bend High School.
Terlingua CSD’s poverty level is higher than 50%, and we have chosen to coordinate our SCE funds with our Title I funds.