/ UK Power Networks / HSS 01 067

Working at Height

Name / Murdo Allan
Title / Director of Health, Safety, Sustainability & Technical Training
Date / 01 March 2015
Name / Peter Vujanic
Title / Head of Health & Safety
Date / 25 February 2015

This document forms part of the UK Power Networks Integrated Management System and compliance with its requirements is mandatory. Departure from these requirements may only be taken with the written approval of the above authoriser.

Revision Record
Version number / 7.0 / What has changed?
Document format and authoriser
S4 & s6.5 Addition of HSS 01 067a Guidance when working at height in strong winds.
Why has it changed?
Variations to working practises
Date published / 18/03/2015
Next review date / 17/01/2018
Prepared by / C Shackell
Version number / 6.0 / What has changed?
Reviewed and alterations to s6, s7 & s8 to included reference to HSS 01 078.
Why has it changed?
Variations to working practises
Date published / 17/01/2013
Next review date / 17/01/2015
Prepared by / C Shackell
Version number / 5.1 / What has changed?
Figure 3 change of wording for clarity for maintaining climbing skills.
Why has it changed?
Variations to working practises
Date published / 25/09/2012
Next review date / 10/11/2013
Prepared by / C Shackell
Who needs to know?
☐ All UK Power Networks Staff
☒ Asset Management
☒ Capital Programme
☒ Connections
☒ Contractors
☐ Customer Services
☐ Finance
☐ G81 External website
☐ HR & Communications
☐ In Business HSS
☐ Safety Reps
☒ ICP’s (Independent Connection Providers)
☒ IDNO’s (Independent Distribution
Network Operators)
☐ Information Systems
☒ Meter Operators / ☒ Network Operations
☐ Commercial Services
☐ Logistics
☐ Network Control
☐ Transport Services
☒ Strategy and Regulation
☒ UK Power Networks Services
☐ Airports
☐ HS1, DLR Commercial buildings
☐ MUJV / Allenby
☐ Projects & Business Development
☐ Others (specify)
Contract Manager/Users


1.0 Introduction and Purpose 3

2.0 Scope 3

3.0 Objective 3

4.0 References 3

5.0 Definitions 4

6.0 Responsibilities 4

7.0 Records 5

8.0 Working at Height Equipment 5

9.0 Avoidance of Working at Height by Design 7

10.0 Planning Working at Height Activities 8

11.0 Putting People to Work 9

12.0 Fitness for Work 10

13.0 Training and Competence 10

1.0  Introduction and Purpose

This procedure defines the process for all working at height and associated activities within the UK Powers Networks, ensuring that all work at height is justified on the basis of risk assessment.

This over-arching document is supported by a series of procedures covering the use of specific equipment to safely work at height.

2.0  Scope

This procedure applies to all working at height involving employees and contractors working on behalf of UK Power Networks in accordance with the requirements of the Work at Height (Amendment) Regulations 2007

Contractors must ensure and be able to demonstrate that they have procedures, monitoring and control processes in place to comply with the requirements of this procedure.

Work is considered to be at height if a person could be injured from falling, even if it is at or below ground level.

3.0  Objective

The objectives for this procedure are to ensure that work at height is:

·  avoided or designed out where reasonably practicable;

·  planned, the method used is fully justified and undertaken to a consistently high standard by trained operatives; and

·  Undertaken using approved and inspected equipment that is recorded on an asset register.

4.0  References

HSS 01 067a / Guidance when working at height in strong winds
HSS 01 123 / Safe Use of Mobile Elevated Work Platforms (MEWP)
HSS 01 112 / Safe Use of Prefabricated Low Level Access Equipment, Mobile Towers and Traditional Scaffolds
HSS 01 118 / Use of Ladders and Stepladders (Not for working on roofs or poles)
HSS 01 068 / Working and Climbing at Height on Wood Poles
HSS 01 107 / Working at Height on Lattice Steel Towers Including PB (Painter Brothers) Pole Lines
HSS 01 078 / Management of Work Equipment
HSS Handbook / Section 5 Working at Height
PMS 04 502 / Access to Roof Areas at Occupied Sites – Property Services
Relevant Generic Task Risk Assessments:
GRL-01 Use of Mobile Work Platforms
GRL-02 Use of Scaffold Erected by third parties, Use of Tower Scaffold (Owned or Hired)
GRL-04 Use of Step Ladders/Ladders
GRL-05 Climbing Wood Poles
GRL-06 Climbing Lattice Towers

5.0  Definitions

Working at Height (WAH) / Any situation where a risk of falling exists.
Working at Height Equipment / MEWPs, Tower Scaffolds and Podiums; Ladders, stepladders, hop-ups etc., all PPE to prevent falls e.g. harnesses, lanyards, rope systems, pole chokers, temporary anchor systems etc.
Equipment Inspector / Person with appropriate training and competence to undertake detailed inspection of WAH equipment, sufficiently independent & impartial to make objective decisions, with genuine authority to discard defective equipment, deemed as competent. May be an UK Power Networks employee or approved contractor.
Collective Protection / Equipment which protects more than one person e.g. MEWPs, Tower Scaffolds / Scaffolds etc.
Personal Fall Protection / Equipment that only protects the user/wearer e.g. work restraint systems which prevent falls and fall arrest which minimises the consequence of a fall.

6.0  Responsibilities

6.1 Directors are responsible for ensuring that:

·  sufficient resources are in place for adequate training of employees and inspectors;

·  appropriate approved equipment is available which is inspected, maintained and withdrawn in accordance with Section 8; and

·  a single asset database is used in accordance with HSS 01 078

6.2 People putting people to work at height (including Line Managers/Supervisors/Project Managers/Field Engineers) will ensure that:

·  work is planned, risk assessed and pre-visited to identify where working at height can be avoided and where it cannot that the most appropriate equipment is used;

·  where work is unplanned, that a full and comprehensive risk assessment is undertaken before work commences;

·  methods and equipment is justified on the On-site (Point of Work) Assessment; and

·  All requirements set out in Section 11 are met.

6.4 Designers are responsible for designing out the requirement to work at height so far as is reasonably practicable and documenting this process as part of the design risk assessment.

6.5 Employees and contractors working at height shall:

·  not circumvent or interfere with any safety measures provided to protect themselves or others against a fall from a height;

·  justify on the onsite (Point of Work) Assessment the method used to work at height;

·  visually inspect all equipment before use and ensure the equipment is used in accordance with the information, instruction and training given; and

·  Not use and immediately report any deficiency or defect in any equipment provided to the person in charge of the works.

·  not use equipment in windy conditions exceeding the guidance given in HSS 01 067a

6.6 Asset Register Administrators will maintain the asset register data in accordance with HSS 01 078.

6.7 Equipment Inspector(s) will undertake the statutory inspections. In addition the inspectors will withdraw or destroy damaged or faulty equipment and ensure the information is sent to the Asset Register Administrators for formal recording in accordance with HSS 01 078.

6.8 Specific Action Teams (SAT) are responsible for the assessment and evaluation of working at height equipment.

6.9 In-business HSS Advisors and Occupational Health are responsible for:

·  providing on-going advice and support on risk assessment and use of equipment;

·  monitoring performance via the Behavioural exchange process (HSS 01 050);

·  assisting the Head of Health & Safety in reviewing the process; and

·  Completing fitness for work assessments.

7.0  Records

Assessment Records and Approved Equipment List

The working at height equipment assessment records completed by the Specific Action Teams (SAT) will be retained in iCASS on the Equipment Assessment database in and the Approved Equipment List held on the HSS Manual in accordance with HSS 01 078 Management of Work Equipment.

8.0  Working at Height Equipment

The overall asset management process including inspection is summarised in Figure 1.

8.1 Selection and Assessment of Working at Height Equipment

All equipment must conform to BS EN standard or appropriate Technical Standards and be formally assessed to ensure it is suitable for the intended purpose and environment. The assessment and approval process is co-ordinated by the Specific Action Teams in accordance with HSS 01 078 Management of Work Equipment.

Assessments must be undertaken by persons experienced in the task and where appropriate manufacturers/suppliers and specialists to undertake ergonomic or vibration assessments will be involved. Prior to the assessment, hazards in both normal and abnormal operating conditions must be identified and suitable controls put in place which must be recorded on the Assessment Form or on an On-site (Point of Work) Assessment form.

Figure 1 Working at Height Asset Management Process

8.2 Statutory Inspection and Pre-Use Inspection

There are specific inspection requirements for working at height equipment as detailed below.

Working at Height Equipment / Pre-Use Check by User
(Visual Inspection) / Statutory Inspection by Competent Inspector / Confirmation of Statutory inspection /
Pre-Use Inspection Record
(HSS 01 123a) / YES
6 Monthly
(Undertaken by LOLER Specialists) / Certificate held with vehicle
and with Transport
Low Level Access Equipment & Mobile Towers / YES
Inspection Record (HSS 01 112a) by PASMA trained person & Scaftag / YES
6 Monthly
(Undertaken by PASMA trained person) / Record held on an Asset register
Ladders / Step-Ladders / YES / YES
6 Monthly / Ladder-Tag
Personal Equipment e.g. Lanyards /Harnesses etc. / YES / YES
6 Monthly
(Lanyards by LOLER Specialists) / Equipment Tag zip-tie

8.3 Maintenance, withdrawal and disposal of equipment

Any working at height equipment identified by the user or competent inspector as unfit for use shall be immediately withdrawn from service and labelled not fit for use.

Repairs and maintenance will be carried out by an approved competent person and subject to a statutory inspection by a competent inspector, independent from the person who performed the repair to confirm whether the equipment is fit for use before the item is returned to service. If irreparable it shall be destroyed. Details of destruction, repairs or maintenance shall be recorded on the asset register.

Equipment involved in an incident will be taken out of service immediately, labelled not fit for use and securely held until such times as it is not further required as part of any investigation, when it will be destroyed and the asset register data base updated.

8.4 Hired or 3rd Party Working at Height Equipment

No 3rd party equipment will be used by UK Power Networks employees, and no UK Power Networks equipment will be used by a 3rd party, without it being inspected by a trained person as being fit for use e.g. low level access equipment & mobile towers (PASMA) or an inspection certificate / Scaff-Tag for tower scaffolds.

All hired equipment including MEWP, low level access equipment & mobile towers, ladders etc. must be from an approved supplier and must conform to the standards set out in the specific equipment procedures (see section 4.0). In addition all hired equipment must be supplied with the relevant test certification.

9.0  Avoidance of Working at Height by Design

Designers must review the requirements for working at height as part of the design process and they must ensure that the requirement to work at height during construction, operation, maintenance and decommissioning is removed so far as is reasonably practicable.

If working at height is necessary the design must ensure good access and egress is afforded.

The justification for retaining the need work at height and the design provisions put in place to ensure appropriate protection must be documented as part of the design risk assessment.

10.0  Planning Working at Height Activities

Working at height will be avoided where possible. Where this is not possible, the hierarchy of control principles to reduce the level of risk must be followed:

·  Use of a Mobile Elevated Work Platform (MEWP);

·  Use of temporary access platform e.g. low level access equipment & mobile tower / scaffold;

·  Use Personal Access Equipment e.g. ladders and stepladders;

·  Use Personal Fall Protection Equipment e.g. when climbing wood poles/lattice towers.

Figure 2 below shows the overall working at height process.

All working at height work must be planned and fully risk assessed. Where an activity is un-planned e.g. faults a risk assessment must still be undertaken and documented on site and the equipment selected fully justified. Assessments which detail the hazards and required control measures for undertaking working at height using these controls are held in the Task Risk Assessment section of the HSS Manual.

The type of equipment selected will depend on a number of factors including access and egress, type of work, ground conditions as well as environmental conditions on the day.

Figure 3 shows the hierarchy and provides details of exceptional circumstances when use of that equipment may not be appropriate.

11.0  Putting People to Work

Those putting people to work must ensure that the individuals have:

·  undergone a Fitness for Work Assessment and are declared as being fit to Work at Height by Occupational Health;

·  received information on risks and required control measures;

·  the appropriate training in use of equipment e.g. Prefabricated Access Suppliers and Manufactures Association (PASMA), International Powered Access Federation (IPAF), including Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and emergency rescue and hold relevant competency certificates to Work at Height;

·  appropriate supervision appropriate to the risk and task of working at height;