An extensive web site listing teaching programs by GoAbroad.com
StudyAbroad.com: Teach Abroad Programs
An extensive web site listing teaching programs by StudyAbroad.com
University of Michigan's Work Abroad Overview and Resources
Provides a good overview of student teach abroad options, with resources for those with or without a teaching certificate.
Dave's ESL Cafe
A very comprehensive site containing links to job postings for those interested in teaching English as a Second Language worldwide.
Linguistic Funland: Job Opportunities and Information
Contains links to numerous web sites pertaining to teaching English as a Second Language abroad.
CSUN's Employment Opportunities for Language Teachers
Contains listings of relevant web sites.
EFL in Asia
A guide to teaching English in Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, Indonesia, China, Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, and Mongolia.
O-Hayo-Sensei is a free electronic newsletter that lists positions for those interested in teaching English in Japan.
Jobs in Thailand
Contains links to related web sites and tips on how to teach English in Thailand.
Transitions Abroad
A bimonthly magazine for those interested in working, studying, and living abroad. Available from fine bookstores and at local libraries, including the CIE Resource Library.
- Is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State.
- Is the largest U.S. international exchange program offering opportunities for students, scholars, and professionals to undertake international graduate study, advanced research, university teaching, and teaching in elementary and secondary schools worldwide. Grants are available for study/research and teaching.
AEON recruits teachers for their 190 private schools in Japan. BA required. TEFL background or knowledge of Japanese is helpful. Minimum commitment is one year. Training, work visa, furnished apartment and salaries are provided. Participants pay one-way airfare to Japan. AEON hires year-round.
If you have a bachelor's degree and would like to participate in the adventure of a life time, you may want to consider applying for a teaching position in China through Marshall University's Appalachians Abroad Program. Universities from all over the People's Republic of China regularly agree to invite Appalachians Abroad participants to come to China and teach English as a foreign language. These one and two-year teaching positions usually begin from August or March.
Central European Teaching Program (CETP)
CETP is dedicated to providing native English-speaking teachers to schools throughout Hungary. We place teachers in Budapest, although our heart lies in finding teachers for elementary and high schools in communities with little access to English speakers. We welcome any college graduateyoung or oldwith the willingness to earn an online TEFL certificate and volunteer 20 hours in a classroom setting before arriving in Hungary.
CTP is based at Western Washington University and offers placements in the People's Republic of China. Experts in business and law are also placed.
CIEE: Council on International Educational Exchange
CIEE offers this exciting, affordable opportunity to teach English to native college students in Chile, China, Spain, or Thailand.
CEP is a private voluntary organization dedicated to supporting higher education reform and democratic education in the states of Central/Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. Their Visiting Lecturer Program places Western-trained scholars in teaching and development positions across the region. In addition to their classroom teaching CEP lecturers are also agents of change. Visiting Lecturers engage in a wide variety of outreach activities, including curriculum revision and library development projects, the organization of faculty retraining seminars, and the sponsoring of academic conferences for students and faculty colleagues.
ECIS: The European Council of International Schools
ECIS is a non-profit organization of English-language-based elementary and secondary schools in 84 countries throughout the world. They represent the largest groups of such schools and recruit teachers for their member institutions through both their UK and USA offices.
ELTAP: English Language Teaching Assistant Program
The University of Minnesota, Morris, ELTAP offers a quarter-long - 11 week - academic experience for credit in assisting teaching of English in high schools and post-secondary institutions in Belarus, Cameroon, China, Czech Republic, India, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Namibia, the Netherlands, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, Sweden, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey and Vietnam. BA not required.
EPIK seeks to improve the English-speaking ability of Korean students, to develop cultural exchanges and to reform teaching methodologies in English as a mandate of globalization of Korea. The Korean government is inviting English Language Instructors (ELIs) from six major English-speaking countries; United States, United Kingdom, Ireland, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, to teach English in the school system, to train Korean English teachers, and to assist provincial officers of education.
The French Ministry of Education offers paid teaching assistantship positions to teach English in primary and secondary schools in France. Applicants must be American citizens, 20-30 years of age, graduates or undergraduates, majoring or minoring in French, or having a good working knowledge of French. Teaching appointments begin in October and last 6-7 months. Applications are available on-line in September and the priority deadline is mid-December (for the following October).
Eight month T.A. positions are available assisting with English language instruction in Austrian secondary schools. Applicants should have at least a B.A. degree and be interested in careers in education. A working knowledge of German is required and necessary to facilitate classroom work.
Offers paid teaching assistantship positions in primary and secondary schools in Korea. Open to college graduates in all majors who are unmarried, without dependents, and under 30 years of age. No Korean language skills required and applicants must be native English speakers. Appointments begin in January and last 13 months.
GR offers year-round ten-week voluntary internships to students who teach English and other subjects in Kenya, Ecuador and Thailand. Knowledge of Spanish required for placement in Ecuador.
HLS in Taiwan seeks teachers who are enthusiastic, lively and have a genuine liking for children. BA required. Positions are paid, training is provided and they offer assistance with visas and accommodations.
InterExchange offers a variety of programs (summer and year-long) for both US and non-US citizens. They offer work programs in the Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Norway, and Switzerland and au pair programs in Austria, Finland, France (summer and year), Italy, Netherlands, Norway and Spain.
IPSL offers programs which combine structured academic studies with substantial volunteer community service for a summer, semester or year in the Czech Republic, Ecuador, England, France, India, Israel, Jamaica, Mexico, the Philippines, and Scotland. Placements are available in areas such as English, foreign languages, history, languages, psychology, political science, social ecology, sociology and the social sciences and are individualized based on the student's needs and interests. Programs are based at recognized, degree granting institutions in the host country, involve 20 hours of service per week, and have an in-country resident director to assist students.
Teaching assistants help teach, tutor and supervise extracurricular activities at internationals schools around the globe. Must have BA and be able to offer immediate skills in coaching, tutoring, extracurricular activities and other areas student training. Positions are for ten months. Stipend, insurance and round-trip transportation provided. For more information, e-mail:
ISS is a placement service for experienced teachers. Areas in special demand include math, science, and computer education/technology. Applicants must have a Bachelors degree, two years of current full-time teaching experience, and must be willing to sign a two-year contract. Teaching certification is highly recommended but not required. For more information, e-mail: or visit
JET: Japan Exchange and Teaching Program
JET is a program is sponsored by the Japanese government. Positions are available as an Assistant Language Teacher (ALT), Coordinator for International Relations (CIR), or -- for non-U.S. citizens only -- Sports Exchange Advisor (SEA). The salary is sufficient to cover personal expenses for living in Japan, and round-trip air transportation is provided. Japanese language not required. Contracts are for one year with extensions available. JETAA is a web site set up for JET Alumni. JET-L is an e-mail listserv set up for the purpose of discussion between returned and prospective JET participants. Subscribe to: by sending an e-mail with nothing in the subject line and write subscribe listnameyourfirstnameyourlastnamein the body of the message.
KSG provides native speaking English conversation instructors for over 50 independent foreign language institutes in Korea. Positions are paid and housing options (homestay, shared apartment or housing subsidy) are provided. Korean language skills helpful, but not required. Positions begin every month and contracts are for one year. KSG hires year-round.
Let's TaLK allows university-level students with at least two years of undergraduate education to teach English in rural Korean elementary schools for up to six months or one year. In addition to learning basic teaching skills, participants will get an opportunity to learn about Korean culture. Applicants must speak English fluently and be a citizen of an English speaking country. Candidates should come into the program with an open mind and a willingness to learn about Korean culture. The program is sponsored by the Korean Ministry of Education, Science and Technology and provides participants with Korean government scholarships.
PIA offers internships for college graduates, usually teaching English for one or two years in Hong Kong, Japan, China, Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore, Vietnam, Malaysia, Korea, and Kazakhstan.
Placements for a semester or year in countries such as Kyrghyzstan, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Uzbekistan and many areas around Russia, including Siberia. Knowledge of Russian required for Russia. Teaching or tutoring experience preferred. Fee includes airfare and homestay, stipend paid on-site.
TASP: Tel Aviv Teach and Study Program
TASP brings North American college graduates to Tel Aviv for a two-year work and study commitment. During their stay the interns will teach English in the elementary schools of Tel Aviv, study for a Masters Degree, and experience the daily life of an Israeli living in an exciting city on the Mediterranean Sea.
VSO is a British organization that places volunteers from all walks of life on projects in the UK and in developing nations, including teaching assignments. VSO currently has 1700 volunteers working in 57 developing countries. The aim of VSO projects is to "help people help themselves" and they accept a limited number of non-Commonwealth citizens each year.
Volunteers in Asia offers seven week summer programs for teaching English in China, Laos, and Vietnam.
Places college graduates as volunteers teachers in Costa Rica, Ecuador, Namibia, Poland, South Africa, Thailand, and other countries for a one-year teaching commitment in secondary schools. Subjects taught include natural and social sciences, mathematics, art, home economics, and English as a foreign language. Applicants accepted from all majors. No prior language or teaching experience required. Housing and local salary provided. Limited financial aid available.
YBM SISA AMERICA is a North American-based subsidiary of YBM/Si-sa-yong-o-sa. YBM/Sisa America recruits Americans and Canadians of all backgrounds for teaching positions at their schools in Korea.
OSCY in Japan and Taiwan are programs designed to provide teachers for English conversation classes. Basic monthly salary, housing, medical insurance and partial transportation are provided. Students must have a bachelor's degree, be in good health and speak English fluently. Preference will be given to those with ESL experience. Positions in Japan are for a two year term, and Taiwan is for one year.