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Evaluation of AUCD 2008 Annual Meeting and Conference Evaluation
November 8 – 12, 2008
Washington, DC
After wrapping up the 2008 AUCD Annual Meeting and Conference, we would like to get your reflections, thoughts, and feedback on the meeting. Please take a moment to complete this Annual Meeting and Conference evaluation form. Your comments and suggestions will help us to continue to improve the Annual Meeting and to meet the emerging needs of our growing network as we plan for the 2009 meeting.
Background Information (check all that apply)
___ UCEDD faculty/staff
___ LEND faculty/staff
___ IDDRC faculty/staff
___ Consumer/Self-Advocate
___ Family member
___ Trainee/Student
___ Federal Agency Personnel
___ Other (Please specify): ______
Program Evaluation
1. Overall, did you find the meeting and conference clearly organized and well structured?
___ Very
___ Yes
___ No
___ No Opinion
2. Were you pleased with the continued venue (Renaissance Washington Hotel) for the meeting?
___ Very
___ Yes
___ No
___ No Opinion
Provide comments here:
3. Did you like the schedule for each of the days?
___ Very
___ Yes
___ No
___ No Opinion
Provide comments here:
4. Were the Concurrent sessions useful and informative?
___ Very
___ Yes
___ No
___ No Opinion
Provide comments here:
5. Were the Posters helpful in providing useable information?
___ Very
___ Yes
___ No
___ No Opinion
Provide comments here:
6. Please rank each Plenary session as to its usefulness to you.
Please rank each with a score of 4 to 1; 4 as very useful and 1 as not useful.
___ Where do we go from here? Advocacy for Research after the Election
___ A Public Health Response to Disability in America
___ Including Samuel
___ 2008 Election Outcome: Future Direction of Disability Policy
7. Please rate the usefulness of the Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) and American Sign Language (ASL) services. Please rank each with a score of 4 to 1; 4 as very useful and 1 as not useful.
___ CART Services
___ ASL Services
Provide comments here:
8. Were you pleased with the choices for the pre-conference skill-building workshops?
___ Very
___ Yes
___ No
___ Did not attend
Provide comments here:
9. Were the Media Room Screenings engaging and effective?
___ Very
___ Yes
___ No
___ Did not attend
Provide comments here:
Please provide comments and/or suggestions for future meetings:
10. What professional development workshop topics would you like to see offered in 2009?
11. Do you have any suggestions for a theme for 2009?
12. Do you have any suggestions for plenary speakers for 2009?
13. What session or element of the meeting did you like best?
14. What can AUCD do to improve the Annual Meeting?
15. Other comments on the overall meeting or any part of it:
Thank you for evaluating the 2008 AUCD Annual Meeting and Conference. If you have additional comments, please email them to .
Also, concurrent and poster presentations andpictures from the meeting will be posted on the AUCD website in the coming weeks. Please visit to access this information.
SAVE THE DATE! The 2009 AUCD Annual Meeting and Conference will be held at the Renaissance Hotel in Washington, DC, November 7-11, 2009. We look forward to seeing you there!
Upon completion, please return this document
to or fax to 301-588-2842.