Client System Specifications

Processor Type(s): ___Pentium 3 or 4___ CPU Speed(s): ___233_____

RAM: ___32 meg._____

Bandwidth 56K modem or DSL / Broadband connection or company T1 network.

Supported Operating Systems:

Windows 98 SR.2 Windows NT 4.0 SP 4. Or higher

Windows 2000 Windows XP SP 1 or higher

Windows Me Windows Vista SP 1 or higher

Macintosh users may access the courses using Safari but Syntrio does support Mac’s.

Web Browsers

Internet Explorer 5.5 (or higher) Netscape 7.x (or higher)

FireFox can be used (but not supported by Syntrio).

Are cookies required? Yes

Browsers allow execution of JavaScript? Yes

Browsers allow execution of Java applet? Yes

What is the active Java Virtual Machine ?

Sun JRE version

What is the version of the JRE? __1.5_or higher

Specify any plug-ins (Flash, Windows Media, RealPlayer, etc.) that are required

Adobe Flash Player Version 8.0 or higher

**Note*** Users must disable pop-up blockers to view the online courses.

Windows XP users must have either Service Pack (1) or Service Pack (2) installed to view Syntrio courses.