Smart Start Rewards Measurable Indicators
*You may change only the numbers in red. Required state level measures are noted. Remaining indicators are SSHC required measures.
- At least X child care facilities will participate will have direct teaching staff participating in the Smart Start Rewards program(NCPC Mandatory Output).
- At least X direct teaching staff will be enrolled into the Smart Start Rewards program(NCPC Mandatory Output).
- At least X children will be served in child care facilities with staff that participate in Smart Start Rewards.
- At least X direct teaching staff will receive a salary supplement.
- At least X direct teaching staff will be taken off the Smart Start Rewards waiting list.
- At least X direct teaching staff will enroll in for credit coursework.
- The average wage rate per hour (including the salary supplement) for at least X% (X of X)of participants will be $X/houror higher.
- Of the direct teaching staff enrolled in for-credit college courses, X% (X of X)will earn at least 3 semester hours towards an early childhood degree with a C or better(NCPC Mandatory Outcome).
- At least X direct teaching staff may receive a longevity bonus as a result of staying employed in their current child care facility.
- Turnover rate among Smart Start Rewards participants will be less than X%
- X number of child care facilities with infant-toddler teachers will be served.
- X number of infant-toddler teachers will be served.X% (X of X)of child care facilities with infant – toddler teachers will be served.
- X% (X of X)of participants in the SSR program will be I-T teachers.
- X number of ECE professionals with low post secondary education will be served.
- X% (X of X)of participants in the SSR program will have low post secondary education.
- X number of 1 to 3 star facilities will be served.
- Staff from at least X% (X of X)of 1 – 3 star rated Family Child Care Homes will be enrolled in the Smart Start Rewards program.
- X number of child care facilities will be non-Head Start/Early Head Start facilities.
- X number of SSR participants will be from non-Head Start/Early Head Start facilities.
- X% (X of X)of participating child care facilities will be non-Head Start/Early Head Start facilities.
- X% (X of X)of SSR participants will be from non-Head Start/Early Head Start facilities.