District #3 Website Access and Trio-gramPresentation

This year, under the direction of District Governor Pete Chambers, the District #3 Officers have been given the task of providing the District with the tools that are necessary to access the information available to help our District be more successful in all of our endeavors.

Basically, the idea is to improve communications between the District Officers and the Chaptersof the District. The result therefore is to learn from what others havepreviously tried and have been successful. By sharing ideas, we may be more knowledgeable, efficient and successful in accomplishing the tasks at hand.

To achieve this, Dist. Gov. Pete Chambers has instituted the “We Initiative.” Bro Pete is assembling binders to be distributed to each Chapter. These are aptly named“Recipes for Success”, the

purpose of which is to provideinformation on how to performvarious functions and projects.

This will help eliminate wasteof time and effort in"re-inventing the wheel"whenevera project is initiated.

The vehicle we need to use in accomplishing this task is the technology that is readily available to us all: The internet.

We have an excellent communication tool at our disposal and we need to take advantage of it. The District web site has been updated and improved and will be instrumental in keeping us abreast of the many activities and programs in the District.

The purpose of this presentation is to educate the District members on how to use the new features on the District web site.

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First of all we need to access the main portal that is, the home page –

From here, all options are available; most of these are self explanatory:

We will concentrate on only thoseoptions which have been updated:

1. Trio-Gram

2. Chapter Events Calendar

3. Chapters in District

4. District Lodge Officers

1) The Trio-Gram:The web site can is an excellent tool for gathering information for the Trio-gram, and also allowing immediate access to this publication, on line.

To access the Trio-gram page, go to the district Home page and click “Trio-Gram” option.

You will then be directed to the Trio-Gram page. Here you will have 3 options:

  1. View published Issues – View Trio-Grams published
  2. View all submitted items – View all info submitted
  3. Submit items for publication – Send email to Trio-Gram editors
  • Option one, “View published Issues” one can view all Trio-Grams published. From Fall of 2005 to the present.
  • Option two, “View all submitted items” all items submitted will be available to view or print.
  • Option three, makes it easier to submit items for publication. To do so just click the ”Click to send e-mail to Trio-gram Editors” icon and a page will appear where you may submit any info you desire.

As for submissions sent for publication to the Trio-gram, we ask that you follow these rules:

a)Please send only info that is pertinent to AHEPA in particular or the Greek community in general which may have ties with AHEPA.

b)We ask that all submissions to the web site be as concise as possible. Keep out all the fluff – that is info that is not necessary.

c)If possible send your info on line so that we do nor have to manually type it all in. Even though we can scan mail and convert it, sending your info on line will save both time and work on our part.

d)Try to submit photos taken as close to your subjects as possible. Make sure your photos have good contrast and focus. Also don’t forget to provide captions for all your photos, including names, positions, chapter’s names and numbers, and where and when photo was taken.

e)Please don’t wait to the last minute, or worse past the submission deadline – Oct 31, 07.

2)Chapter Events Calendar

This web page is provided where any Ahepan may add any scheduled event.

To do so, they need to first register with a Username and their E-mail under the “New Acount Signup” link.Once this info is entered, a password will be emailed back to them and the door will be open for the addition of their Chapter’s events.

You do not need to register to view events however.Directions are included on the main Calendar page. Please follow these directions so that all information will be submitted correctly.

3)Chapters in District

Clicking this option will yield a list of all the chapters in the District along with the city in which they are located, their AHEPA name, the year they were founded, and the date the info was last updated.

Ideally every chapter should have their own web page. But in our District, and even in AHEPA as a whole, only a few chapters do.

Space has now been allocated on the District web site for each chapter to have their own web page.

A designated contact person of each chapter will be given the task of submitting info for their chapter’s web site.

  • To submit information, go to the District home page and select the “Chapters in District.” option.
  • You will then be linked to the Chapters’ page. Here you can view all the chapter web sites or submit information for your web site.
  • To add info, click the [Website Submission] button. You will then be directed to the Chapters Web Page Submissionform page. Here you will see that the form page is set up with various input headings. You will enter the information that you need to add or change in the appropriate place.
  • When finished it is imperative that you click the [SUBMIT] button otherwise all your hard work will be lost.
  • The submitted info will be emailed to the webmaster, which will be added to the person’s chapter web page. Please note that we cannot use templates for web page development at the present time due to technical variables. (The (Linux) server does not accept ASP format which is needed to upload files and photos. This is being addressed and should be rectified soon.)

4)District Lodge Officers and Communication from and to them.

In the past, the problem we have had in putting together the Trio-Gram has always been getting sufficient and timely information. To help rectify this, the District Governor is appointing liaisons to communicate with the chapters. The idea here is that each District Officer will be a liaison to several Chapters in the District.

  • To assist him, each Officer will have a web page where he can send (up-load) information that can be retrieved (downloaded) by anyone who cares to go online and view that information.
  • The liaison will need to communicate with his appointed Chapter contact person who will submit information on events, functions, projects, etc. that his chapter has participated in.

A web page has been set up for each District Officer. Now for the District Officer to communicate with other officers and with other members of the District, he will go to the “District Lodge Officers” page, then click his photo, which will direct him to their page.

  • Here he can insert information.
  • To do so, he needs to click the [Add Info] button, where he will be directed to the “Information Entry Page.” Note that this page is password protected so that only he will have access to that Entry page.
  • He can then enter the info he desires to add.
  • When completed, he must click[Submit] to post it to the web.
  • To view what was posted, he needs to return to his District Officer’s Page. He also has the option of deleting old information.
  • Additionally, in order for any member to communicate with any District Officer, he will merely go to the main District Officers page, and click that officer’s e-mail, where he will receive an email page to fill in and send.

5)Other Options

Now there are many other options available on the District web site, which you all are welcome to view. These include:

  • A Chapter Events Calendar for entering upcoming events.
  • A page with District and National forms and documents including AHEPA Constitution and bylaws and District Directory that can be downloaded and printed.
  • Scholarship page with applications.

…just to name a few.

All AHEPANs in the District are encouraged to go on line and make use of the many resources available on our web site.

With all the tools at our disposal, we believe we can be more effectual in communicating with one another to produce a more vital organization.

A follow up video is planned for the web site which will demonstrate these and other additions to the District web site.

I thank you all for your time.

Respectfully submitted,

Luke Hajiantoni


District 3 Trio-Gram editor and web-master

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