Reception Classes
Our Mission Statement:
Working and learning together
with Jesus as one family.
Starting School Information Pack
10th July 2017
Dear Parent/Carers
This booklet is designed to help parents of new reception children starting at St Gregory’s Catholic Primary School. It contains information covered at the introductory ‘Parent Talk’.
Our aims are that your child will:
- Be happy and feel positive about school;
- Feel safe and secure in their new environment;
- Fit in well with peers and make friends;
- Develop confidence in relating to and cooperating with new children and adults;
- Be polite, kind and considerate towards others;
- Become more independent and self-confident about tackling new skills and activities;
- Develop good attention skills and the ability to concentrate on tasks;
- Develop their vocabulary and communication skills, feel confident to express their ideas and know that their ideas will be valued;
- Achieve their best in all areas of the curriculum and be proud of their achievements.
We hope you will find our school warm and friendly, one that shares in love with Christ. We look forward to working in partnership with you in the education of your child.
Yours Sincerely,
The EYFS Team
School Visit
Thank you to the new parents for your time and co-operation. We successfully carried out meetings on the week commencing the 26th June. This gave the Reception teachers an insight into your child’s unique interests and skills. It was also an opportunity to speak to us confidentially about any worries or concerns.
In your pack you should have received a letter stating your child’s taster day and time and your child’s start date.
If you haven’t yet done so, can you please make sure that you complete the Medical Forms, Contact Details and the “All About Me” sheet. Please hand these in when you arrive with your child for their taster day. For a smooth transition we also require your child’s current Nursery report which should be handed into your child’s teacher.
The School Day
School Times 9am – 3.15pm
The gate to the EYFS will be open at 8.30am for Nursery children only.
School starts at 9am for Reception children. Please don’t bring children in to the playground before that time as there won’t be anyone available to supervise them until 8.40am.
Children can come into class from 8.40am and the register will be taken at 9am.
Lunchtime is between 11:45am – 12:45pm. Hot meals and packed lunches will be eaten in the hall under supervision.
The children will be dismissed from their classes at 3.15pm into the Reception playground. Please be prompt when you are collecting as children become anxious when they can’t see a familiar face at the end of the day! Please phone the school office if you are running late and they will let us know. Also, please inform us in writing if someone other than yourself or a regular childminder/family member is collecting. We will not be able to send your child home with someone that we don’t know.
On your child's first day we will ask you to bring them into the playground where each teacher will line up their own class and bring them inside. For the first two days parents are welcome to stay for a short while to help settle your child into their new learning environment.
To help with your child’s settling in period, we ask you to refer to the photographs provided in appendix 1, talk with your child about their new environment and their teachers.
All children should be collected by a person known to Reception staff. If for any reason your pick up arrangements change the school must be notified in writing in advance or telephone call to the office.
Children are able to have a free, cooked school lunch or bring in their own packed lunch and they will all eat in the hall once they have settled in. They will be supervised by kind and efficient lunch time supervisors. We are a healthy school and promote healthy lunches. A typical packed lunch could include the following: sandwiches, fruit, yoghurt, cheese, pasta, fruit juice etc. Please don’t send too much food in for your child – choose something you know that they will enjoy to eat!
We value you as parents as your child’s first educators and we welcome your input and opinions. We would like to build up a good relationship with you and will try to make ourselves available to you. Please be aware that the mornings are very busy times in school with children arriving and settling down, and so if there is something you would like to discuss with your child’s class teacher please send a note in with them in the morning, or ring the office to make an appointment after school. We can be available for a chat for the majority of weekdays after school.
The Welcome Meeting which is held during your child’s Taster Day will be the first contact for some of you with our school and we hope that you will find this useful. We will hold regular Coffee/Information mornings and Learning Workshops where we will demonstrate how your children learn in school, e.g. Phonics.
There are two Parent Consultation evenings – one in the Autumn Term and one in the Spring Term, plus a written report which you will receive at the end of the Summer Term. We will keep in touch with you regularly about your child’s progress and we want you to be able to talk to us if you have any concerns. There are other ways to become involved in the school, such as being a Parent Helper, a member of the Parent and Teacher’s Association (PTA) or becoming a Governor. Please talk to your child’s teacher if you are interested in any of these roles.
We appreciate all the parent help we can get in school! If you would like to come into class regularly once the children are settled in you will need to apply for a DBS check and the forms for this can be obtained from the school office. You are also expected to attend the parent helper workshop and will require DBS clearance before you become a helper. This meeting is held in September by Mr Gristwood the Assistant Headteacher.
St Gregory’s is fortunate to have a committed and caring Parent and Teacher Association (PTA). Regular activities and social events are a fun way to raise money for the school. The PTA welcome new people either as committee members or as helpers at various functions such as the Summer Fete or Christmas Bonanza! Please support the PTA as much as you can!
Governor committee meetings are held half termly with a full governing body every term. Two of the Governors are elected by the parents from the parents of pupils at the school. Any queries or matters of concern should always be raised with the Headteacher in the first instance.
All parents are asked to support the school’s Building and Maintenance Fund. Contributions are made regularly, either annually (£60) or termly (£20).
Please note that parents are not permitted to use mobile phones or take photographs using cameras or phones if helping in classrooms or on school trips. Special permission will be given at certain times, such as class assemblies, concerts. Any photos taken which include other pupils must not be shared via social media. We ask for your support in safeguarding our children.
Aims of St. Gregory's Reception Classes
Our Catholic ethos underpins all our activities. Children are encouraged to say prayers, help, share, take turns and be courteous at all times. The school follows a Religious Education Programme which is theme based and provides opportunities for prayer, celebration and reflection. These opportunities and learning activities lead the children to a loving relationship with God the Father, Son & Holy Spirit.
Morning Prayer:
Good morning Lord, we praise your Holy name
And thank you for giving us this lovely new day
Lunchtime Prayer:
Bless us Oh Lord as we sit together
Bless the food we eat today
Bless the hands that made the food
Bless us Oh Lord, Amen
Home time Prayer:
Now the day is over, we lift our hands and say
Thank you Heavenly Father for your love today
We’re sorry for the wrong things, but glad about the right
So keep us Heavenly Father in your love tonight
St Gregory…..Pray for us
The children will also learn to say the Hail Mary and Our Father and to make the Sign of the Cross.
The children participate in the following activities during their time at school:
Collective Worship Assembly
Hymn Practice
Class Assembly
Christmas Nativity Concert
World Book Day
School Masses
Special Festivals
Stories with other teachers
School Productions
St. Gregory's Day
Sports Day
Summer Fete
The Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum is organised into seven areas of learning:
Prime Areas: Communication and language, Physical development and Personal, social and emotional development.
Specific Areas: Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the world, Expressive arts and design.
They are incorporated into activities, experiences and the learning environment which provide a framework for the Early Years Curriculum.
Communication and Language
Communication and language development involves giving children opportunities to speak and listen in a range of situations and to develop their confidence and skills in expressing themselves.
Speaking and listening is an important part of the school day and to support this your child will bring home a WOW book. This is an important link between home and school. This book is for you and your child to record any milestones, good times and interesting things that happen out of school. Your child will be invited to share the contents with the rest of the class.
At registration time in the morning the children say the school prayer and say good morning to the staff and each other. Carpet times are an opportunity to talk about particular interests and topics. The children are encouraged to say “please” and “thank you” and to be supportive of each other. We read stories and sing rhymes and songs every day.
The children’s learning will comprise of Teacher Led and Independent activities. They will use practical resources and use their initiative to solve problems. Children’s progress will be recorded in their own Learning Journey, which is a collection of their independent learning. This will contain examples of writing, number work, patterns, Science and creative activities. They will also have writing, Maths and RE books where adult led activities will be recorded.
Physical development
We aim to improve skills of co-ordination, control manipulation and movement. This helps children gain confidence in what they can do and enables them to feel the positive benefits of being healthy and active. We encourage the use of large apparatus such as climbing frames, barrels, tunnels, planks and wheeled toys. This helps to develop self-confidence, co-ordination and co-operation.
Each week the children have a P.E. lesson in the hall/outside. They will need a named PE kit, which will be kept in a red drawstring bag. The PE kit is available as part of the school uniform, from Junipers - 154-156 The Broadway, West Ealing Broadway, London, W13 0TL. The children are encouraged to get changed into their PE kit on their own and to change back into their uniform and put on their own shoes. Long hair should be tied back for safety reasons and all earrings should be taken out.
The children have the opportunity to explore the properties of a variety of materials which include; dough, water, clay, paint, glue etc. They enjoy cooking, wood work, cutting, sewing, sticking and drawing. This helps hand/eye co-ordination and manual dexterity.
Personal, social and emotional development
Personal, Social and emotional development involves helping children to develop a positive sense of themselves and others. To form positive relationships and develop respect for others; to develop social skills and learn how to manage their feelings; to understand appropriate behavior in groups and to have confidence in their own abilities.
During the school day we encourage independence, social interaction and awareness of others with the following play activities:
-Home corner -Drawing
-Sand -Book corner
-Junk bar -Outdoor play
-Painting -Musical instruments
-Water -Role play/small world play
The children will be able to use a wide variety of tools for marking and writing (crayons, chalk, pencils, pens etc.). They will be encouraged to draw pictures, make books and write stories. We encourage the children to try new experiences and make their own challenges.
The children have access to a wide range of books and reading materials in school, and at home (via the Lending Library) as this fuels the children’s interest and enjoyment of books. We also make trips to the local library to listen to stories and look at the books. The children will be taught Phonics daily using a variety of resources and media, which will help them to become successful readers. We focus on initial sounds of words and how sounds can be blended together to make a word, i.e. c-a-t, cat.
Children are assessed at phase 2 in phonics. The next step after that is to set children according to their ability. These groups are not set in stone, there is room for maneuver as children progress throughout the year.
Phonic/Curriculum workshops