By Stan Siegel / #50 / 01/31/16
If you search the Internet for “East Norwalk” you’ll find in Wikipedia a bit of its history: “East Norwalk is the location of Norwalk's original colonial settlements. The land was purchased from the Norwalke Indians by Roger Ludlow in 1640.” Not very much more. However, in the book (available for reference at the East Norwalk library) – Historical Disclosure in Commemoration of the Two-Hundredth Anniversary of the Settlement of Norwalk Ct., in 1651. By Rev. Nathanial Bouton of Concord, N.H. – you’ll find, on pages 8 and 9:
“The first purchase of these lands from the Indians, was made by Roger Ludlow, Esq., on the east side of the river. 26th Feb. 1640…
“The consideration for the land, given to Mr. Ludlow was, ‘eight fathoms of wampum, six coats, ten hatchets, ten hoes, ten knives, ten scissors, ten Jews-harps, ten fathom tobacco, three kettles of six hands about, ten looking glasses,’ And for this he received ‘all the lands, meadows, pasturing, trees, whatsoever there is, and grounds between the two rivers, the one called Norwalke, the other Soakatuck, to the middle of said rivers, from the sea a day’s walk into the country.”
As to Roger Ludlow himself, Rev. Bouton included, on page 10 and 11, as excerpted:
“Roger Ludlow came out of England in 1630, as one of the magistrates of the Massachusetts colony. He was reputed ‘a pious gentleman of good family in the west of England;’…”
Interestingly, the account continues: “To purchase from the Indians for one’s private advantage and without the authority of the Court, was contrary to the New England laws.”
In any event, the book documents the earliest days of what is now, at least, East Norwalk.
Don Burr, Senior Warden at Christ Episcopal Church in East Norwalk, brought this column’s attention to the humanitarian effort of Amir Kahn (who works at the Gulf station on East Avenue). Amir and two of his friends (Ricardo Murilo and Benny Alcea), hearing about the fresh water needs of the people in Flint, Michigan, decided to see how they could help. Asking Enterprise Car Rental (on Van Zant Street in East Norwalk) to donate the use of a van, they drove 15 hours to Flint with the truck full with 70 cases of bottled drinking water, and a 40-gallon jug. Once there, the trio stayed about 2 hours seeing that the water was distributed before returning to Connecticut.
Not part of any organized effort, they drove through various Flint neighborhoods and found places where water was being distributed – they said: “we knew we just needed to help those in need.”
Another trip is being planned in the coming month. Toward that end, the East Norwalk Association Library (51 Van Zant Street) and Christ Episcopal Church (2 Emerson Street, East Norwalk) will be accepting donations of bottled drinking water to be, once again, driven to Flint by Akim, Ricardo, and Benny).
For more information, contact the East Norwalk Association Library at 203-838-0408 ext100, or Don Burr at Christ Episcopal Church, 203-866-7442.
Last Tuesday, January 26, the East Norwalk Association held its 106th Annual Meeting at the East Norwalk Library Association Van Zilen Community Hall. Included in the regular Agenda – public comments, financial reports, distribution and discussion of the Annual Report, the election of Officers for the calendar year 2016. The Nominating Committee slate included Sarah Mann, president; Sarah Amato Mills, vice president; Katherine Cray, treasurer, and Nicholas Clarke, secretary. The slate was approved unanimously by the Board present.
The East Norwalk Association Board members are: Jim Anderson, Marlene DeBellis, Nicholas Clarke, Katherine Cray, Sarah Mann, Sarah Amato Mills, and Diana Paladino Christopher. The Board actively seeks additional interested members (contact any Board member, or email ) -- further Association information can be seen at
The 20-page Annual Report chronicled the history of the organization – originally, the East Norwalk Improvement Association founded September 30, 1910, which was “dedicated to changing a few things in their neighborhood they thought could use and benefit from it and adding a few things the people needed. Through their efforts such improvements were brought about such as the erection of street signs granite posts and iron gates at the entrance of The East Norwalk Historical Cemetery also provided a driveway around the cemetery itself. They gave assistance to the needy both to children in the schools and to homes directly.”
It was in in 1913, in the front window of Rundles Bakery located at the corner of Van Zant St and Osborne Ave the ladies of the Association opened its first library collection consisting of 100 books. In May of 1916 the Association entered a contest for a set of 300 books offered by an advertising firm. With the help of the residents that saw the need for increasing the number of books available they won the contest. With this and the library’s rapid growth the Association decided to build a community hall. A building site committee was formed and in April of 1914 a lot on Van Zant St was purchased for $900.00 The Association then was incorporated on May 5,1914. In 1916 it was decided to build a hall of brick large enough for social gatherings, dances, card parties and other needed functions. On November 6, 1917 the building was finished which still stands today at 51 Van Zant Street and is the home of the East Norwalk Association Library and its Van Zilen Community Hall.
Further, the Annual Report, contains some random 06855 (East Norwalk) statistics; highlights of the past year’s activities; Library-use statistics; a comprehensive listing of Library programs; a “value of East Norwalk Association Library services” chart, and details regarding several highlighted programs and accomplishments. The Annual Report will be posted on the Association website –
Founded in 1952, on Fort Point Street in East Norwalk, Reo Appliance (now at 233 East Avenue since 1955) has taken a new “lease on life.” Michael Jordan who has been working as a technician at Reo for more than 20 years, purchased the company from its former owners – Joseph Esposito and William Lafontaine. The building itself is currently for sale, but Jordan intends to continue the business even is a different location becomes a necessity.
Reo will remain a full-service, full-line of kitchen and home appliances company but additional emphasis will be placed of appliance servicing – specializing in repairing and maintaining high-end appliances.
As a member of the East Norwalk Business Association, in celebration of its new ownership, owner Michael Jordan is offering all ENBA Members and friends a 10% discount on service calls. Reo can be reached at 203-838-7925.
The East Norwalk Library now has a “Facebook” presence. Log onto Facebook and search for East Norwalk Library – “like” the Library and you’ll be privy to happenings, and other bits of information regarding the East Norwalk Library and the community it serves. See us on the web –
Monday through Friday, 12:30 to 5:30, Saturday, 9:30 to 5:30, closed Sunday and Holidays.
If there’s some East Norwalk “happening” or other East Norwalk news or features you would like to share with the readers, email: , or call 203-249-6293