Date: / May 30, 2002 / Number: / ASICLEC02-014
Effective Date: / June 1, 2002 / Category: / DSL Trial
Subject: / SBC-ASI Market Trial for DSL over Plexar – Southwestern Bell
Related Letters: / ASICLEC02-011
States Impacted: / ASI Central (MO, OK, KS, AR, TX)
Response Deadline: / Contact: / Account Manager

SBC Advanced Solutions, Inc. (SBC ASI) previously communicated in notification ASICLEC02-011 that it will conduct a Market Trial of DSL over Plexar. This notification is to provide additional information regarding the ordering and qualification process during this trial commencing June 1, 2002.


Participating CLECs will use the existing DSL ordering process to place DSL trial orders against Plexar accounts. The participating CLEC should pre-qualify a Customer for DSL service through CPSOS as usual. If qualified, the service request may be placed as normal. For large Plexar accounts, service requests may encounter a "time out" condition that will occur in CPSOS when a response is delayed for a 3-minute or greater period. The error message will be displayed as follows:

Error 606: Account too large. Manual input required. Timeout occurred

while waiting for CLEC CORBA service to process transaction

If this error is encountered, please E-Mail the following information to the appropriate contact listed below.

DSL Telephone Number

Contact Name

Service Name

Service Address Information

Class of Service (Plexar)

Network Service Provider

Description of the Error Code

Regional Contacts:

ASI Central (SWB), North (AIT) and Northeast (SNET) Regions:

ASI West (PB, NB) Region:

The Regional Contacts will assist you in processing the trial order and advise when the Service Request can be retrieved and continued.

DSL Qualification Interface

Using this tool may return an invalid qualification on Plexar accounts while attempting to validate the class of service. While this problem is being investigated, SBC ASI recommends participating CLECs qualify all DSL over Plexar trial orders via CPSOS on an individual basis for the most accurate results.