Minutes of the January 14, 2016 Meeting
Members Present: Pastor Paul Stjernholm, Pastor Betsy Hoium, Pastor Rolf Svanoe, Pastoral Associate Renae Boehmer, Craig Holmen, Rebel Hurd, Bob Nady, Jason Domagalski, Kolby VanderWoude, Cassie Gusso, Jerad Shaw, and Youth Representatives Michael Leffring and Kyra Obermeyer
Members Excused: Jared Nesje, Susan Thie, and Gayleen Riedemann
Meeting Called to Order at 7:00 PM by Craig Holmen.
Spiritual Renewal:
Craig Holmen gave a devotion to the council members about how God’s blessings can be found within change.
Continuing Education:
Council read and reflected on Acts 19:1-10 (Paul in Ephesus).
Review and Approval of Minutes:
The December 2015 minutes were reviewed. Pastor Betsy initiated a motion to approve the minutes; Bob Nady seconded the motion. The motion to approve the minutes was passed by the council.
Treasurer’s Report:
The December 2015 treasurer’s report was reviewed by the council, with the following highlights:
a) Budgeted revenues for the year, while they reached only 91.1% of the budget, were up $21,358 from last year
b) Paid approximately 85% of the budgeted benevolences for the calendar/fiscal year
c) Ended the calendar/fiscal year with a $3,876 loss in operations
d) Receipts for the month of December were 130.0% of the budget
e) Preschool expenses exceeded income by $2,938 in December, but there was a net profit of $936 for the year
f) Mortgage Income exceeded Mortgage Expense by $3,864
Jason Domagalski initiated a motion to approve the report; Cassie Gusso seconded the motion. The motion to approve the treasurer’s report was passed by the council.
Review 2016 Draft Budget:
Adjustments from the draft budget presented at the December meeting included:
a) ~$16,000 increase to account for the addition of one new full-time Communications Director in lieu of two part-time Co-Directors (Co-Directors have each requested a reduction from 20 to 5 hours per week)
Jerad Shaw initiated a motion to approve the revised 2016 budget; Bob Nady seconded the motion. The motion to approve the revised budget was passed by the council.
Church Debt Reduction Campaign Discussion:
Council continued to discuss a three-year Church Debt Reduction campaign and plan to announce the campaign at the annual meeting on January 31st.
Nominating Committee Report:
The Nominating Committee gave an update to the council on progress made to fill three at-large Council positions, three Endowment Team positions, and two positions for next year’s Nominating Committee. Newly appointed committee members will be announced at the annual meeting on January 31st.
Pastors’ Reports:
Pastor Betsy
a) 11 people participated in the intergenerational mission trip to Jumelle, Haiti
i. Pastor Betsy preached at the church service
ii. Mission Team worked in a health clinic
iii. Kids Against Hunger meals were served to the people
iv. Mission Team spent money in the local market to buy supplies for the people
Pastor Rolf
a) Work has begun on the Chancel wall and, with additional gifts and the use of previously undedicated money, the cross and sound system will be installed later this month
b) Thanked Council for the recognition given to him at his Farewell Reception
Pastor Paul
a) 355 households pledged to the General Fund for 2016, as compared to 376 households last year
b) A total of $756,000 was pledged to the General Fund for 2016; an increase of $64,000 from last year
c) 150 households pledged $180,000 to the Mortgage Fund, which will fully cover our minimum mortgage payments for 2016
Pastoral Associate Renae
a) Participated in an Emotional Intelligence Workshop at Joy Ranch
b) 14 new member families will be joining Peace in January
c) Establishing small study groups for Lent
New Business:
a) Pastor Paul informed the council that, as a recognized judiciary body within the State of South Dakota, they had the authority to allow Pastoral Associate Renae to preside over weddings at Peace. Pastor Paul then asked the council to consider this request. Council discussed the request and voted to approve.
b) Council discussed and began approval of a 10-person Call Committee for filling the pastoral vacancy, with additional Call Committee slots still to be filled
Next Council Meeting is Thursday, February 11, 2016, at 7:00 PM.
February devotions/treats: Cassie Gusso
The meeting was called to close at 8:45 PM. The meeting was closed with prayers led by Pastor Paul and Pastor Rolf.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jerad Shaw, Secretary