Name of Meeting: March Board of Directors Meeting
Facilitator: Christine Clyne, President / Secretary: Adele Avolio
Date: 3/1/2016 / Time: 5:30 – 7:42p.m. / Location: Tidewell Hospice, 5955 Rand Blvd, Sarasota, FL
Present: Christine Clyne, Marie Graziosi, Steve Hall, Renee Hood, Adele Avolio, Mary Meunier
Absent: Laura Ramirez, Angie Messerschmidt, Liz Cotner
Guests: Gina Burwood, Angela Sain
Discussion Item / Notes
Call to order and welcome /
  • Christine called the meeting to order at 5:55 PM

Consent Agenda /
  • Motion to approve the Consent Agenda was made by Mary to include the February Treasurer’s report, new membersand the February Minutes. Seconded by Steve. All in favor. Motion carried.

Electronic motion carried post-meeting /
  • E-mail motion for Board Members to donate $25 to SHRM to go for Platinum status Excel Award was made by Adele, seconded by Steve. All in favor. Motion carried electronically. 3/7/2016

Discussion item from board members:
Laura /
  • Christine presented on behalf of Laura.
  • Found potential Data Director
  • Seeking volunteers to assist with committees
  • Monitoring dashboard as membership renewals approach
  • Jerry continues to reach out to those who do not renew, updates will be quarterly
  • Eight new members for February

Marie /
  • Manny, Stephanie and Amber attended Day on the Hill February 17th and 18th
  • Stephanie provided a five minute DOTH report at the February 19 Membership Meeting
  • Gina presented HR Florida 2016 conference & Expo with Manny and Liz Cotner to the members on February 19th.
  • Ongoing activities include working with Stephanie and Amber to develop full Day on the Hill report to membership and action plan a) Stephanie and Amber will follow up with representatives for information on pending state and federal legislation going forward
  • Develop SHRM Foundation activities for SHRA. FYI 2015 results: i) HR FL ranked third for the 2015 Top 10 fundraising State Councils ($222k+) ii) top 25 chapters raised from $3,800 to $15, 80 and included 6 FL chapters. iii)SHRA donated $624

Christine /
  • Began the meeting with thanking all of the members for working productively and diligently in their respective roles.
  • Excel report – is now separate from the SHAPE report.
  • Excel requirement was tabled until further research
  • Motion to cancel the contract with Polo Grill and enter into a contract with Palm Aire was made by Mary. Seconded by Renee. All in favor. Motion carried.
  • Sent year-end financial and membership data to District Director, Mary Trombitas
  • Greeted Spring certification course attendees
  • Announced the LeRoss Parker Scholarship at the February membership meeting and at the certification class
  • Fall certification class graduates will be announced at the March membership meeting
  • All super early bird registrations (minus the one we are holding back for the Membership Drive winner) have been sold. The last group of five is now being sold.
  • 16 have registered for the spring SHRM/CP/SCP training course. Almost all are members or have joined SHRA to get the reduced rate for the course and materials
  • Angela was asked to link the class registration to SHRA membership.
  • October conference will be held Friday, October 21, 2016.
  • As a non-100% SHRM Chapter, SHRA is eligible for the SHRM e-blast program in 2016. Chapters may request that SHRM send two e-mails per year on their behalf, promoting chapter membership and an event of the chapter’s choice to at-large members. This program will provide access to SHRNs at-large community while recognizing the privacy and other concerns surrounding the sharing of SHRM member e-mail addresses.
  • Member Appreciation Month will be celebrated at the October conference.

Adele /
  • Notification of March Membership meeting was sent to the Sarasota Herald Tribune

Liz /
  • Christine presented on behalf of Liz.
  • Motion to decline Ian Rothwell for a speaker this year. Seconded by Renee. Motion Carried. All in favor.
  • Further discussion is required regarding future speakers and dates.
  • Speaking with potential speakers for the October conference

Mary /
  • Sold the first package for October and March.
  • Calendar is filling out as two more slots were filled today
  • Building relationships with new and previous sponsors
  • Waddell & Reed are the March meeting sponsors. Easter Seals is the Not for Profit Sponsor

Renee /
  • Venice Campus event will be placed on the website
  • A new projector was purchased. Discussion regarding what to do with old projector was tabled.
  • Looking for volunteers to assist with Communications/Technology – will include in the next PPT
  • Still looking for a camera
  • Continued transition of responsibilities from Communications to Technology
  • Preparing the PowerPoint for the March member meeting and sending E-blasts to members.
  • Continuing to learn and make edits to the website
  • Working with Mary and Your Membership (YM) on execution of sponsorship ideas. Based on the current layout YM suggested to use an image rotator instead of the homepage slideshow (section of homepage currently displays pictures).
  • Researching template for the website. Current software can accommodate an image rotator. Current version will not currently accommodate a banner ad. Images can be displayed horizontally or as a single image rotator. Each image can have its own URL link. Image rotators are placed in the content areas of the website. A choice has to be made whether the content area will contain an image rotator or word content. Small amounts of word content could be built and saved as images, but this requires more work.

Gina /
  • On target with all HR Florida conference calls
  • Manny ideas ensued

Steve /
  • State College of Florida will partner with SHRA to provide expertise to the April 14, 2016 “Get Ready, Get Set, Get Hired event to assist students pursuing a four year college degree.
  • The forum will be a panel discussion with experts from IT, business, manufacturing and construction. Two classes (approximately 60 students) will participate in the event. Most of these students will be freshman or sophomores and plan to transfer to a university for a 4-year degree, so the purpose of this event is a general overview and exposure to these topics.
  • Tentative format: Presenters will be seated in panel style and will come to the podium to give a 10-12 minute presentation on one of the five topics (resume, cover letter, interviewing, social media, email etiquette).
  • Any materials/handouts could be included in the student packets, handed to each student as they sign in. After individual presentations, students will have an opportunity to ask questions from the floor. While students fill out a questionnaire, presenters will proceed to their individual tables. Students will then have an opportunity to talk with presenters individually.

Steve /
  • In the past, some of our students have been more comfortable in the one-on-one interaction, rather than the group setting.The forum ends at 12:30 p.m. at which time a light lunch will be provided to the presenters.Presentation topics (this isn’t an all-encompassing list, just some ideas that would be applicable to our students): Resume - At a previous presentation, an employer mentioned if there was even one misspelled word or grammatical error, the resume went in the garbage. Students were shocked to hear this, even though I have stressed the importance of having multiple eyes review (which the CRC offers as a service to our students and alumni), the need to create a great resume but do not use over and over (same with cover letter). Share examples, why submit a cover letter, what to include and not to include. Interviewing – with corporations vs small business (someone may be secured for this topic). Social Media - Past – negatives of social media – things they posted that could prevent job offers, how they could clean up now, Present – using social media to enhance networking and job searching (not an in-depth how-to but hitting the highlights and programs most people use. Future – Once hired, do companies monitor? E-mail etiquette (could merge with Social Media). Is it okay to e-mail your resume? What this message looks like, using e-mail in the workplace, share stories/examples,
  • Laura generated a list of potential members interested in volunteering. Steve will reach out to them.
  • Will reach out to general membership for volunteer opportunities to help with the October conference

# / Action Item (AIl) / Owner / Due Date / Status
1 / Steve will contact the two delinquent accounts / Steve / March meeting / Complete
2 / HR Florida draw / Laura / May / Pending
3 / Designating April as Member Appreciation Month and come up with an event, Diversity in October, Veterans for November / Christine / October / Pending
4 / Jerry contacting previous members / Laura / March / complete
5 / Christine to research how monetary donations interact between Excel and SHAPE / Christine / April / Pending
6 / Will track SHRA participation in the State College of Florida April 14th Event. / Steve / May / Pending

Prepared: A.A.