UPDATE # 2 (June 15, 2009)
Summer running will star June 22 at Rainbow Park Across From Lynbrook. Check Update #1 for times.
The Cross Country fee will increase to $100 and will cover busses to all meets (cars to the optional ones), T-shirts, Entry Fees and Food runs. No more trying to find drivers.
The summer running camp will take place July 27 thru 31. This camp is not part of Lynbrook sports and is entirely voluntary. Here is the plan which may be updated but will help those who are interested to make plans.
MONDAY-Leave Lynbrook at 10 am and drive to Felton about 90 minutes away. We will run at Felton , I’m checking out sites. Have some lunch and check into the campground at 2 pm and setup. Use the rest of the day to explore, hike etc.
TUESDAY-Run from the camp site or drive somewhere close to run 4 to 8 miles. Later in the afternoon another short run . Evening games or whatever people want to do.
WEDNESDAY-Beach run which will be along the Wilder coastal trail and up into Wilder Ranch State Park. We will run 5 to 10 miles, the length of the run up to the runner. We’ll have lunch and hang out for awhile then back to camp
THURSDAY –We will run in the am, eat and hang out. Then in the afternoon we will go to Santa Cruz Boardwalk and spend the day. Head back to camp around 8 pm. You’ll need to bring money for rides etc.
FRIDAY-we will again take a good bye morning run. We need to check out of the camp site by 12 noon. But we can do something in town for awhile or simply head home. Again it is only 90 minutes away.
You need to do some summer running prior to going to camp. Remember it is a running camp.
We have 3 camp sites that can take 8 per site 24 total. I’m sure we’ll have open slots for those who may want to come for a day or two. If you think you want to go let us know so we can start planning.
Last year we only had guys, we would love to have girls come also. This is where a parent volunteer would be helpful. Hank and I can take 13 but will need additional cars (and hopefully parent volunteers, who would not have to pay any fees) to drive and chaperone
The cost will be $100 for the entire camp or $25 per day for those who only stay a day or two. The cost will cover campsite, food, firewood and whatever. Again you’ll want to have some money for the Boardwalk and maybe for some things you may want to do in town.
We will send out a list of things to bring with you. This will be in another Update. Things you may forget about like a warm coat, sun glasses, running shoes etc.
We'll be going to Hawaii this year as our trip (14 kids only). Alot on who goes
to Hawaii depends on the shape you're in (so come run with us), your commitment to the
Lynbrook XC program (so come run with us) and how well you do at the Lynbrook Center
Meet (so come run with us). Cost will be about $150 for four days. If you are at all interested in the Hawaii trip, Hank needs you to email him your name as it appears on a picture ID and your birthdate, do this ASAP (definitely before July 17th). His email is or phone him at 460-6785.