Due Date:______
Required Elements
(20 Pictures, 5 Facts/Statistics, 2 Arguments in Support, 1 Civic Action)
4 / 3 / 2 / 1The project includes all required elements and all elements are related to the topic and make it easier to understand. All graphics/facts/etc. have a source citation. / The project includes 75-99% of the required elements and 75-99% of the elements are related to the topic and make it easier to understand. 75-99% of the graphics/facts/etc. have a source citation. / The project includes 50-74% of the required elements and 50-74% of the elements related to the topic and make it easier to understand. 50-74% of the graphics/facts/etc. have a source citation. / The project included 49% or less of the required elements and 49% or less of the elements are related to the topic, making it difficult to understand. 49% or less of the graphics/facts/etc. have a source citation.
4 / 3 / 2 / 1A lot of thought was put into making the product interesting. The product thinks “outside of the box” and is in the top 10% of the class. / Some thought was put into making the product interesting. The product demonstrates a significant amount of work. The final product is in the top 25% of the class. / The product attempts to make the required information interesting. The product demonstrates some work was put in. The final productis in the top 50% of the class. / The product does not relate to the required information and/or the product is general. The final product is in the bottom 50% of the class.
Connection between required elements
Product explains how the information gathered “fits” together. Demonstrates a connection between the pictures, statistics, arguments, and civic action.
4 / 3 / 2 / 1Information clearly relates to the main issue. 100% of the elements (pictures, statistics, etc.) connect to one another and allows for the viewer to clearly understand the issue and understand the purpose of the product. / Information generally relates to the main issue. 75-99% of the elements (pictures, statistics, etc.) connect to one another and allows for the viewer to have a general understanding of the issue and the purpose of the product. / 50-74% of the elements (pictures, statistics, etc.) relate to the issue. The viewer may find it difficult to connect the elements to form an understanding of the main issue and/or purpose of the product. / 49% or less of the elements relate to the issue. Information does not necessarily relate to the main topic and/or does not establish the purpose of the product.
Product expresses the significance of this issue and identifies a solution.
4 / 3 / 2 / 1Product accurately identifies and expresses the significance of this issue, and provides 1 civic action to be taken. 3 details are included and provide a clear answer to the question “How will your civic action bring about change?” / Product identifies and expresses the significance of this issue, and provides 1 civic action be taken. 2 details are included and provide a general answer to the question “How will your civic action bring about change?” / Product identifies and expresses a general overview of the significance of this issue, and provides 1 civic action to be taken. 1 detail is included, but has trouble answering the question “How will your civic action bring about change?” / Product does not identify and/or express the significance of this issue. Details are not included, making it difficult to answer the question “How will your civic action bring about change?”
HISD Social Studies Curriculum 2016World Geography Studies