1. Introduction
1.3 / This policy outlines the purpose, nature and management of the Design and Technology taught and learned in our school.
The school policy for Design and Technology reflects the consensus of opinion of the whole teaching staff and was agreed in January 2010.
The implementation of this policy is the responsibility of all teaching staff.
2. The Nature of Design and Technology
2.3 / Design and Technology is a practical subject, which involves children in investigating, designing, making and evaluating things that fulfil their purpose. Its practical nature involves children in developing their own personal skills and knowledge of a wide range of materials and equipment.
Design and Technology involves children in drawing upon the knowledge and skills from other curriculum areas.
Design and Technology provides a practical, meaningful, relevant and enjoyable activity for all children.
The aim of Design and Technology at this school is to develop children’s understanding of how technologists design and make things that fulfil their purpose and also their confidence and ability to work through that same process. To develop this technological capability all teachers within the school should strive to ensure that by the end of KS2;
  • Children are able to work more independently, and with confidence on Design and Technology activities.
  • Children are able to identify opportunities for Design and Technology activities by observing closely the objects around them.
  • Children are aware of the ways in which everyday objects have been designed and made.
  • Children are confident and skilled in using the range of tools and materials.
  • Children are able to work collaboratively.
  • Children are able to evaluate their design and product.

3. Entitlement
3.1 / All pupils have access to the curriculum at a level appropriate to their ability. Lessons are differentiated as appropriate to take into account the abilities of the children.
3.2 / During each Key Stage, children are taught the knowledge, skills and understanding through investigating and evaluating, focused practical tasks and design and make assignments.
3.3 / When appropriate children will visit local industries, retail and recreation amenities or visitors from these invited to talk to the children in order to evaluate and discuss the process involved in designing and making.
3.5 / Throughout the Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1, children should be given the opportunity to work with a range of materials. Although the National Curriculum makes no mention at Key Stage1 of ‘mouldable materials’, they are mentioned in Key Stage 2, and seen as essential in the Foundation year, so their use is encouraged in Key Stage 1 for progression.
At Key Stage 2, children will be given the opportunity to use a range of materials, including electrical and mechanical components, food, mouldable materials, stiff and flexible sheet materials and textiles.
Within each Key Stage children are provided with opportunities to design and make:
  • Artefacts
  • Environments
  • Food items

4. Implementation Procedures
4.5 / The children are taught that design and technology is a process which involves investigating, designing, making and evaluating their work.
Opportunity is provided for each child to work with construction materials, graphic media, textiles and food in the context of a balanced diet at least once in each Key Stage. The materials and equipment that children should be introduced to at each Key Stage are set out in Appendix A.
Work is planned using the National Curriculum objectives as a foundation, with QCA units of Study supporting teaching and learning.
In Appendix A the materials, tools and techniques to be introduced and taught to the children in each Key stage. Some of these skills and techniques will be taught in art lessons.
Children will be taught about the impact of technology on the environment when appropriate.
5. Teaching and Learning
5.4 / The class teacher directly teaches skills.
Children are encouraged to examine and talk about everyday objects and give possible reasons for why things are made the way they are.
The children are given sufficient time to explore, experiment, practise, repeat and consolidate ideas and new found skills.
The class teacher allows an appropriate balance between adult-initiated and child-initiated activities.
6. Safety
6.5 / Reference should be made to the safety guidelines in Appendix B.
Children are only given access to craft knives, cookers and glue guns when under appropriate supervision. A separate area within the classroom should be set aside for the use of glue guns and the correct usage explained to the children.
Key Stage 2 will use sharp pointed scissors once children have been informed of the correct way to store and use them. Rounded scissors will be used throughout Key Stage 1, with training scissors available in Early Years.
Hygiene procedures need to be followed when undertaking cooking activities, using equipment and utensils that are available only for that purpose. Appropriate clothing should be used. Sharp knives will only be used under strict supervision.
Children will be made aware of appropriate safety procedures for food safety and hygiene.
7. Resources
7.2 / Resources are readily available in a central resource area. The Coordinator of Design and Technology is responsible for the maintenance of this area. A selection of equipment specifically designed for Key Stage 1 is available.
Children are encouraged at all times to respect and care for their working environment by selecting, using, storing and returning their own materials and equipment tidily, safely and with regard to economy in use.
8. Assessment
8.1 / Assessment opportunities will be identified at the planning stage, and are indicated in the QCA. Children are encouraged to evaluate their own work and, in discussion with the teacher identify ways in which future activities could be developed. Attainment is reported at the end of the year against National Curriculum objectives. Attainment in the Foundation Stage is assessed according to the Foundation Stage Profile, with particular reference to Creative Development and Knowledge and Understanding of the World.
9. Review
9.1 / The curriculum coordinator will review the policy annually. Any suggested amendments will be discussed with the head teacher and staff, and presented to the Governors when appropriate.
10. Background Documentation.
10.1 / This policy was informed by reference to the QCA for Design and Technology, non-statutory guidance of the National Curriculum document for DT, and the County DT team.