President – This President will be elected to a two-year term, the first year serving as President and the second year serving as Past President. This person is considered to be the representative of the lay members of the congregation and presides at all meetings of the congregation and the Church Leadership Council. The President is a member ex-officio and by invitation of all boards, committees, and organizations of the congregation. This person also serves as an advisor to one third of the ministry teams in coordination with the Vice President and Past President. Mike DeArmond
Vice President – The Vice President is elected to a three-year term, the first year serving as Vice President, the second year serving as President, and the third year serving as Past President. This person presides at meetings of the congregation and Church Council in the absence of the President. The VP also serves as advisor to one third of the ministry teams in coordination with the President and Past President. Conna Wilkinson
Past President Suzanne Nichols
Secretary – The Secretary is elected to a one-year term. This person records the minutes of each Leadership Council Meeting and makes those available before the next meeting. The Secretary also keeps a file of all communications and written official reports, conducts all correspondence as needed, and performs other duties of a clerk or secretary.
Carylion Kennedy
Treasurer – This Church Treasurer will be elected for a term of two years. This person pays all bills of the congregation, under the approval of the Stewardship and Finance Team. The Treasurer keeps accurate records of all disbursements and presents reports of those records at the business meetings of the congregation. This person is an ex-officio member of the Stewardship and Finance Team. Shannon Haggard
Asset Team – Consists of Financial, Building and Staff Leadership. Nancy Nesser and Mylissa Hall
Financial – The Financial Secretary receives and deposits all monies of the congregation; these include all payments on current expenses, benevolence pledges, gifts, regular offerings, and special offerings. This person conveys notice of the amount of money received, after making a record of the same, to the Treasurer. The Financial Secretary provides to the Pastor and the Leadership Council a monthly and annual report of all monies received, as well as furnishing a statement of account to all regular givers. Sandra Hoyt
Stewardship and Finance Ministry Team - This team is responsible for the overall financial management of the church, subject to the approval of the Leadership Council. The team develops an annual budget and plans for meeting this budget. They, also, coordinate all church-wide fundraising activities. The Chairperson recruits team members, presides at team. Sandra Hoyt
Building and Grounds Ministry Team - The Building and Grounds Team is responsible for the care of the church facilities including land, buildings, and equipment. They instruct, supervise, and evaluate the performance of those hired to maintain the facilities. Also, they contract for all necessary services and utilities needed. Furthermore, they make all repairs to the buildings and equipment. Finally, the team maintains guidelines for the use of our facilities by individuals, civic groups, and community organizations. The Chairperson recruits team members, presides at team meetings, and attends the Leadership Council meetings to represent the team. Ron Bashant
Leadership and Staff Ministry Team – This team sets policies for volunteer and paid staff and leaders, acts as a liaison between the church and the leadership/staff, and facilitates excellent human relations in the leadership and staff of the church. This team reviews complaints or concerns about any person in a leadership or staff position. The Chairperson recruits team members, presides at team meetings, and attends the Leadership Council meetings to represent the team.
Nancy Nesser
Team members: Ginger McGovern, Suzanne Nichols, Mark VanDorn, Mylissa Hall
Care Ministry Team - The Care Team provides pastoral care and support for the members and visitors of the church. Team members are members of the church who show compassion, responsibility, and special gifts for caring for others. The Chairperson coordinates with the pastor and the church in recruiting team members, assigning persons to shepherds, and maintaining good communication with, and support for, the shepherds. This person also attends the Leadership Council meetings to represent the team. Donna Compton
Worship and Music Ministry Team - This team, in coordination with the pastor, is responsible for all matters relating to worship services, including hymn selection and choir activities. Members of the team sing in the choir, serve communion, collect the offerings during Worship Celebration, and serve as greeters. The Chairperson recruits team members, presides at team meetings, and attends the Leadership Council meetings to represent the team. Gloria Weiss
Community Life Ministry Team - Community Life builds the Church community through activities designed to create connections and increase belonging. These include the Community Café, the weekly and monthly potlucks, special interest groups, and other social activities. The Chairperson recruits team members, presides at team meetings, and attends the Leadership Council meetings to represent the team. Bo and Kenny Wright-Bass
Education Ministry Team - The Education Team supervises the Nursery, Sunday School, and Youth Programs. This team selects the educational curriculum and supplies for these programs, as well as the teachers. The Chairperson recruits team members, presides at team meetings, and attends the Leadership Council meetings to represent the team. LiErin Probasco
Social Justice Ministry Team - The Shalom Team supervises and encourages the ministry activities of our church’s wider mission of service, compassion, and social justice. The team’s work of overcoming injustice and intolerance includes ministry to persons living with HIV/AIDS, prison ministry, ending hunger and poverty, environmental concerns, racial justice, ending discrimination and hate crimes, and political advocacy for education, health, and welfare. The team organizes groups to promote these and other social justice concerns. The Chairperson recruits team members, presides at team meetings, and attends the Leadership Council meetings to represent the team. Nathaniel Batchelder
Food Pantry Team Bo Wright-Bass and Laura Choate
Funerals and Special Events Sandra Hoyt
Potluck Ron Bashant